who feels a lot better from abstinence

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by ahighertruth, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    I actually feel hopeful when I do, but whenever I jack off i just look at all my regrets. This needs to stop. If I feel shame from pmo why is it that I go back?

    Urges are stronger than I am apparently.
    Kligor likes this.
  2. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I dont understand the exact science behind this but it seems like excessive ejaculation literally does cause some sort of chemical reaction in the body that causes us to feel this way. I've experienced this myself many times; the first PMO session might not make me feel any different or even might make me feel better, but then after the 3rd or 4th session it would suddenly hit me like a truck. I would almost liken it to staying up late a couple nights in a row and not feeling tired, then suddenly crashing days later. I also think on some level your body is "angry" at you for tricking it into thinking it was having sex when in reality you are just masturbating, but thats just a feeling I have and I cant prove that obviously.
    Captain! likes this.
  3. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    I feel much better after i give up to PMO.
    Like when i was child,no angry,almost never sad,even if i m alone i feel great.Nice human being who can adapt easy to much situations.
    CodeTalker and BertrandR like this.
  4. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I still remember back in my PMO-days (it's almost two years no since my last streak began) when I used to beat it a few times a week and the negative effect it had on my psyche, mind and overall physique. I used to get those feelings of regret and shame almost instantly after I jizzed, followed by some strong fatigue, dullness and indifference where I didn't want to do anything for hours.
    Anything but thinking about how miserable my life was and how incapable and powerless I was in changing it to the better. But, all of that faded away only 10-12 days into my last streak which is still standing.
    There are few things that raises your dopamine as much as beating the meat and that's one reason as to why it is so hard to stop doing it. But, as soon as you start to strip some of its power away (by abstaining for a few weeks), it all crumbles quite fast and you start to get your life back on track again.
    Dexter Moran likes this.
  5. I never felt bad during my 20 years of 4 nuts a day...

    I stopped.

    What changed is I look better, Im more confident, I have sharper mind.

    Unfortunate byproduct is the need for a woman. Im a MGTOW.
  6. Hi Epic Flight,
    what does MGTOW mean?
  7. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Overall I feel way better during periods of abstinence than when I’m acting out. More confidence, more patience. When I act out I tend to be miserable and don’t treat myself or others very well.
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    MGTOW = "Men Going Their Own Way" or according to some of its critics: "Miserable Guys That Only Wank".
    CodeTalker likes this.
  9. Not a very nice way of describing ourselves! Thank you for enlightening me Angus.
  10. I feel so good when i dont do pmo. I m so happy now, I feel so good that I want to share it.

    No frustrating emotion is strong enough to destroy me now. I feel that I am controlling the strongest vice there may be. PMO It's like we have got free drugs all day with us.

    I also left drugs and alcohol a long time ago. I feel that all the challenges that life has put me (or myself) I have been able to overcome them. That feeling makes me feel invulnerable right now.
    selfimprovement8008 likes this.
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Although I have been PMO-free for almost two years at this point (hard-mode), there are still some small side-effects lingering but more on a subconscious level. Although they slowly fade away (one month at a time) it still shows how just 14-15 years of very moderate use can alter your brain chemistry, psyche and mind for years to come. I don't want to sound negative or pessimistic but I have to be honest and break some bad news:
    A full reboot is not a matter of PMO-abstinence for weeks or even months but rather something that will take years to accomplish and it is not only about the abstinence itself, it is also about the self-improvement aspect of it since NoFap on its own will not change your life dramatically, although it is an important factor in regaining self-control and self-discipline.
    Besides abstaining from PMO you also have to take action and take charge of your life during that time-period as well, meaning phasing-out your old bad habits and replacing them by better ones, one at a time. Habits such as a healthy diet (where processed, refined foods are kept to a minimum), exercise, IM-fasting, a healthy (and positive) social circle, spending time with family, learning new skills, limiting your time with toxic people, changing your mindset, reading, etc are all habits you need to adopt if you want to acquire all the benefits from

    For all of you who think a 90-100 day abstinence/reboot alone (while sticking to the other old toxic habits) will change your life and solve your problems will become very disappointed and frustrated since that's only one part in turning your life around for the better. Although it is a good start, you should also have self-improvement as a priority and part of your daily routines and mindset.
  12. Hi Angus,
    your post is a timely statement of reality. I have tried in the past to take a narrow path to being PMO free. But I never managed to abstain permanently.
    You are quite right that a holistic approach is required. My weaknesses are an appalling diet and being a magnet for toxic people. We humans are complicated creatures. When one part of is out of sync the whole of us suffers!
  13. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Sadly I don’t feel much difference. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t pmoing multiple times a day in the first place.
    I probably get sadder on abstinence and overall less excited because porn is one of the only thing that can get me this spark.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
  14. Definitively not.
    Must improve your life if you think it. This thinking is the first reason because all of us is here.
  15. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    So far this is what I felt. My best streak was 49 days. So what I take is it will take longer than that.
  16. The time is not the problem. What are you doing with your time? You can use that sexual energy to throw yourself to meet girls and learn to seduce them.

    Porn actresses are real girls. There are many pretty girls on the street. Wouldn't it be nice to flirt with one of them in reality? The energy that nofap gives you, among other things, must be canalized for it. For create a good relationship with the real women who are atracting you.
  17. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Correct, and that's why most men run into several disappointments, setbacks and frustrations during their NoFap-streaks. They think that just stopping beating it for some limited time (some dudes are not even considering it is something that should be permanent) is going to give them superpowers and magically transform their lives to better. It is about changing your entire weaponry of old bad habits and using your newly gained and transmuted energy into replacing them and start creating things (goods and/or services) that are in demand.
    For those who foolishly think that all their life problems are going to vanish as soon as they get laid every now and then are mistaking themselves and begin the NoFap-journey for the entirely wrong reason. You should always strive for becoming your best version and as you do and gain in confidence and belief in yourself, other aspects of your life will align automatically thereafter.

    As your diet goes, what is the main issue? Do you eat too much junk-food, sugary foods, drink too much soda and eat too little fruits and veggies? All processed foods, especially those containing added sugars and artificial sweeteners have a huge impact on how you feel. That's why I have greatly cut-down on the amount of added sugars I eat, much of it hidden in condiments like chili-sauces, ketchup, etc.
    And the toxic people you spend time with should be greatly reduced and kept to a minimum. It doesn't matter if they are your friends since childhood, if they are toxic, they should really make an effort and try to challenge and change their existing beliefs and if they don't, you should go looking for new and better friends who lift you up, not who drag you down.
    ares72 likes this.
  18. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    I’ve found personally that taking it a day at a time is super important as well as loving who I am even if I fail sometimes. I don’t think someone who PMOs is bad and don’t think that of myself either. I love who I am and because I love who I am I want to remove bad things from my life. I believe the spark will come eventually for you as it did for me. But for me I had to learn how to love myself no matter how many or how few days my streak is.