Women's Clothing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by EXPONENTIALLY, Jan 15, 2019.


    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    You have the right to feel that way. If you don't like the thread, ignore it.

    But you're the only one spitting "inflammatory" stuff here, completely disrespecting me, because of your pricked conscience maybe that I wasn't seeking, especially as you stated when I'm in the off-topic section.

    This thread is from an objective fact that I saw in my immediate reality that really shocked me, it has nothing to do with provoking women.

    And I would hate to be a 'creep' stalking women sections.
  2. KiraNightly

    KiraNightly New Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree that girls dress provocatively nowadays. It feels like they have no parents to teach them culture or just no culture. Or is it some kind of protest "I'm an adult and I dress as I want." As for me, I try to choose for myself stylish beautiful clothes. I like the way girls and women dressed generations ago. Because it is very beautiful and feminine.
    So, I choose for myself two styles of clothing: casual (uniqlo) and elegant (Lily Lulu fashion). I wear casual when I'm at home or just walking in the park. And fashion clothes, if I go to a holiday or meet with friends for a cup of coffee. There are also short dresses with open neckline there, but I choose longer and without an open neckline. I want to be interesting woman, not like a " read book."
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Purity Power and recon117 like this.
  3. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    "If not for sale, don't advertise" isn't it true ?

    Well I think women are eager to get married because their biology is more reliant on the couple to get by in life, especially for social status. But still, you can attract good men without all that disguise..
  4. I'm not advertising anything. Women are not walking advertisements. They aren't trying to sell you anything by wearing clothes they like.

    K, first of all, this is idiotic. Women are just as capable of being single and happy as men. And in my personal experience, most men I've met become pretty dang dependent on their wives for everything the minute they get married.

    Wearing clothes I enjoy is equivalent to wearing a "disguise"? That's almost as idiotic as your previous statement. If you decide to put on a nice suit, because it makes you feel good and confident, are you now wearing a disguise? No. You're wearing clothes, just like women. This is so freaking dumb.

    Honestly, men, get over yourselves and stop acting like everything women do is for your attention. I hate to break it to you, but we actually have much better things to do with our time and energy than worry about what some random dude thinks of our makeup and clothes. Life isn't all about you. Nobody asked for your opinion.
  5. Really? I think nearly everyone wants to impress others and especially the opposite gender. Those who say or think they don't just suppressed that desire not to be disappointed anymore imo.

    I can frankly say that there's a small but vocal part of my brain that wants to impress YOU just because you're a girl despite the fact I don't know you, I don't know how you look and the probability we'll ever meet irl is zero.

    I'd be surprised if women were different in this.

    OH NO



    oh no :D

    But you don't judge, sweet lady, I forgot. I'm so idiotic and dumb I guess.
    Purity Power likes this.
  7. what kind of connotations? Can you give an example
  8. Ok, well, that's your opinion, but it's not true. I'm already happily married. I have no reason to dress to impress or attract men. Men thinking that women choose all their clothing and makeup and everything just for them, is so unbelievably arrogant. It's not about you.

    You're taking my statement to the extreme. I never said women have zero inclination to try to impress men. I said that that's not the reason we do freaking everything, which is what so many men in this thread are acting like. They're acting like the lives of women completely revolve around wondering what men think of us and trying to impress them and attract them. That's just not true at all, and it's incredibly insulting.

    (To be clear, I don't think you are acting like that. I have no problem with your comment.)

    Honestly, I choose outfits based on what I think my female friends will like WAY more often than what I think men will like. I think, "oh, I'm seeing Kacie today! I think she would like this new sweater I got, so I'll wear it today so I can show her." If I'm going out to hang out with friends, there several factors that go into choosing an outfit:

    1. Comfort (this is #1 for a reason, although I admit it wasn't always my number one priority... marriage changes things)

    2. What do I like and what image do I want to portray? I enjoy a lot of TV shows, and most of my shirts are t-shirts with some kind of funny quote or inside joke reference to the shows I love. I like wearing stuff like this because it's fun to run into other people who like the same things.

    3. What looks good on me? Sure, of course that's a factor. But it's not all about attracting men. It's also about just feeling good and enjoying the way I look.

    And also, I think it's important to note that we all want to attract people, in general. Not just people of the opposite sex. We want to be approachable, kind, confident, etc, not just to attract a mate, but friends as well.

    4. Other practicalities: weather, if I'm gonna be around kids that might have dirty hands I might not want to wear a white shirt, etc.

    5. Modesty: if I'm going to my marriage group, where I'll be hanging out with a bunch of Christian married men, I'm not going to wear something super tight or short or low-cut.

    I'm not saying the desire to attract men is completely non-existent. It's still there, even being married. But some dudes here are acting like that's the only reason women do anything. That's what drives me crazy, because it's so insulting. Women are human beings with a variety of thoughts, feelings, and interests. I don't assume every guy wearing a tailored suit is doing so because he's desperate to attract a woman. I would think maybe he has a job interview or some important event he's going to, or maybe he just likes dressing that way because it makes him feel confident, or maybe he just got off work.

    I just think it's pretty arrogant to look at every person of the opposite sex around you and think that they chose their outfit that morning soley to attract or impress YOU. I can't imagine walking through life thinking that every man thinks my opinion of his outfit is that important, and that's the only reason he picked his clothes out that morning.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2019
  9. I will say, though, in thinking about the clothes I own, I would say my subconscious desire to attract men manifests differently than I would think. When I picture a woman dressing to attract men, I picture high heels, lots of makeup, perfect hair, low cut top, tight stuff that shows off your curves, etc. Which is just not me at all. I very very rarely dress like that, even before I was married.

    But, that being said, I suppose there is a part of me that wants to attract the type of men I like, which is mostly kind of nerdy dudes. Like I said above, I like to wear shirts that have something to do with a show or movie or band I like, which i suppose could be IN PART to attract guys who might think that's cool.

    But the point is that it's a very small part, not the entire reason I make all my life choices. Because as hard as it is for some guys here to believe, my life does not revolve around the opinions of men.

    And also, not to brag, but with my body I could definitely attract a lot more men if I dressed differently. So if my sole goal is to attract men, I'm doing a pretty bad job of it by wearing barely any makeup (a lot of times none), sweat pants, and a loose t-shirt everywhere I go. If I was really that interested in attracting men, I just quite simply would NOT dress the way I do, at all.
  10. I know, right? I usually shop at yard sales and thrift shops, but for my t-shirts (I call them my fandom shirts lol) I mostly have to go to hot topic, which is so expensive.

    Just got this shirt for Christmas though. I'm excited to wear it today :p

  11. We live in a crazy world, don't we? What about making our brains sharper and just being able to see people for who they are not for how they look like. Not saying we should sort people
    I just LOVE how this gets ignored since I made the point.
  12. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    i don’t agree with that view. Looking good feels good, even if you don’t go out.
    Why do you think girls put nails polish on their feet ? It’s not everything about seduction and showing off.

    i haven’t read the whole thread but I’m not really affected by how girls dress in public. In my country (France) not many girl are dressing provocatively unless you go clubbing late at night. And sure, sometime it can be too much but I don’t see it as a problem.

    I don’t like when people say the way a girl dress is an invitation, sure it can be arrousing, but we are not animals and we have to control ourselves in this situation.
    But then again, I never was much affected by that in the first place.
  13. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Ok, but why taking the risk though ? Expecting tolerance for a provocative or suggestive attitude like showing off your cleavage which has physiological repercussions on the opposite sex even kids, is like messing with their mind and peace. Another French clothing line is called "Tap à l'oeil" (meaning "striking the eye"). And it's only clothes, but why painting your face then ? Men don't do it (despite maybe an EXCEPTION percentage to the rule). Why wearing heels (noisy most of the time), push up bras, fake hair, super tight fashion, toxic perfume, etc. ? You take an actual "hooker" on the streets at night and then you take a girl with all the artillery mentionned above and you have zero difference except one is taking full charge of herself not playing a hypocritical politically correct feminist game to get by using trickery surfing on rationalized immorality. I'm not calling anyone a hooker but if you dress like one then it's because you identify more or less with one, btw I think it's a disgusting profession based on manipulation of men's physiology again. Just because you water down your wine, doesn't mean you drink super fresh clean water, it's the exact same amount of wine. I personally can dress like a business man, and I am very interested in finance, business and investment, even tax laws and such. When I go to my current job, I dress for it. We clothe ourselves because of others in the first place, to not be ashamed of our nakedness. So I mean why women are so at ease with showing skin and their shapes (much more than men) unashamed ? I think they try to rebel more and more against that inner conscience which has the healthy moral emergency brake, for some reason, maybe hatred for men falsely promotted or such, which is just silly and sad. Anyway!

    And also: you all say "I dress to feel good as a person, NOT to please others" basically. Alright, but you actually dress like every woman in the city, same type of suggestive fashion more or less, maybe with some little features, but still in that same eye catchy group. When a woman who would dress modestly with a long beautiful dress not showing her cleavage, she would be outballed and probably bullied by other women, because women are more conformist and easy to deceive, it's shown in the scriptures as well lol.

    But I know what I know, don't want to waste time entertaining the logical fallacy of incorrect opinions. Blessings
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
    muhagg likes this.
  14. Excuse you? How in the hell do you know how I dress?

    This is complete and utter bullshit, and you need to STOP using God to excuse your sexism. The scriptures show no such thing. You are just a misogynistic person. That has nothing to do with God, or his word, so leave Him out of it.

    And I have absolutely never in my vast life experience seen a girl bullying another girl for being modest. That doesn't happen. You're pulling crap out of your butt now, and saying God told you so.
  15. I'm just flabbergasted by the stupidity of this comment. I just said I wear primarily sweat pants and loose tshirts, and that's somehow still suggestive to you? You just prove the fact that women can never do anything right in the eyes of men like you. We could walk down the street in a burlap sack or a burka and still be sluts who are just begging for male attention in your eyes. Boy, bye.
  16. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    It's not about you only, I didn't target you it's a way of saying things in general. It would be very easy for me to say you're an entitled blabla like you like to accuse me based on my words, but let's FOCUS on the subject rather than the messenger who is a flawed dirty good for nothing sinner, women in general and how they dress is the subject, not you personally or any woman personally, but women for the vast majority today who dress with that harmful artillery of seduction and its repercussions is the subject, what are your thoughts on that very subject, any solutions or experience with it to share ? Let's not shift from speaking on the subject to attacking the speakers, it's dumb animalistic behaviour... and it's not because YOU never saw anything like that in YOUR life that it is the absolute truth for everybody else.

    Yes, Genesis, Timothy, Proverbs to name a few, God made the woman after man from man for man at first, God even had the idea of creating her to ease the loneliness of man, Eve sinned first seduced by the devil whereas Adam chose to die with her in sin (Timothy). But Paul says in the end of 1 Corinthians 7 that a single woman is perfectly fine just like a single man, and it will be a good thing, happier somehow considering an eventual worldly distress. And Proverbs like 7, 5, 31, contain advice about women. "She who liveth in pleasures [toxic and sick ones I believe...] is dead while she liveth" in Timothy as well. Haha "mysoginestic" or "sexist" ok as you wish. Aren't you the one who says don't judge ? And what's with the filthy cussing, what honour or respect are you showing here either to me as a person or God ? You have the right to feel that way and it's absurd for me to continue it seems. The Bible says "I suffer not any woman to usurp authority over the man" as well. I'm not lying I tell it like it is and offer solutions hopefully. This is why it's dumb for me to entertain pointless debate around obvious things. Matter of fact, to reply to your judgement on me, I will quote your own words in the thread about helping incels: "There is a MASSIVE difference between "hate" and holding someone accountable for their actions. There is also a huge difference between showing love to someone, and dismissing their actions. In fact, dismissing someone's actions is NOT loving." I agree, I will add, with meekness and fear or charity, sincere longsuffering as well which is crucial perhaps. Check out the word MISANDRY as well =) God bless you

    And my humble solution for women is to buy some kurti or from Christian specialized dress stores, brands specializing in modest beautiful apparel. That's what I would suggest !
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  17. Yeah, I'm aware of that, and that's the problem. Women are all incredibly different, and your generalizations are false. I've met way more women who don't dress the way you are talking about, than ones who do.

    Nobody cares what you suggest. God doesn't think my sweatpants and tshirts are too "suggestive." I'm good.
  18. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    It's like women are the definition of irony.

    They keep complaining everyday about how the bad evil men see and treat them as sexual objects, while at the same time they depend completely on arousing men's sexual desires to get what they want and gain respect and value.

    "Feminism is about equality", yeah bullshit.
    Purity Power and DaveyCrockett like this.
  19. Feminism now is bullshit indeed. It used to be normal until equality meant more equal. I want see feminists now be thrown out 1000 years ago and see how world was working and stop complaining about little problems of now. Same applies to men.
    Purity Power likes this.
  20. Well, women can indeed be really strong. Single mothers, women in politics, leaders of countries. But yes, the ones that just cry about problem that... Really doesn't exist or isn't as bad as it's told to be, they are just wasting their time.