I'm tired of this

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. Im 469 days in, every night i wake up and i have a massive boner, i have to walk in my rom for 5 minutes to make it go away, pee, then i can sleep again.

    fuck this sexual frustration, when the fuck does it o away? do all this effort to be asexual and im still so far way from it? when do boners stop? when do wet dreams stop? when???

    im so angry at how i do all this effort and i have this shitty useless male body to hold me back. fuck my body and fuck destiny tbh.
  2. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    They will never stop. Until, at least, 40. Asexuals mostly have real libido problems. I don't know any asexual, who was able to follow this idea with full, normal libido.
  3. maz20

    maz20 Fapstronaut

    Well, not to sound heretical against NoFap, but it's "not for everyone". Technically as biological organisms and as part of nature, we're meant to (and should) seek/pursue/have regular sex. When things get in the way of that, some guys turn to fap/PMO. So, you have this movement called "NoFap" to get guys away from fap/PMO and back to seeking/pursuing/having regular sex (you get it).

    Great! : ) So what's the problem then??? If you pardon my rather casual explanation ;),
    Taking away fap/PMO is kind of like taking away video games from some kid "so they'll do their homework". Well, in reality, they could then just say, "Fine!! I'll just go watch TV instead!" Ok, so you take away all electronic devices -- well fine, maybe they'll just go start drawing random things or cartoons or whatever in whatever notebook/workbook they're supposed to be writing/doing their homework in!!

    So that's basically the issue with NoFap. If the fundamental problem is a guy not acting on natural sexual attraction (i.e. not seeking/pursuing/having/etc/etc... regular sex, not being much of a "guy" (haha!)), NoFap will likely only make them more frustrated. In other words, NoFap, probably depending on the person, can be either great or just a straight shot to flatline (i.e., disposing of the argument that "NoFap would somehow build enough libido to overcome this", and/or similar arguments...)

    *Edit: that latter case (i.e., flatline) is IMO an indicator of things beyond the capabilities of NoFap to resolve (& also irrelevant, at that point, whether one faps or not lol)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  4. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    It's sounds logical, but problem with fap and porn that they also affecting other spheres of life. So, even if you don't want to have sexual behavior and choose porn, it will not just remove problem of wanting sex. You will have less energy for guitar, for example. That's for me was a huge motivator about all spheres of art and my life. I don't really care much that I will start to seek random sex again.
  5. ok, i can wait 20 years.
  6. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    You must also eat not healthy food.
  7. its not a blakc and white think. i dont think nofap is helathy either its just that fapping in some cases is a lot more unhealthy. it s achoice between bad and worse honestly.

    i disagree. pursing women is a form of assualt. men who get laid do so because women made the first move and made it very clear that they wanted their veniny dicks in their contaminated pussies
  8. we will see about that.

    its not so much shame as it is a a very sane and logical deduction.

    yeah i agree but at least i can try to be so. the point of life is to work on things we can do no matter how hard it is and make the best choices or ourselves. i have no gain from my sexuality so i try to cast it aside. its the best i can do, not te best in general but the best i can do.
  9. why not?
  10. why less energy?
  11. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    I meant to eat unhealthy food

    It will go to produce sperm also because of hormones. I may be not right on medical part, but when went nofap I felt big energy boost. Maybe it's also depends on age. U was around 22 when you stopped to fap. Maybe it was less noticable back then.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  12. yeah i do have an energy boost tbh tbh
  13. 0ffset_

    0ffset_ Fapstronaut

    It can be the sleep position you’re in. don’t sleep on your stomach sleep on your side or back also pee before you go to bed if you have too pee in the night set a alarm on the time you’re normally have a wet dream
  14. maz20

    maz20 Fapstronaut

    It's not assault, it's called nature and biology ;)
    Not really, it's your prerogative as a guy to make the first move (and lead!)
    Lol sounds like some anti-male sentiment here with the "dick"-comment haha XD
    Also I'd suggest the women who would make the first moves here would relatively more likely be the contaminated ones lol
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019