I don't know what to make of this sketch...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ifthecoppertubes, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut


    I'm not familiar with the Daily Show. Parts of this video really look like a parody of sociological analysis, putting people on random boxes. But it also sounds like the guest is dead serious with his bullshit on masturbation...
  2. wait a minute! not masturbating reduces testosterone?! WHY THE FUCK DO THESE PEOPLE EXIST?!?!?!
    as i always say
    there are 2 types of people
    1.the people which fapping works for them
    2.the people which fapping DOESN'T WORK for them.
    cr7da8055 likes this.
  3. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    Nothing here can't be taken seriously of course. I found parts of it funny. But it sounds like the one arm guy actually believes the shit he's peddling: that masturbation prevents indoctrination, promotes feminism...
    This guy is either a great comedian or he has some real garbage to sell.
    Get_It likes this.
  4. idk man but this kinda looks like a little sketch made for fun and at the same time it looks like it is encouraging masturbation
  5. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I don't know what kind of hypocritical men promote feminism with one face and enjoy P with the other...

    There are some alt-right views on here occasionally, just like everywhere, but this is far from a right-wing movement.
  6. inb4 it turns out this guy is addicted to cuckhold/humiliation fetish shit and secretly hates himself for it

    Their pro-masturbation argument is that you should love yourself. But they fail to see that the whole point of NoFap is about loving yourself.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  7. Amen.
    It’s difficult to know where to begin with a video like that. While being a parody it subtly implied this inside the jest -> you are an extreme radical if you don’t consume porn or masturbate and you should know you are wrong for it and dumb.
    All of which are entirely lies. Anyone who has been a part of this community, at least, long enough almost unanimously arrives at the opposite conclusion. >Greater control over ones own self. More energy to achieve goals in life. Balance and peace of mind. Less lethargy. More appreciation for females. Less objectification. Happiness.
    The folly of masturbation and porn can’t be overemphasized enough by those of us who have seen life from the other side of it. . Those who are still so deeply imbedded in it simply cannot know, they’ve never seen life outside of the porn/masturbation lens and so they condemn it. They’re afraid and the money that flows behind it is afraid. Men and women recapturing their confidence and self empowerment isn’t profitable and when people begin knowing themselves they are no longer easily manipulated. It is that simple.
    cr7da8055 and ifthecoppertubes like this.
  8. William0381

    William0381 New Fapstronaut

    okey very nice
  9. Guys, masturbation is not the problem.
    Masturbating doesn't ruin your life. Just like a couple of beers a week don't ruin your life.
    We're addicts. There's a difference.
    FellatiousD and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Yeah that's a distinction that needs to be made. Masturbation is fine but when you get addicted to it, it becomes a problem. Porn, in my opinion, should not be normalized and it is usually more harmful than hurtful.

    Also, @Get_It, I didn't think you were alt right, I just thought you might like this thread.

    The video also said that No Nut November was created by the alt right for some nefarious reason - I forgot what they said. But even if it was, NNN is just a way of encouraging young men to try abstinence for a month. There's no harm in it, and in fact, it shows us a lot of us that we have issues with P and M.
  11. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Masturbation promotion with comedic twist makes me sick. Obviously masturbating doesnt cure stress. Love with a woman you care for is the only thing that releases oxytocin and reduces the stress hormones. Self-love does nothing but deplete the body's energy and screw with the brains neurotransmitters. There is still so much ignorance out there, that it's sad, sick, and makes me want to punch every idiot that claims masturbation is healthy.
  12. Actually, it's been reported multiple times that masturbation is healthy and can prevent prostate issues.
    It's also a natural habit and an integral part of adolescence and growth, through self-discovery.
    That fact that we are compulsive masturbators and turned it into an addiction is a whole different story.
    It's the same difference between people who are able to enjoy a glass of wine once in a while and alcoholics.
    Honestly, I think the best thing we can do is to be honest and admit that our addiction is mostly about us. And work on ourselves, instead of pointing fingers and make up narratives about how masturbation, even if used in a limited, non-compulsive way, is the devil.
    It's not. Our addiction is the devil.
    Also, it's comedy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2019
  13. This is comedy, =)
    Its a typical comedy bit about people doing add things and puts sex in there for no reason other than to be funny
    how can people take this seriously
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    I see your point. Although with this kind of comedy, the lines between comedy, journalistic commentary and political statement are awfully blurred... maybe to the point of disinformation.

    I for one find it difficult to spot when they are joking and when they are serious. And I believe I won't be the only one. Which might be a big problem given how uninformed people are in general with regards to the impact of pornography.
    From the point of view of the porn industry, they must be glad to see the lines so blurred and people like us caricatured.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019
  15. I don't feel offended by the sketch. I actually thought it was pretty funny.

    And quite frankly, they don't make fun about sex & porn addiction, but about the alt-right.

    So if you're that, you may have a reason to be upset about it (even if I think people need to lighten up and be more open to take themselves less seriously - it helps).

    Otherwise there's no reason for it. I'm not part of the alt-right. I'm not on here to become some supernazi-soldier.

    I'm here because I'm a sex and porn addict.
  16. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    I also see your point. But let's not forget that online pornography has changed the game completely! The books 'Brain on Porn' and 'The brain that changes itself' explain it very well.

    It's not busting a nut with your playboy magazine, or dreaming of Jessica, your neighbor in physics class whose hair smells so good...
    It's a constant stream of new, and inherently addictive content available to any kid with an internet connection, with possibly disastrous consequences for mental health.

    Of course it's comedy, but the daily show is also the source of 'news content' for many (especially young kids that don't know anything about brain plasticity, the Coolidge effect or even real life intimacy yet.. So it might be a case of comedy at a price: disinformation (which is the devil too).
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019
  17. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    To be clear, my main objection was the risk of *disinformation*. I'm here for the same reason you are.
    But I remember that I'm also here totally by accident.
    Personally, If I hadn't heard about nofap earlier and watched funny videos like this one instead, I believe my life today would be quite different (i.e. worse).
  18. I mentioned the easy availability of internet porn and how it changed things. But you also have to consider that not everybody gets a constant stream of that because not everybody spends as much time looking for porn as we did. The point I'm trying to make is that it's not all just the internet's fault. It's also us. And character traits we need to work on in order to overcome addiction.
    Otherwise we won't be much different from the people yelling at clouds.
    It's up to me to roll up my sleeves and turn my life around.
    ifthecoppertubes likes this.
  19. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    I agree with you totally,100%, yes and yes, copy paste.. It's personal journey, a personal fight. And I don't try to be the anti internet, anti porn Luddite either.

    But I'm also glad that people like Alex Rhodes, Norman Doidge and many others stepped out of their comfort zone to try spreading valid helpful information and create a support community like this one.. ..which is in many ways the opposite of this (funny I'll admit) sketch.

    Ok, I'll stop ranting now.
    Deleted Account likes this.