Advice Needed

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by MidnightOwl, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    Hi ,

    My partner is now on day 80 of no pm. He suffers from pied , dgs & de. He was addicted for 18 months. We've been having sex every couple of days or so , although he still can't get aroused by me touching him down there ( he can feel it ) & every now and then he's losing erections still. Which in turns upsets me & him. It is alot better than it was , 80 days ago he had no idea I was even touching him at all & couldn't maintain an erection. Is normal mode just not working for us?? And maybe hard mode is what's needed?? I get so upset still that theres no response from me touching him , he says in his head he's horny however his body is not saying the same. He's also getting exhausted quickly .

    I just want everything back to how it was & will do anything.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  2. Sante364

    Sante364 Fapstronaut

    Try hard mode for 30-60 days?
  3. Suk

    Suk Fapstronaut

    Hello I'm suffering through the same thing, i have PIED and a little PE. So i know what he's going through and it's completely normal. I have tried having sex with my SO too and in my head we are horny but we can't maintain an erection, it's a devastating feeling, like your dick is broken. I have watched porn for way long so i think you should try hardmode for 90days. No sex at all. Reason why you might not see changes are due to the fact that his brain can't rewire fast enough if you have sex with him as the dopamine levels won't come down after he orgasms. Soft mode isn't for us PIED people is what i think. I tried hard mode for a month, still couldn't have sex with my SO. Although please don't be upset as this is something that none of you are responsible for and with time will cure. I hope your partner recovers soon and you can have a great sexual life!
  4. blunt.ever

    blunt.ever Fapstronaut

    I have this problem too. After 5 years of masturbation, here are the negative effects. I regret with all my heart those years when I masturbated. That energy I could use more productive, and now being a virgin, I gave birth to a girl who wants to have sex with me. She does not know that I am a virgin, I am ashamed to tell her, because we are not together and I cancel it again and again, when I feel I feel ready to do it. But when ? When will my penis return to normal? Now I'm in the 10th day. How long do i wait? I hate porn movies and everything in this industry. It destroys so many lives ...
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  5. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    Thank you all , I have to ask though what exactly is making it not work by me touching him?? I've read & read until I'm literally going out of my mind & still just don't understand :( It really does hurt emotionally & it's so difficult not to take it personally.
    ifthecoppertubes likes this.
  6. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    Try thinking about it in terms of neural pathways, brain plasticity and so forth...

    The problems you're describing are the expressions of the damages made on the brain by all those hits of unhealthy dopamine released with PMO.
    His brain has been modified (warped up) so much that now even a healthy dopamine hit (your sensual touch) is not impacting the brain as it should.

    The solution might be, as experienced by many here, no dopamine hit at all -60 or 90 days in hardmode' -so as to fully leverage brain plasticity and reset his brain for good... So that you can both soon enjoy some good ol healthy sex.

    Try not to take it personally, take it 'scientifically'.
    Stay strong!!!
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
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  7. Suk

    Suk Fapstronaut

    i can completely get you, my SO thought that she couldn't turn me on so i didn't have an erection, but i knew that wasn't the case as i had erections before even when she touched me so i knew something was wrong with me and obviously not her. Every woman is beautiful and sexually attractive in their own way, please don't feel like your not enough, you are but it's porn that has ruined everything for us. So let me explain in a scientific way and you can research too. Porn is a super stimulus or a super turn on, I'm not sure what kind of porn your partner is into but I'm probably guessing something hardcore since he has PIED. So porn sends a super stimuli to our brain that your having sex with all these gorgeous fake girls you see. Real life sex and porn sex are different as it involves a lot kissing, caressing and other things so our brain doesn't receive the super stimuli it did from watching porn, so that's the reason why we won't get erect. Basically it's all about dopamine, this is the hormone that activates our reward center, and due to excessive porn and masturbation our reward center is overflowing with this dopamine, so no matter WHO THE GIRL IS, we won't be able to have penetrative sex. It's not you, it's his brain that's fucked up. So keep a record that he doesn't PMO at all and normally it takes 90days without PMO to heal, but varies from person to person, the longer he abused, the longer the recovery. Best of luck!
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  8. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    It was 18 months he was watching porn & into femdom at the end. He's an older man aged 43 , which I've read can be a good thing that he wasn't younger. He can now get an erection when 85 days ago he couldn't, he couldn't even feel anything. So it has got better to a certain extent. He still sometimes can't get an erection or loses it halfway through. And obviously me touching has very little effect atm. It truly is a heart wrenching thing to go through , I've been torn to pieces , I've not been quiet during this , probably argued and screamed way more than I should have & I know that must have caused issues in itself. He's extremely guilty about what he has done to me & himself & what he watched. And he's said he will never ever forgive himself for that. I have arranged private counselling for him & I'll find something for me when we can afford it. The nhs are rubbish for this kind of thing. They just handed him blue which he hasn't touched. We're both struggling with the thought of hard mode. After running nearly 90 days normal mode , I know another 90 days isn't long really but after 18 months of literally nothing , no intimacy at all. It scares the hell out of me.
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  9. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    4 things stand out to me in your post:

    1) He is 43;
    2) He was into femdom;
    3) He is starting to get better;
    4) He will not forgive himself.

    My thoughts:

    1) He may be getting up in age. Maybe he has a medical problem whereby medication, a change in diet or routine may be a better answer than trying hard-mode. Perhaps he should bring up the issue of his erection problems with a medical doctor.

    2) Femdom is a thought process of being dominated. Sex with a partner is equality - give and take (something he is not used to). His counselling should help change his mindset. That is a good start.

    3) Sex is not the be all and end all. You can be intimate by going out on a romantic walk, dinner or movie. Stroke his arm, let him pinch your butt. Hold hands. Kiss each other. Go to a spa together. When he is hard and ready to go, he will let you know and you will be ready for him. Try couples' therapy for more professional advice.

    4) He needs to forgive himself. (a) He is working so hard (b) He is taking responsibility for his past conduct. (c) He is not blaming you for his poor choices. Tell him that you are proud of him and if you have not done so already, tell him that you forgive him. You cannot change the past, but you together, can both change the future.
  10. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut


    He has seen the gp they tested his testosterone which came back fine and proceeded to give him the blue pills. Hes fairly fit as it is , however I have noticed he has been eating more junk food , ie crisps ect since stopping porn. Just always seems to looking for snacks when he never before.

    We do try to go out for walks but I'm disabled and in a wheelchair & its difficult to get out. Until I'm rehoused into a bungalow. So we do what we can here , massage , dinner ect.

    I'm hoping the counselling will help him through the stuff he has to get out , there is some past issues that he should have been given counselling for but it was never offered. And obviously watching my health decline cannot have been easy either.

    Its difficult for me to forgive & I know he's working hard. As you say it can't be undone & he truly is sorry. He's done nothing but cry since I found out which breaks my heart to see.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2019
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  11. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    If it's femdom porn there's a thread in my profile for getting rid of the addiction.
  12. Nicko Stretch

    Nicko Stretch Fapstronaut

    A couple of ideas to experiment with.
    Would your relationship be over if he could never get an erection again? If not, what would you do to strengthen and maintain your relationship?
    What are your beliefs around the importance of intercourse?
    The research shows that it is not orgasm or intercourse which makes a good intimate relationship, it is bonding activities.
    My wife and I are really lucky. We can do hot sex no problem, however we have both felt something missing. There was a barrier between us which meant we could not get really close.
    On close inspection (over a period of 4 years) we concluded it was hunting for the big O that threw the spanner in the works. I thought I needed to get her to O or she would leave me, she thought (and was probably right) that every intimate and affectionate action I took was to try and get more sex.
    So the change we have made is to put sex to one side for now and focus on all the other aspects of our relationship.
    For me this has been very illuminating. I have uncovered all sorts of unhelpful subconscious thinking patterns which were influencing my behaviour. I was unaware(or in denial) about how sexualised my thinking was throughout the day.
    We talk every night, reading my 'intimacy journal' to her and discussing the revelations and issues that arise.
    We are 78 days in and our relationship feels so much stronger than it did. We are starting to explore how we might feel being more sexually intimate and are both excited. It feels like we are teenagers again!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. ZORROW

    ZORROW Fapstronaut

    The 10 stages of rebooting.

    Stage 1
    : This is when we realize that masturbation is affecting our healthy negatively and we have a thought about quitting. However, after reading about the harmlessness theories of masturbation we are not so determined anymore, we think that masturbation in moderation should do us no harm. This is the very initial stage of rebooting which is characterized by ignorance and naivety. The result: failure!

    Stage 2: We gain a small understanding of the harmful effects of masturbation, but not a thorough understanding. The result: failure!

    Stage 3: We begin to study other peoples’ experience of rebooting and we try to break our rebooting record. Although we have managed to set a new record on the number of rebooting days we are still unable to break out of the vicious cycle. The result: failure!

    Stage 4: This is the confusion stage, after numerous failures, we start to doubt ourselves. At this stage, we are not putting in enough of a fight, no fight no victory! The result: failure.

    Stage 5: Our body gives out signals once again and it’s clear that our health has deteriorated. Once again we make up our minds to quit and rely helplessly on the brute force method without learning about the correct methods. The result: failure.

    Stage 6: We begin to see the harmlessness theory for what it is, that it only works to trick the “children”. This is when we experience a breakthrough in our way of thinking but we still fail to understand why we are unable to quit masturbation. The result: failure.

    Stage 7: This is the stage of understanding, gained from reading vast amounts of rebooting articles, we begin to acknowledge spiritual teachings (such as Buddhism) which helps to increase our determination tremendously, we break the 100-day streak. The result: still failure.

    Stage 8: The thorough cleansing stage, we are starting to cleanse ourselves both consciously and unconsciously. Once this idea has entered our subconscious we easily break the 200-day barrier. There may come one day when we are browsing the internet and have our guard down or we have been slack in our rebooting studies, we therefore stumble near the finishing line. The result: still failure.

    Stage 9: We are almost there now and have become even more careful, our understanding takes on another level. We are no longer affected by dirty thoughts, what we see do not enter our intentions, what other people sees and like we react with caution. We are steady in our heart even amidst rough winds of thoughts. We have discarded the habit of masturbation altogether.

    Stage 10: “Nothing to begin with, how can nothing stir the dust”. We have come to the highest stage where all things returns to simplicity, just as the “sweeping monk” from Jin Yong’s martial art novels. Great skill is hidden in plain site, this is only achieved by the Master. Tips: Everyone should be able to find their current stage in rebooting, just like in video games we have our levels, once we have reached that level success will come. If our level of understanding is not there we will have a hard time to quit masturbation, for a master there is no difficulty, while mastery is difficult to achieve for a layman. Hopefully, everyone will continue to study rebooting articles, the day when we find our “aha” moment is the day when we can walk away from masturbation for good. For the few bright people with keen minds, they are able to skip over stages just as a bright student is able to skip grades and the poor student will need to remain in the same grade.
  14. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut


    If I answered honestly , yes it would be over. The only issue with our relationship ( 12 years ) is the sexual side of things. For me intercourse has been the strongest bonding a couple can do , it's a closeness that you can't feel any other way. It's not specifically all about the O , its 2 people joining together. I'm doing something he couldn't, I am staying & waiting. This started because he couldn't wait or even ask me if I wanted to be intimate. While I got around my own health issues of losing my mobility & dealt with daily chronic pain. ( 4 prolapsed discs all at once & sepsis that nearly killed me ) And that makes me angry , I ultimately ended up being isolated & bedbound with not a single touch or kiss for nearly 2 years. ( the only ones to touch me were strangers giving me a wash - carers) And yes it does feel like a smack in the mouth that I now have to wait even longer , women have a ticking clock to. I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting or needing that closeness but I do. Isn't that what relationships are?? If one is poorly then the other helps & waits?? I certainly would do , if it was a medical reason I'd totally accept it. But it wasn't , he did this to himself & never once asked me a single thing and for me personally took 2 years of my sex life & emotional well being away. I felt dead & suicidal by this august with no idea why.. until the end of august when I found out. But despite this during those years I never stopped loving him or trying to get any closeness.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. To me it's the same! My wife thinks overwise, even though we have sex pretty much every night and have been together 10 years, it's always me who initiates it and has the higher sex drive.

    Sometimes she would rather cuddle and watch a film, which I enjoy doing too, but I am a man with needs and urges, and although she goes along and keeps me happy I just wish she'd show some initiative and be spontaneous sometimes.

    We used to watch porn together, which was a real turn on for me, and she did used to make more of an effort for sex, but these days it seems like I'm the one making all the effort! (She was diagnosed with MS this year though, early stages which might have something to do with it!)
    MidnightOwl likes this.
  16. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    I get how she feels , I have something similar to ms , & she maybe just trying to get her head around it. If it comes with pain its alot to process , along with all the pills they shove in your face. I'm on fentanyl and several other opiates. And they strip quite a bit from you but it does come back. I watched many many films , I'd of loved a cuddle during those times. It makes you still feel wanted & loved. My partner chose the xbox and if I mentioned a film he'd be asleep within 5 minutes. There isn't alot else to do while your feeling horrible about yourself and wondering where your future Is heading. ( with regards to health ) especially if you can't get out of the house. I've never watched porn with a partner, it's not something I felt I needed in my life. I've always been busy with children. I had 4 by the time I was 22 , they're obviously all adults now. But I've always been highly sexual , except those few months I'd been at my worst. If your wife asks for a cuddle please just do it , watch the film you've watched a thousand times :) Its the little things to
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Thank you, I think this is why we still have lots of sex, because we always cuddle & watch films, I give her back & foot massages and (not always) expecting sex she knows I go a long way for her to make her happy and loved.

    Our porn watching together was something that only happened in last few years, it got a bit much when we both had fantasies of Bi threesomes with people we had been talking to on certain sites, and uploading pics & videos. We've put a stop to that now, as it kills intimacy. NoFap is the right path for us.

    Tell your husband to ditch the Xbox and porn! I wasted my teenage years playing video games, masterbating & being shy. All those wasted years of being a loner! Didn't loose my virginity until I was 20...sad I know! Which is why I love and appreciate my wife now. (She came onto me in the beginning, I was really shy!)

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2019
    MidnightOwl likes this.
  18. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    I feel Nofap is something I've been thrown into , I think it would have been so much easier to accept had it been a joint decision. However having pied & dgs doesn't make that mutual. It was a total lack of communication on his side , I literally tried everything this last year from even putting his hands on me to sexy birthday cards and still zilch. He still somehow didn't think I wanted him. I know he doesn't like his body , I've told him many times i do like it.. alot :) Things have got better & I see that in normal mode. What I was faced with on the 23rd of august was just horrific, what he had done was like it was another man's parts. Swollen , shrunk ect & i read about how some men have been fapping for years and think how the hell did he get to that point in 18 months. That's a short time in comparison to many.

    I feel bad for complaining, bad for feeling when he's tried his best that I still feel not quite satisfied. I've never even been one to 'sort myself out" either . As I feel it's a 2 way thing while in a relationship.

    I'm so pleased you still give her the affection she needs , my husband is working on it :)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.

  19. Similar situation to your husband, I suddenly started developing minor ED problems last November; before I even discovered NoFap I was trying to quit porn of my own accord. My erections started becoming less firm and I panicked. Doctor did tests, told me it was in my head and that everything 'is working like clockwork'. I did my research and found out it was PMO that was messing my head up!

    Of ocurse we still have lots of great sex, but I want my rock hard erections back, they're about 70-80% of what they're meant to be - had NO issues down there before last November! It happened so suddenly, but it was a wake up call! I should have quit porn when I met my wife, but it's like a bad habit that stuck around unfortunately :(

    Just glad I discovered NoFap now!!
    Poland and MidnightOwl like this.
  20. MidnightOwl

    MidnightOwl Fapstronaut

    I think that's what happened to my husband , he did say once he couldn't get it up to p & just took it as he was having an off day & thought no more of it. Had no idea what had happened in such a short amount of time but because p worked then it was a ok. Wasn't until August when I attempted to initiate again that he literally felt nothing did he know something was seriously wrong. Hadn't even noticed it was swollen. Or maybe he did & chose to ignore it. Were at 86 days now. And he's still losing erections midway or sometimes not at all.

    I won't lie , I was a bit miffed when he woke me up yesterday for sex and it died within 5 minutes. ( it was a distraction of the phone beeping ) Yet he did try and i know it must be difficult for a man to go through that.
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