We cannot stop compulsiveness due to PORN!!!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. I strongly believe it's only because of porn ,we are fapping frequently.Just imagine if there was no porn,there would not be any pmo addiction,no more guilts.

    The main problem with watching porn is the brain rewires itself.With every masturbation session,the grooves in the brain are made deeper.Basically imagine you are watering a plant and it is growing everyday and continues to grow for many years.Imagine how difficult it would be to pull out or cut that tree.That is what every session of porn and masturbation does to our mind.
    Why can't we stop it?
    Because our reward centers are fucked.Thry have realised that in order to feel good,porn is enough so we don't feel any excitement in other areas of our life whether it is our career or social or personal life.

    But once we stop using porn,over a course of time,usually within weeks ,our reward system starts to heal.We start appreciating and enjoying various aspects life has to offer.

    But this freedom comes at a huge cost.For people who have been addicted to masturbation since years,this freedom will come only after a big sacrifice.And this sacrifice is extremely practical in nature.I am talking about all the digital devices you see around you.Your whole reward system is fucked because of these devices.Our entire psychological stability has been lost.Our smartphones,our laptops,our pcs have made us highly numb.

    So for those people who want serious change and want to see immediate output,I request you guys please give up your smartphones.I am not against any technology.But we need to understand that we have to sacrifice otherwise change would be very difficult.Please install blockers or give up these smartphone for a flip phone.I have been advocating the use of filters and flip phones in every post that I see where people are suffering because it has worked for me.I experienced true happiness when I went for 24 days nofap.It was only possible because I gave up my smartphone.It was one of the best experiences of my life.So try it and let everyone here know how giving up smartphones has improved your life.

  2. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Its not porn, but the kimd of porn you watch. Porn that has men in it, even if its pov, messes you up
    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  3. Any form of porn which arouses you and gets you to feel good will become addictive if you keep watching it and masturbate and slowly hours turn to days,days turn to months and months to years and after a few years we realise that pmo has become an integral part of ourselves.This is the basic nature of every addiction.The addiction becomes so severe that when we take away the triggers,the person experience s withdrawal symptoms.

    Unfortunately due to availability of free porn,even if we want to change,the brain brings us right back on the cycle.

    Cutting off the triggers(smartphone) is equivalent to stopping the watering of the tree which had grown over the years.
  4. GuitarAfficionado

    GuitarAfficionado Fapstronaut

    I agree, and disagree.

    First, don't blame porn. I know it sounds harsh, but don't shift the responsibility of the choices you make to external factors.

    Second, giving up smartphones, PCs, internet or putting up lots of walls won't make you quit. To some extent, we NEED smartphones or PCs to work. There's no use to go live in a cave if you crave and want porn with all your might, you will just go crazy.

    Third: all our challenges, all of our messes and shortcomings have a purpose. I would not be half of the man I am today without my former porn addiction. Sounds weird, but think about it for a sec! Porn addiction got me in the habit of reading and seeking knowledge to solve my problems, which got me not only to almost a 1 year clean but to a lot of other personal and professional achievements.

    Freedom, to me, is being able to pick up my smartphone alone before bed, even if I am feeling horny, and not having a single thought about porn crossing my mind. It is being able to open my browser and do things that make my life and my career skyrocket. It is not even thinking about porn in any situation, that is freedom for me. But I guess it varies from person to person.

    Hope it helps.
  5. Compiler

    Compiler Fapstronaut

    In today's society is not feasible, also what if someone is into tecnology ? Do they have to give up everything for this and find interests that don't involve it ? That sound a lot like what my parent used to told me about my every single hobby that didn't involve finding a girlfriend, and that for sure didn't help, negate what you are out of fear ain't gonna work.

    Learn instead what porn does to you and use that to go fight back the urges, i post as a someone with a 54 day streak that never stopped to play videogames, have a stable work and is attending university.
  6. Regarding the first point,if the addiction was a matter of choice then most people would not be posting on this site. Saying addiction is a choice is like saying that when you place cocaine infront of a heavily cocaine addicted person and expect them to not take it. Chances are ,if they are a heavy user and have not gone even a week without cocaine ,they would definitely use it.

    Regarding the second point,I totally agree that we cannot give up smartphones but we can definitely use filters which would help us immensely.The use of filters may be temporary or permanent depending on the level and severity of addiction. But I would highly recommend a minimum 21 days period of filtering of content. For those people who can afford to give up their smartphones,I would say go ahead and get one of those button phones.

    I totally agree with the third point. Seeing positivity in every challenge is a must.

    A lot of people don't experience the level of freedom that you are talking about. Their brains have been so much addicted to porn that before bed, automatically the tabs are opened and porn is viewed which then propels them to masturbate.Very few people are capable of breaking this cycle only through willpower.For others,I would highly recommend the use of filters provided replacing the pmo session with new habits is not working.
  7. The addiction varies from people to people. For you like you said,when you read the detremental effects of porn,you stopped it.But for some people,even when they read all the negative effects,they are unable to stop.That is why you see so many relapse posts.Even when people know the negatives,they still use it ,not because they want to,but because their brains cannot handle going without porn.The grooves in the brain are very deep.

    For those people in the tech world,I would recommend a little use of filters. Surely you can find ways to work and won't need to give up any device with the help of filters.
  8. Compiler

    Compiler Fapstronaut

    You know the problem of filters ? You set them up and you can dismantle them easily, they can help to give you a second of reflection when you are deactivating them and if that's enough for you that's good, but they never worked for me.

    Then of course if you are in a situation where you can't even get more of a couple of days PMO free then a period of complete abstinence can help to put things into perspective, but if you are at that level chances are that you need the help of a professional to disentangle the real problems of your life, because they are the real deal and PMO probably was only a way to escape from them.
  9. Let me give you details on the filters which I found best.Where there's a will,there is a way.

    For computer ,whether it's windows or iOS,I would advice Kaspersky parental control.It is one of the best filters I have come across.

    For smartphones,qustodio,Kaspersky safe kids,eset parental control,google family link are some of the best ones.Spin safe browser can be used and you can block other browsers.

    You might be right about the pmo addiction stemming from a deep rooted problem but remember most people are ashamed of their addiction and might not want to seek professional help.Mayne they are afraid because of their religious principles.So the best alternative is to take away the cause of their problems,i.e porn.Filters are one of the best ways of doing that.
  10. Compiler

    Compiler Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, but fortunately i don't need them for now :)

    I agree with the last paragraph, that's a more honest perspective of the problem than your first post, of course if your aim was to help those with bigger problem then the first post was mostly fine, but i still advocate that having a purpose will work better than a filter (i might biased because when i decided to quit PMO i already had a purpose).
  11. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut

    Putting lots of walls so that ou don't go watch porn actually won't work for a lot of ppl (me included). Yes it might work for some.

    Because you can abstain from PMO but deep down you still have the desire and once you have a chance you will relapse. And that exactly what happened to me.

    I tried this strategy which is adding blockers and I also used an old cell phone (No internet connection in it), But guess what? once I did that I felt that I'm deprived from sth and I did find another smartphone and went back to the PMO cycle. So I did every thing to break the walls and no matter how many walls you put, you will find a way to watch porn if you have the desire deep down.

    What worked for me was that I informed my brain that yes porn is not going any where (tricking it so that it does not freak out and just push me to PMO) And changed my daily routine, eliminate free time as much as possible and having a goal or some kind of project that I loved that I worked on everyday.

    It worked but I relapsed and that was because I did not continue working hard after 6 month, I just thought it was finally over and I overcame that addiction. But it's really really hard and requires studying your life and recording every single thing and doing so many things and trying out so many strategies. I'm still trying to find the best recipe that works!
  12. I agree that only setting up filters and sitting idle is not a solution.We need to form new habits.I think filters provide us a mental security that we cannot access porn any way and the brain starts focussing on other areas of life and slowly these new routines turn into new habits and after a month or two,our habit system has completely changed.

    Porn is like a stimuli.Cutting off the stimuli won't heal the damage.But knowing that there is no more stimuli,we can work towards healing ourselves.I am saying this because the filters have worked for me.But I guess it varies from person to person.Whatever works for you,you go with that.
  13. GuitarAfficionado

    GuitarAfficionado Fapstronaut

    Yep, I know. I used porn since 12 years old and started fighting it at 19. I was heavily addicted to porn between 2010 and 2013, and it also took me almost 7 years to learn about all the processes and to be able to come on top of it.

    Maybe you got my sentence wrong, but I never said addiction is a choice. My point is that if you choose to act on it, then that's your choice. Don't take it away and put it on others, on the industry, or whatever. It is designed to trap us just like cigars and alcohol, but it is our ultimate choice to do it or not. You phrase many things on the first post as if you were 'obligated' to PMO or as if some external force made you do it. That's victim mentality, and if what I said came out harshier than expected, I was just trying to raise your awareness to this.

    We can't beat addiction (or triumph in anything in life) with a victim mindset.

    Also, we can't treat this as other addictions (if you're an alcoholic don't go to the bar and things like that) because internet is EVERYWHERE and life without it is kinda impossible if you don't live in the middle of the jungle.

    So discipline and commitment is needed to start, bit by bit. You probably heard it a million times, but small things like not bringing your smartphone to the bed (or the bathroom), then start cutting on other behaviors while being aware of the triggers. That's my 2 cents.