I’m stuck with a favorite Porn genre

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by A_glass1900, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    This has been happening for 2 years now. the genre that always gets me everytime while looking at porn is
    It's so hard for me to resist from this genre. Has anyone been dealing this before?
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
    Porn Kämpfer and Kligor like this.
  2. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Hi buddy,i have similar problem,i m femdom addict.
    Sometimes for me it looks like that will never disappear,but i just don't think about that,i realized it is better to not think about this.
    Stay in control buddy,head up believe in yourself,addiction is nothing for us!
  3. yah ,first of all we should change our ideas about this thing . try doing this mini trick , whenever you think about that , remember what goes out from that Organ , and be sure that what you are seeing is acting , they are not happy with what they do . they are group of liars who do anything in order to get money . by the way keep in mind that those pornactors hate doing this thing , but they act like if they like to do it .
    the magical solution for your problem is here !! make a sheet of paper or text documents about the diseases or bad things that happen due to this thing and you will win .
    if i were you , I would repeat every day that I hate that thing , it is disgusting , how my brain got addicted to see that , I am not a fucking ugly person who accept these things , I am stronger than my urges . lastly , be sure that you will overcome that .
    henryhill likes this.
  4. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Same fantasy, and it is hard for me.
  5. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    I was stuck with a trans “fetish” before starting my reboot. I feel disgusted by it but it was deviant nature of it all that made me watch it. With severe P addiction, I escalated pretty bad and even question my gender identity. When I stopped watching trans stuff, it took me awhile to think of triggers (such as female clothing) and get over it. I’m kind of new here but what I gather is that I sort this genre and other stuff because my mind was seeking to get a strong dopamine fix that normal heterosexual P wouldn’t cut it.
  6. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    If you do the swearing thing for a few hours or more every day for about a week you should feel very different and I can almost guarantee it will work.
  7. I hate to be the guy that types this, but I think it needs to be said:
    I don't think there is a magical solution to porn addiction. I think it's hard work and dedication, as well as a healthy dose of self-acceptance. Fear (of disease), hatred, disgust, and self-shaming (calling yourself an ugly person) are not productive in my view. But uplifting yourself and being strong, as you pointed out, are very productive.
  8. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    Then 5-htp must be magic lol.
  9. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    I think as has been said, reframing the situation can help. Some of the fetishes I’ve developed an appetite for are pretty bizarre but thinking of them in a new light has been helpful. Not the only answer though. I agree that there is no one magic solution to these kinds of desires. I also have found that filling my life with good productive things has helped. Sometimes though that doesn’t seem like enough. Being able to express the desire in a safe area (such as nofap) has been a huge strength and the most necessary for myself.
  10. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    One thing I notice is that people still using pm+ are often concerned with details of content and people not using pm+ don't need to worry about types and genres: the problem has thousands of faces but living in the solution makes all that irrelevant making things much simpler. One reason we resist doing what will save us from having to use pm+ is the belief life will be boring. True and untrue, simple is boring and my life is both boring in a sense and better, I don't know for certain if that would be true for others but I bet. It's kind of about values: as long as sex is still the overriding goal in an addict's life giving up pm+ will not make life better :). Another reason people like us tend to sabotage our own efforts at recovery, I know I did, is specialness in the form of shame and pride: shame is I'm especially bad pride pretends to be especially good to cover up unique badness. I didn't think of the porn I watched in terms of genre the way you would pick a movie by genre I just knew it had depictions of extreme sexual activity, but some if it fell under a type commonly discussed here on nofap, call it x. For years I had this problem with x and let's say most people don't then giving it up means I'm no longer especially bad. It's strange logic but how else did I trick myself into doing what I didn't want to do for years more and more in spite of consequences, I got good at addict logic. I thought was very logical because of high grades at a world class school and math courses where proofs used the impossibility of paradoxes. But I used different logic when I thought about my use of pm+, that logic was flawed.
    henryhill likes this.
  11. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    just wait till a girl actually tries it and you can barely feel it...and then she blames herself. Looked way sexier on camera lol
  12. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    If you like it, try to get a real one instead watching it on a screen.
  13. charlatan

    charlatan Fapstronaut

    Try to get a new girl it will help.
  14. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    Don't give it more power than it deserves. One thing that helps me is when you feel our of control, find 1 thing that you can control and build from there.
    TomBradyGOAT likes this.
  15. TomBradyGOAT

    TomBradyGOAT Fapstronaut

    Its just a trap bro. You dont have to give in to that garbage.

    This is the typical cycle

    - Massive urge to watch porn
    - Look at porn and pornographic images opening multiple tabs
    - Massive unnatural Dopamine surge and erection
    - Start fapping to it
    - Fap gradually starts to feel less and less good, nowhere near the pleasure of the initial dopamine surge but you keep fapping anyways since you already started
    - After running through the new porn vids you go looking for more, trying to find the perfect video/image that dosent exist
    - You orgasm and feel like shit. You feel immediate regret because it wasnt fulfilling or worth it at all. You realize how pointless and stupid what you just did was and you just killed your streak for short term fake "pleasure" instead of being patient and keeping yourself busy for the far superior and real pleasure that comes from freeing yourself from porn and accomplishing your goals and becoming successful in life.

    Are you gonna let some porn category hold you back from your goals and dreams in life?