Non religious fapstronauts out there?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Gleemonex95, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut

    I've noticed there are a lot of religious guys on this site - mostly Christian. That's great, we all have the right reasons in mind for working through these issues. I'm wondering though if there are any guys out there that hold similar beliefs to my own whether you call yourselves atheist or agnostic. I suppose it doesn't make a whole heck of a difference as the ideas behind the website are not religious in their nature, but it would be great to hear from some people I identify more closely with to let me know I'm not the only one out there.
  2. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut

    Sorry duplicate post please delete
  3. killerkappa

    killerkappa Fapstronaut

    Hey there Gleemonex, and welcome to NoFap!

    I consider all of my reasons for stopping pornography and fapping to be agnostic decisions;
    It seems only natural to me, after all the education I have been able to find on the topic, to say they are anything but agnostic decisions. I even find the question kind of weird; the whole reason christians would be on this site is because they have realized they need to get physical help of some kind along with the help their diety provides.

    Do you mind if I ask why you were wondering if there are any atheists/agnostics out there? Do you feel you would better understand your own reasons for recovery if you understand the people on here that have similar metaphysical beliefs?

    If you want a lot of non-religious reasons and educational backup to motivate you with NoFap, I suggest checking out some articles and videos on YBOP
  4. SpookyGoat

    SpookyGoat Fapstronaut

    Your Brain Rebalanced is predominately atheist/agnostic. I'm non-religious, and the practical reasons for nofap are more than sufficient.
  5. mith8489

    mith8489 Fapstronaut

    Atheist since birth here. I've noticed the same thing you did, though that may just be because I'm usually among non-religious people. Anyway, I've seen enough negative effects of PMO and have enough secular reasons to quit that no spiritual misgivings are necessary.

    I'm fairly sure I'm significantly more liberal when it comes to sex than most Christians here, but that's another matter entirely.
  6. Hey, I'm an agnostic bordering on atheist. Note that atheism is not the denial of god but it is the belief that there is insufficient evidence for god or gods.

    Most of the Nofap Subreddit is composed of atheists I think there's a stronger religious presence on this site, but more the merrier of course. I'm glad that YBOP came from a secular/scientific background and didn't use any faith-based arguments to provide evidence for porn being harmful.

    I guess it's just the stigma attached to it, but people won't take a religious person bashing against porn as seriously as a community of atheists/agnostics who are all talking about porn addiction.
  7. mith8489

    mith8489 Fapstronaut

    That's probably because many (if not most, but I'm trying not to generalize here) religious people have religious reasons for quitting PMO, and if you don't belong to their particular religion those reasons won't apply to you. Scientific arguments and evidence are relevant to all humans, regardless of religion, or lack thereof.
  8. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut

    Most of the people I have found on here that identify themselves as Christians only do so as to fill in the reader as to their belief system. They do not site Jesus or God or sin as a reason for making this change in their life. They typically site the same reasons we (atheists and agnostics) site. The reason I originally asked this question is I wanted to find other people with a similar outlook on reality as it pertains to life, existence, creation, etc as I find that comforting. I'm not saying I don't identify with any of the men on here who call themselves Christian; it was more of a question to see if there were other people who have that same belief system as me. I already understand why I'm doing this, just wanted to learn more about the community I've involved myself in. Glad to see all of you post here...
  9. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    Hey dude,

    Yeah ,I'm an atheist. I also noticed a lot of religious people basing their NoFap experience on 'becoming a better Christian'. Don't really understand it to be honest. I guess PMO is 'hurting' their relationship with their God ,so to speak , as it's regarded as a sin in most cases.But I think it's hurting them as individuals a lot more. Which makes me wonder why that reason isn't on the front lines.

    Well, in other news I'm up 30 days ,give or take. So congratz to me I guess ,hahah.
  10. aj550

    aj550 Fapstronaut

    Also very non-religious here.

    Started doing this because I knew I needed to change if I ever wanted to have a normal successful relationship again.
  11. today

    today Fapstronaut

    If this is the only life we have, and there's nothing after, then all the more reason to put an end to porn addiction. I'd hate to be on my deathbed regretting all the time I wasted.
  12. Do you mean beliefs about what there might be out there? I really don't think humans have stumbled upon enough evidence to say anything conclusively, but I certainly believe there could be a focal point for all things in the universe.

    Humans are really stupid. I say this to mean we're just primates, so we have some limitations. I'm not an astrophysicist, so looks this stuff up if you're curious, but our perception of the 4th dimension is limited, so the way our brains organize time (a sequence of events, one after another) might be non-linear for some other being (I think Kurt Vonnegut talks about this in Slaughterhouse 5).

    There are some 10 dimensions proposed out there. I honestly don't think we've evolved the brain structures that would allow us to understand those things intuitively, rather it takes our best minds to even begin scratching the surface. The biggest thing about religion is that it doesn't account for the fact that we're barely a grain of sand in an ocean here on Earth. There are billions of galaxies out there, and that's just the light that's reached us.

    For all we know there is infinity in every direction. That blows my fucking mind. I think perceiving the universe through the prism of homo sapiens might actually limit our view of what's out there. If we had a few extra rods and cones in our eyes we could perceive more colors than we can right now.

    Again, an atheist doesn't necessarily deny the existence of god or a god or gods. An atheist believes there is not sufficient evidence to claim there is a god.
  13. Devil-May-Fap

    Devil-May-Fap Fapstronaut

    Hey fellow fapstronauts. I'm not in any way religious (i guess that makes me atheist), somebody had post some links to religion related things on my introductory thread it didn't bother me and I appreciate everyone's input but I just couldn't relate. The main reason I decided to do Nofap was for myself and for my relationship I have been with my girlfriend for as long as I have been watching high speed internet p and I don't feel I am giving the relationship all I could by secretly sitting up late at night at my pc. I had half heartedly tried to quit before but after discovering this site and ybop I realised this needs to end now. R.C congrats on the 30 days man that's quite some accomplishment.
  14. FinMechanica

    FinMechanica Fapstronaut

    Atheist here. One of the reasons I really like the NoFap community is that it shows that addiction recovery is possible without a 12 step styled program, at least in our case. So I guess you already know I am aiming my crosshairs especially towards the "acknowledging a higher power" step. Growing up in a Catholic country I became a convinced atheist around 12 years old. My parents left me free to choose my own faith, I was never baptized but attended catholic schools. My separation from faith was caused because scientific explanations for the creation of life seemed more plausible and I didnt agree with scripture. It didnt happen overnight, more like a gradual decrease in faith. Though I considered my atheism to be some kind of intellectual victory. I don't so much anymore. I thought I have disproven the existence of god or a creator through the flaws in scripture. I now see that I only disproved the Judeo-Christian concept of god in the literal sense. This leaves the esotheric, philosophical and mystical traditions of many mainstream faiths (in my opinion, this is also confirmation that many clergy do not believe in literal interpretations of scripture). I am convinced of a universe governed only by cause and effect, and no supernatural intervention. I'm not a die hard atheist in the sense that I completely dismiss the possibility of a creating force beyond the realms of observable reality. But for me the workings of the universe is impersonal. And our tendency to see our lives as having a purpose is due to our primal brains selecting, arranging and memorizing events and dismissing irrelevant ones to conform to religious ideas.
    And is there a link to NoFap? Why yes! I hope that among other things the reboot improves my less then good attention span so I can do some more reading up and gain more knowledge about the science and philosophical ideas that pertain to these questions. Just sharing my ideas here. Not wanting to start a debate here. There are other forums for that. But I always enjoy exchanging ideas :)
  15. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut


    I don't want to derail this conversation as my intent was meant to merely learn more about the community however I'll go ahead and make a few points anyway with good intention. First I want to address how you define atheist. I don't know how you have come to your definition but it is in fact a person that denies the existence of a god or gods. If we break down the word it is "a" or "without" and "theism" or "belief in one or more gods". So in looking at its Greek roots combined you get "without belief in gods". That sounds pretty definitive to me. What I think you are confusing this with is an agnostic. Likewise, if we break down this word into it's Greek roots we get,again, "a" or "without" and "gnosis" or "knowledge". Or a person without knowledge. Don't take my word for it, Dawkins goes into a discussion of the differences between atheism, deism, theism, etc in his book The God Delusion....I think it's in the first chapter or two.

    Your point about various dimensions is interesting and has been discussed by Sagan in his book Cosmos, but I refuse to believe that our limitations to only perceiving things in the 3rd dimension somehow makes us stupid. It's merely how we perceive reality. A being the perceives things in a 4th, 5th, or 6th dimension might be very limited in being able to perceive things in our own dimension, but that's not indicative of their intelligence. At any rate, calling humans dumb primates is not really fair seeing as to date we are the most intelligent species that we are aware of and the intelligence gap between humans and any other known species you compare us to is tremendous. Very cool discussion!
  16. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut

    I forgot to mention, if anyone is interested in looking at an example of a 4 dimensional object google "tesseract"
  17. Interesting stuff, but I have to support the assertion that humans are stupid.

    It's not meant to be used as a derogatory term, only to indicate that we are far more ignorant than we give credit for.

    Socrates said : "The wisest man admits he knows nothing at all." The sheer amount of things that are out there to know is pretty staggering.

    This is an assumption because we haven't encountered anything we can call sentient in relation to us. But like Neil Degrasse Tyson said, we're only 2% genetically different from a chimpanzee. That means if there were a species 2% more advanced from us we would look like blubbering retards.

    I would say to avoid thinking in absolutes, because (and religion gets this fundamentally wrong), there are no absolutes. The only absolute, therefore, is that there are no absolutes. Things are constantly changing, even the human race, EVEN morality.

    Who knows what we'll look like centuries from now. But I think a race of primates that can ultimately make the decision between self-destruction and preservation in an uncontrollable universe (the thing humans hilariously have always tried to pretend they have some control of) is a great way to measure we are stupid or not. Guess the answer will come if we remain on the Earth or not.

    Remember, this planet can easily discard us, we are just one species and Earth has a great way of extincting things.
  18. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang New Fapstronaut


    I'm also an atheist. I guess I started doing this because I needed to teach myself some self control. I've really been good at controlling my urges and I hope this helps. Should I expect any changes? Any advice is welcome and I thank you in advance.
  19. marvin_devin

    marvin_devin Fapstronaut

    I'm religious and I'm approaching this nofap challenge/lifestyle without the influence of religion. I just want to be around others who are struggling with the same problem.
  20. Artist

    Artist Fapstronaut

    I believe in Bob. Otherwise, an atheist (or whatever you want to call it - I'm a non religious person).