The NoFap Lawsuit

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Triplex VII, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. Triplex VII

    Triplex VII Fapstronaut

    Let me say first that I am not deeply educated about this whole topic. Keep that in mind as you read my thoughts. Here is what I say:

    The porn industry is the enemy to all who wish to see top life success and live their life to the fullest extent. Yet porn will never go away. It is an enterprise that is larger than we can imagine, and it is something that can never be silenced.

    HOWEVER, while this site is not at risk of being taken down, Alexander is in a struggle to defend his own honor, as well as ours by extension. Alexander is one man. One person. We are many. MANY. And even if he were to fall on the front lines, we will still stand strong in the face of this. You can discredit one man. You can cheat him or lie about him. But our voices are far louder than what Porn could ever hope to silence. We are so many that our stories cannot be denied, even if Alexander could be. So let us join together.

    Raise awareness. Post about your successes on social media platforms. Get your stories out there. You are all literal super heroes, saving people. You are hope to the broken, finders of the lost, shepherds to the way of truth and of success. And to those of us who are still in struggle - you are all beacons of hope and inspiration to everyone who shares the same problem. And without you all to relate with, share with, and walk beside, none of us would make it.

    So stand up, share you stories everywhere you can. Let it be known that this place we have here is a home for everyone in need of freedom from the blight that is pornography. That is a way we can help. We can offer up a chorus to be heard by all. Do not be afraid. We stand as One.
  2. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    This site it really awesome to help people who are in need of help. I can guarantee you that it has changed the lives of many men and women who struggled with the PMO addictions. To see this happen to the founder is not surprising, since many Governments are banning porn from their states or countries due to NoFap and other abstaining sites, which causes a huge loss of revenue for the porn sites. I really hope Alex beats the people who defamed him, since his creation of a site and his enlightenment has helped me out tremendously and I am living really well because of him and the site's information and helpful people who are on here.
    ARCEUS, Jay_K and (deleted member) like this.
  3. You know you're doing something right when the "fake sex" media is trying to take you down.
    ARCEUS, ThePeakWae, Jay_K and 5 others like this.
  4. Turtleboi

    Turtleboi Fapstronaut

    Imagine actually going through the effort to defame one person who isn't a rich dude when you're a billion dollar industry just because he's saying the right thing. The porn industry is absolutely pathetic and despicable.
    ThisDayOnly, Paranimmita and tidus like this.
  5. Hesychast

    Hesychast Fapstronaut

    I think the whole thing's ridiculous as well, and obviously has no basis in reality.

    I think it should be mentioned though, that we should be careful not to inadvertently hurt the case by discussing too in-depth, levelling accusations, hypothesising/speculating, and especially not brigading/doxxing/whatever. As horrible as it all is, I feel we should respect the statement made that NoFap/Alex can't/won't discuss the circumstances of the lawsuit (standard legal arjy barjy,) by making sure we stay within the same guidelines ourselves.

    From the release, for those who haven't read it:

    Whatever you do, don’t under any circumstance contact any of the individual(s) or organization(s) involved in the lawsuit, including defendant(s) or witnesses. However, you are welcome to send Alex and NoFap words of encouragement – and they’re greatly appreciated!
  6. Correct. The "fake sex media" are experts at deception and trickery. They'll do anything they can to divide this forum. Be on the lookout for false flags, bait threads, forum slides, and other COINTELPRO techniques. All for what? So young people can get hooked on their degeneracy?
    Paranimmita and Hesychast like this.
  7. Hesychast

    Hesychast Fapstronaut

    I love me a bit of conspiracy theory, hahah... I think that being on the lookout for trolls etc is a good idea, it more extends to any kind of alleged smear campaign- there are some seriously underhanded tactics used in trying to engineer a desired outcome.
    The best defense against this is to read carefully and with a critical mind. And on our part, to write carefully and think about how some things can be misinterpreted, such as jokes or sarcasm being misconstrued as threats (and then the post ends up on CNN).
  9. Hesychast

    Hesychast Fapstronaut

    Awesome, thanks for that resource... Are you open to titling that/making it a bit more prominent for others who read this? I think it's pretty important to know about, I mean, even in day-to-day operation this forum sees a lot of trolling/social engineering. Unfortunately the nature of the attention this kind of thing brings means that there will likely be an increase throughout the duration of the case.
  10. Good idea. I'll put it in the Off-Topic section.
    Hesychast likes this.
  11. This is why Alexander is going to win the Nofap lawsuit.

    To be convicted in a court of law you have to be guilty of something. In other words you need to have committed a criminal offence.
    One cannot press charges against immaterial ideas and beliefs. There's nothing Alexander is guilty of.

    Enter Wikipedia:

    "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which respect an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights."

    A just judge will abide by this constitutional principle. Any other verdict should be considered a direct attack on this First Amendment.
    Paranimmita likes this.
  12. This is what we all want to believe, but it is sadly not the case. I hope you realize how wrong you are.
  13. He's not the defendant. He's the plaintiff. The goal is to prove that the defendant is guilty of defamation.
    Paranimmita likes this.
  14. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    This is about dragging Alex through the mud - just taking up his time and resources does enough damage, plus some of the mud may stick in the longer term, so it doesn't really matter who wins or loses in the technical legal sense - it's fighting dirty in a war of attrition. For "you know who", it's a win no matter what happens.
  15. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    That reads like a psi-ops 101!
    dankestmemes likes this.
  16. "Looks like you had too much to think!"
  17. Exit the Matrix

    Exit the Matrix Fapstronaut

  18. Thank you, this is some mind blowing shit going on. I shudder to think of all the shit going on behind the scenes that we don't know about - all the money moving around and exchanging hands.
    letter and Paranimmita like this.
  19. An attack on Alex is an attack on all of us. The reason why we are here is because of Alex. To cross one ocean means to cross all the oceans.
    I donated what I could and hope to donate more. I hope Alex gets all the support he can get so he can win this, which will be a huge strength to us all and a defeat to the porn industry. Alex winning this will surely give more strength and momentum to the global movement in exposing pornography.