Last year I fapped for 26h 20min, what would you do if you had those hours back?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. Do you think that it's too much? What you would do if you had those 26 hours back?


    Before you ask: yes I track every minute of my life.
    Dark Knight Rising likes this.
  2. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    Spike in November. Are you in college? I beat off like a mad man during exam week to deal with that test anxiety lol.

    26 hours a year... i mean, I went out on my birthday and had quite a few beers, got super wasted. I woke up with a dreadful hangover and spent an entire day nursing it. So that's probably 16 waking hours lost right there. If you think about it, there's quite a few cool things in 24 hours but you're not going to accomplish something long-term and extraordinary like learning a new skill or writing a novel.

    I wouldn't really care one way or another if that's all you're wasting.
    any-loki and ClenchedFist like this.
  3. ClenchedFist

    ClenchedFist Fapstronaut

    Considering I would sometimes waste 26h 20m fapping in a single week, I'd say you're in a pretty good place efficiency-wise.
    Brave Wolf and Optimum Fortitude like this.
  4. Boost

    Boost Fapstronaut

    I'm more interested in how you track everything so accurately?
  5. Wait... WHAT?????

    Yeah, me too :v
    Brave Wolf likes this.
  6. Hah, I built the habit of tracking everything I do with Toggl (a time tracker app). I was doing my year review and spotted the data. It sucks at the start, but if you stick to the habit you can come up with that kind of data.

    My "sessions" take no more than 45 min.

    Yeah, I'm in college. I'm not sure why I got that November spike. I think it has to do with college exams and problems in my relationship as well (almost broke up with my gf).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2020
    Dark Knight Rising likes this.
  7. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    The hours are enough to occupied the world :D
    About me 3 hours a week X one month X 12 months = 144 hour in one year :(
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
  8. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    good idea. for every minute of fap you lose about a good hour of your life i think. so say you masturbate to a 20min scene, well you lost a whole day of energy and mental stamina.
    i also keep track of every hour of nofap i have completed, it helps in the recovery process. to answer your question though, if i had those hours back i would for sure be using it on real true feelings and not just mimicking it. i would have been with the girl i should have been with all along. i would have spent my hours studying and not lookin at random girls i would never be able to touch.
  9. Yeah! that's why I began recording my days in the journal. I might spend "only" 20 min PMO'ing but it affects the whole day.