What frustrates me is how easily I can go without porn when I can't get it?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    What really frustrates me about porn and artifical sexual stimulation is how easy I can go without it when I can't get it. Yet when I have easy access to it then it isn't easy to refuse.

    This to me doesn't seem like a severe addiction.

    So think about a heroin addict while in withdrawal. They become ill and are desperate for heroin.

    A severe alcoholic in withdrawl, they become ill, get the shakes and a lot of other unplesant symptoms and are desperate for alcohol.

    Yet when someone who is addicted to porn can't get it, they seem to simply do without it relatively easy. Yet when they have easy access to it they can't do without it.

    The heroin addicts body seriously craves heroin regardless if it is in front of them or not. The severe alcoholics body seriously craves alcohol regardless if it is in front of them or not. Yet the porn addict only really struggles to refuse porn when they can easily access it. When they can't easily access it they seem to go without it realitively easy.

    This to me doesn't seem like a serious addiction. Remove the thing your addicted to, you easily go without it. But some addictions if you remove it then the person becomes ill and wants it more than ever. When I remove porn the wanting for it seems to be mild and I go wthout it quite easy. I don't feel unwell or anything like that because I can't get it. Yet if I can easily access it then it is difficult to refuse.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  2. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Yes, I feel similar. Although I do go a bit crazy after a week or so, there are certain situations - when I am around family, sharing a room, on holiday etc - where I do not think about porn at all, let alone get tempted.

    Actually feel like it is more similar to junk food, as I am a rather compulsive eater. If I have junk food in the house I typically eat it all until it is gone. And yet, if I have nothing but healthy food in the house, I find it pretty easy to stick to a healthy diet, and don't particularly crave what I don't want. By contrast, I have several bottles of liquor opened for years, happy to have the odd glass on special occasions etc, no big deal. But alcohol isn't a problem for me.

    I think you have to understand yourself and your own problems, which may be somewhat unique. I am only just beginning to figure out my own.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Free your mind

    Free your mind Fapstronaut

    In fact its the same as heroin, just without severe physical addiction. Psyhological addiction is the same - cravings for dopamine high.
    Heroine addicts, after few days of severe withdrawal, show the same behaviour. They dont crave heroin so much if they are not tempted (same circumstances as when they were shooting - social circles, depression, lack of meaning and motivation...). Well, thats the real addiction and thats where most of addicts fail to relapse (regardless is it porn, heroine or anything else).
    Thats in fact indication of change in brain chemistry (dopamine pathways - reward circutry) - which is the definition of addiction.
  4. Resilience89

    Resilience89 Fapstronaut

    Wow @skaterdrew, I think this is a really good observation. I always thought as a man I am supposed to have these thoughts and there is no way out of it. I have to control these thoughts and deal with it myself. But you are trying to say that if we are unavailable to get access to P we are able to function fine. I think this gives me personally a lot of confidence to restart my journey here.

    What worries me about starting this though is the fact that our work, our lives are so technology dependent that we cannot stay away from computers or internet. Whenever in the past I have tried this challenge, I have shown frustration at my closest people since I am fighting the urge all the time and my will power has hit low. Has this happened to you?
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It's happened to me more times than I could count.

    I got rid of my smart phone, tv, and all other devices I could access the internet on. I only have my laptop.

    My friend is the administrator of my laptop and I just use a standard account on my laptop. I also have loads of other blockers on my laptop that only my friend can access.

    My blocking system has reached the level I basically can't see any artificial sexual stimulion, and now the only way I can really bypass this is by factory resetting my laptop. Which I also would have a hard time doing without the administrator password and details.

    The same thing happened tonight. All of a sudden I was desperate to PMO. But I simply couldn't get it. So I just MOed for 5 minutes and that was me done. Where as if I could of got all that content online I would of likely went in to a big relapse or more likely a binge.

    This is the difference.

    People say blockers don't work yada yada. But I honestly couldn't count now the amount of times this blocking system I have in place has saved me.

    I honestly find it fairly easy to go without porn and artificial sexual stimulation when I can't access it. Where as when I can access it, the most likely thing that will eventually happen is a relapse or more likely a big pmo binge that will last days.

    This is the difference.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    Stag99 likes this.
  6. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    How about M only tho, i think its the same. I got flatline from no MO. I don't have P addict.
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I think it's totally different for me. MO for me lasts about 5 minutes, and I only usually do it a few times a week. Where as PMO for me one session can last hours, and this can go on all day or for days.

    Something else that seems to have stopped recently is the chaser effect. I used to always want to PMO again, agan and again, and even MO again, and again and again. Where as recently when I MO once I seem to feel quite content and that is me done. I don't seem to have anywhere near as much interest anymore.

    What really frustrates me though is I don't think I would be in this situation the now and have all these changes if I could access porn and artificial sexual stimulation. I think if I could easily access it I would of been relapsing far too much and probably even binging far too much. Where as not being able to access it I am thinking to my self wait a minute, maybe I can go without all that crap fairly easy, and then also feeling all the benefits of hardly ever being on anything like that.

    Like I said it just frustrates me because when I simply can't get it, it's not like I am craving it all that much, and certainly not feeling any real physical or mental effects from not being able to get it. I maybe get a mild craving for it very occasionally when I am horny or feeling a bit low, that's about it. I MO for 5 minutes, then the craving is gone. Then I go on for about another week of no MO.

    I guess it is similar to a drug addict. Take them away from the drugs so they can't access them for a while. The drug addict starts to easily go without these drugs quite easily. Put the drug addict back where they can easily access these drugs, then the drug addict finds it much more difficult to stay away from these drugs.

    I guess it is kind of the same thing.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
  8. Stag99

    Stag99 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, i find the same to be true in my case.
    If the “opportunity” to pmo is available (in other words if i can get access to p),
    then the cravings hit hard.
    But remove the opportunity and they go away, and i get nice long streaks.

    The key is to keep extending the length of your streaks to give your brain more and more time away from pmo and the neurochemical imbalance it creates.
    Do this enough times and your overall urges to pmo start to die down considerably.
    Whether the opportunity to use is there or not, this will remain the case.

    I would also suggest that you start reducing the frequency of your mo sessions over time.
    You will notice more improvement when you do that as well.
    skaterdrew likes this.
  9. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    The exact same thing happened this morning. I woke up horny beyond belief, I was really wanting porn, but I simply couldn't get it. I then MOed for about 5 minutes, and for the rest of the day I have had no interest in it. But I believe if I could of accessed porn and artificial sexual stimulation this morning I actually think there would of been a good chance I would of went in to a binge the way I was feeling this morning. But because I couldn't access it I MOed for 5 minutes and have had no interest in anything like that the rest of the day.

    This is the difference, and it does frustrate me. It frustrates me because I can actually fairly easily go without porn and artifical sexual stimulation. Basically I am not really getting any negative mental or physical effects from not being on porn or artificial sexual stimulation. I am not even getting that much of a craving for it, just getting the odd craving for it from time to time, with occasionally getting a random powerful urge for it. But like I said this feeling passes quickley. Yet when I can access porn and artificial sexual stimulation this is a completely different animal. I would find it much more difficult not to relapse on it when I can access it. Like I said this morning I got a powerful urge, and if I could of accessed it this morning I do think I could of ended up binging today. But because I couldn't access it I MOed for 5 minutes and then I haven't had any interest in it the rest of the day.

    This reality does somewhat frustrate me.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think its possible that a lot of us are addicted not just to PMO itself but have the routine so ingrained into our brains that its the routine itself that pushes the urges onto us. In my case, I only ever seem to relapse on an evening, I can sit on my laptop at ANY other point of the day and feel no urges, I can also go to a different place and use my laptop in the evening and still feel barely any urges. Its the combination of place and situation that creates the urges just as much as the actual desire to PMO. This obviously wont be the case for everyone but I think it might be more common than we think.
  11. Dalian

    Dalian Fapstronaut

    I really wish I could implement a robust blocking system like this because I really do agree with you on the issue of access. I'm a software developer, though, so being without root access on my devices would reduce my productivity to near zero. I think the reason why people say that blockers don't work is because they trust themselves with the key; you really do have to give it to someone else for it to be effective.
    skaterdrew likes this.
  12. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree. Like some guys use blockers that they can turn on or off them self. I personally don't see this as being blocked. It's not blocked, as you can easily access it, so how is that blocked?

    No wonder guys say blockers like this don't work.
  13. Not necessarily, when I smoke nicotine I am heavily addicted and can go on for months without bet able to break the habit , but after a week of going nicotine free there are a lot of physiological changes and the nicotine in my body has reduced to zero and I can quit there onwards without ever craving a smoke and I find it easy to go without . From when I am heavily addicted chain smoker to not even thinking about them or physically or mentally craving them it takes me one week of abstinance , porn is just the same ,. It doesn't have to be hard always for the hold to be broken and less controlling , you are simply breaking the link, and it's easier because you know you don't have access ,