Hi From a New Member

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Strong2233, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    I am a male almost 28 years old, and after having PMO for 14 years, I finaly decided to quit all together. Here is a little bit introduction about me, the reason Im doing this and my goals:

    Problems PMO has made for me:
    PMO has made so many problems for me but the most bothering ones are:
    1- Everyweek I had 3-5 times PMO with total average time of 8 hours per week, which is alot and I could be much more productive.
    2- I have had a mild stutter problem since I started to talk, but since I started masturbating it has gotten worse.
    3- has made me numb and feelingless about everything, like hearing a bad news, being in a exciting situations with friends and etc, I couldnt feel much of it and thats sad!
    4- I dont enjoy small things in my life anymore, I remember how I was when I was 15, 16 years old, I feel so depressed!.
    5- I have spent so much money on PMO that I didnt imagine at all! forexample I spent almost 2k dollars in 2019! I could buy a great cellphone and save the rest, or I could go for a trip to europe and have so much fun with my friend there !
    6- Ive had hard time concentaring on my studies and learn the content as fast as my friends. I used to be smarter than this, I remember it!
    and more....

    Reason Im doing this:
    1- Im a fulltime student with a full time job in the same school that Im pursuing my masters degree in computer science, I have no time to waste on PMO anymore, Im imagining how productive I could be instead of 8hrs of PMO weekly!
    2- everytime I retain my sperm and not play with my emotions with PMO, my stutter gets MUCH MUCH better like 30 to 50 percent, idk how but it works pretty well.
    3- I want to have my feeling back! I want to feel stress, sadness, happiness and etc and deal with them without hiding them behind PMO.
    4- I want to enjoy small things in my daily life again!
    5- Im tired of wasting my money on PMO, instead Id like save that money and spend it on cooler things.
    6- To get a sharper thinking with more concentration on my studies.
    and more....

    Thank you everyone.
    By the way Im so serious about quiting PMO and I accept challenges too :D
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    palindromo, Ixthus and Coffee Candy like this.
  2. Baerle

    Baerle Fapstronaut

    Hey there, welcome to nofap :)
    It's a great decision to stop! As I can see you are already 21 days in and that's a huge accomplishment!
    Maybe you're doing it already, but my suggestion is to focus on the future and not on the past. Don't focus on the time, money etc. you wasted, but think of how awesome the future will be :)
    I wish you a lot of strength. You can do it, never give up :)
    Coffee Candy and Strong2233 like this.
  3. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    Yes I couldnt stand the situation anymore so I started it already.
    Im really glad that this forum exist so I know that Im not alone.
    Ill try my best to get rid of this addiction, and thank you for your great support.
    Wish you the best
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  4. Heyyy welcome to the NoFap forum : ) It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!

    First let me go ahead and drop some helpful links for you:

    Getting Started Guide / Forum Rules / How to Use the NoFap forums/ Glossary/ NoFap Panic button/ Set up your day counter / Rebooting Resources/ About NoFap/ Support NoFap

    Here is just some advice:

    First and foremost please take a look at each section in the forum, there might be something(s) you may find of big help to you. Feel free to post there :+)

    Then secondly I just advise you to be active on your profile(as there a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then make daily status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement. They've also got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see. People will find your profile and give you encouragement/support.

    Theres a portion of people who love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive talk. It would be great to have you join in and support others in the threads, profiles, and journal. Make sure and be grateful for the help you received and give some help after receiving some. Invest in some people's journeys. We could always use your help and in return you shall receive some as well!

    Thirdly, You should also highly consider creating a public journal/log (in the appropriate section for you) and write about your days in more depth for us members to follow along your journey and offer support to you by way of posting in your journal.

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
    Strong2233 likes this.
  5. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    for sure, I will start reading them all.
    Thank you,
    Best wishes
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  6. Life's Journey

    Life's Journey Fapstronaut

    Hi Strong2233, welcome here. Wishing you loads of strength and good luck overcoming your PMO addiction. Keep up the good work!
    Strong2233 likes this.
  7. Strong2233

    Strong2233 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support
    Feeling blessed.