Do "superpowers" come from seminal fluid or sperm?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by 52725229225, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. 52725229225

    52725229225 New Fapstronaut

    Do, so called, superpowers come from overfill of prostate gland or overfill of testicles?
    Maybe someone knows this? And has experience to back it up?
  2. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    When we don't ejaculate our body reabsorbs the unused sperm. I think it's somewhere between 60 and 70 days cycle that the sperm gets reabsorbed by the body to improve us both physically and mentally. This reabsorbtion is effects to what some might refer to as superpowers.

    Seminal fluid is the delivery van. Sperm is the package that needs to be delivered. When we get aroused the body starts producing semen so that it can carry the sperm to an an egg. Our body is constantly producing sperm cells even when not aroused. So that we are always ready for reproduction. That's my opinion of what semen and sperm does.

    I've also read somewhere about the sperm swimming back up the spine and into the brain when it's reabsored by the body. That's why men who practice seminal retention are more focused, creative and have less "brain fog". Sperm consists of every part of the male body. That's including organs, cerebrospinal fluid, grey matter from the brain, basically the whole male chemistry. Now imagine ejaculating frequently. You are losing a part of your being every time you ejaculate. Don't believe me? Try one week where of not ejaculating and see how you feel. Then on the 8th day ejaculate and then see how you feel.

    Now imagine you don't ejaculate for a very long time. The body will do whatever it can to make you more appealing so that you have the best chance at reproduction. These are what can be referred to as superpowers.

    This is just my opinion and some of the information on seminal retention I have come across. I spent a good amount of time researching past great men and past civilization and the practices they did regarding seminal retention.

    To keep you docile they will flood you with sexual images 24/7, ridicule virgins and celibates, make sex seem like it's the most important goal for men. And what does this lead to? Men wasting the most important gift we were given for a few moments of bliss. Keeping men weak and controllable.

    My point is refraining from ejaculation is not bad. Superpowers are not what you will get when you practice seminal retention, just your body and mind building towards spirituality and greatness with stored up energy inside of us.

  3. Are you supposed to prevent wet dreams and such then?
    Captain! likes this.
  4. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

  5. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    At all costs brother.
    I take cold showers to reduce my body temperature at night before bed. Also try not to eat heavy meals before bed. There's many different methods to prevent wet dreams. But at all costs wet dreams should be avoided.

    I'm 31 days pmo free. Around day 15 I had a sex dream and could feel I was about to ejaculate. My muscle between anus and scrotum was strong enough for me to hold the semen back just before waking up and I had to physically use my fingers to squeeze that muscle to keep the semen in. I literally woke up with my fingers squeezing that muscle and trying not to ejaculate. About two drops leaked out. But the cold showers does help a lot now at preventing such scenarios.
  6. Thanks for the info, I'll look into that sometime.
  7. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    I would like you to experience the benefits of holding back your semen. Continue on your journey of no pmo. There hasn't been a more urgent time than the one we living in at the moment to practice semen retention. I wish you strength,focus and will power on your journey.
    Ju@n likes this.
  8. MikeyRamirez

    MikeyRamirez Fapstronaut

    nice way to look at it. Also makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

    umm. i hope this doesnt harm us in any sense. and i am also surprised this works. is squeezing the muscle all it takes? do you have more details about it? Thanks for sharing.
  9. I do have wet dreams though, had one recently.
    Are the benefits really as important as you say?
  10. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    If done incorrectly then it can cause harm yes. I watch a video of mantak chia how he explains the correct way to squeeze the muscle using your fingers. And I've done it correctly with practice.

    Also doing kegel exercises should make the muscle strong enough that there won't be a need to do the squeeze technique.

    I wouldn't recommend doing the squeezing with the fingers as it will lead you to masturbate and doing this technique. I've done this many times while on pmo and it's not a benefit to becoming a better version of yourself. Ive only given an example of why I did it to prevent a wet dream.

    If you search deep enough in the internet. You find some hidden secrets regarding semen retention not known to the masses. But take everything you read with a pinch of salt. Once you find those secrets you will live your life differently.
    MikeyRamirez and eevahnits like this.
  11. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    I can only say how much of a difference semen retention has made in my life. Not everyone is the same.

    I did 100 days semen retention before and felt transformed. But I fell back into pmo. I'm now trying to start this journey again. Only this time there won't be a relapse.

    How did you feel after the wet dream?
  12. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    I don't not want to share things with you. It's just over the years most articles I've read I didn't save. Therefore I don't have instant access to them. You are welcome to private message me on Whatsapp +27763679191. I'll happily share my thoughts and book recommendations with you. I will share with you the articles I do have access to.

    Here's another article I've just completed reading. I don't believe everything I read. But I do take information that might be valuable to me and ponder on them.

    I'm sure there's semen retention information on this forum as well. But like I said you're more than welcome to pm me if you like to discuss thoughts about the whole concept.
  13. No, you can't and shouldn't try to do that. That's a completely natural process and won't have any negative effects on you whatsoever.
  14. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    No offense but you sounding like mainstream media. How can it be natural for the body to expel vital vitamins and minerals?

    Research the sleeping position of monks? Or how about bramachari on why meditation is vital to prevent nocturnal emmisiions? Bible, Quran, Torah, in Taoism, in Buddhism they all telling us why nocturnal emissions is not good for you.

    Yes you are correct in it might be natural in a rebooting process from heavy pmo use. When you training your woken self to excessively ejaculate don't you think your body will be so use to frequent ejaculation that it will occur when you abstain for a few months when you're sleeping? Why is it that only doctors and media telling us that wet dreams are so called natural? I still don't believe that it should be encouraged in any way.

    But everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. If you believe nocturnal is natural then I can't tell you what not to believe.
    Timecop, Brahmachari 17 and Captain! like this.
  15. Uh ... okay. No I'm not sounding like the mainstream media, whatever that means. I'm sounding like common sense and very basic science. Nocturnal emissions are normal and are nothing to be worried about. They occur more frequently when you are abstaining from sex and masturbation. The only way to [possibly] make them happen less often is to have more sex or masturbate more often. Wet dreams are a common side effect of NoFap. Wet dreams do not count as a relapse as, like I said, it's 100% natural. If you for some reason have some personal vendetta against your body self-regulating, then you can try different ways to make it happen less often. If meditation helps regulate your sexual energy in a way that prevents it, good for you. I'm just saying it's not a big deal.

    I have no idea what you're ranting about or why you think wet dreams are not natural and that it's some conspiracy theory being spread by doctors and nurses. I don't even have the words for how ridiculously stupid that is.

    It isn't a belief system of mine that it's natural. It's your body self-regulating as it should be. These are facts, not opinions. So there's no biased perspective going on here.

    And I'm not going to turn this into a religious debate, but since you brought it up, nocturnal emissions are not sinful. However, the reason for the nocturnal emissions may be sinful as they may be a byproduct of the sinful activities or thoughts or media you've been consuming that resulted in it. This may be helpful reading for you:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2020
  16. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    I'm not spreading no conspiracy theories against doctors or nurses. I do think tho that we would need less doctors if we not weakening ourselves by wasting vital vitamins and minerals. Doctors and nurses are vital in this world. I just don't understand why doctors and media( not nurses) would recommend masturbating as healthy. Nocturnal emissions occur more frequently when there is no outlet for stored up energy. But our body can control that energy with meditation. Or find an alternative outlet. The more you abstain the more nocturnal emissions you have? So that must mean monks and gurus have wet dreams every other night.

    I do have a vendetta against my body wasting vital vitamins and minerals. Did you know that one drop of semen is equivalent to 40 drops of blood. Did you also know that semen is the final process in our bodies from the food we consume? So correct me if I'm wrong in saying that nocturnal emissions is bad for you.

    It is natural that nocturnal emissions will occur during a rebooting process. It is natural that it can occur even after that. What I'm saying is that it should be avoided at all cost. Find ways to divert the extra energy from semen retention. Meditate or create or do something with the extra energy. Just don't waste it cause it feels good to ejaculate, awake or asleep.

    Do some research on this very forum for the things I'm talking about.

    I'm just trying to guide people away from the masses. To open their minds to what's hidden from them.
    Captain! and Mathew2oa like this.
  17. It doesn't need to be avoided at all cost since it's a natural process of the body. You're making it sound like it's the worst thing in the world. If you can find a way to balance your sexual energy through meditation and prevent it ... and you feel that's doing something positive for you ... then I fully encourage that.
    GoldenDreams likes this.
  18. Exit the Matrix

    Exit the Matrix Fapstronaut

    "However, there may be times in which a man's sinful thoughts or activities are causing the nocturnal emission / wet dream."

    Difference between nocturnal emissions caused by having sexual thoughts, which will develop into a wet dream, and nocturnal emissions caused due to the body getting rid of dead fluid. Just like the cells in our body replace dead skin cells, so do our fluids.

    The weak fluids are removed, the strong stay. Just like there is a fight of good vs bad bacteria in our gut, so there is also a fight between weak and strong fluid. Over time the strong fluid will win and spill fourth through your body. Weak fluid is useless and has no effect on long term benefits, it takes time for a buildup of strong fluids to benefit us. This is why you must be very focused on not having sexual thoughts during no PMO, for that those sexual thoughts are an addiction of its own which will cause unnatural emissions to occur, which is not the same as nocturnal emissions in the natural state of recycling.

    But to say that nocturnal emissions is normal is half true. If you have sexual thoughts constantly, you will have nocturnal emissions. Nocturnal emissions caused by sexual thoughts day by day will release that which is not released from the natural recycling of fluid.

    This claim you have presented is the same as saying that masturbating the same same as sex - but in the context here we were given is based on nocturnal emissions. Are nocturnal emissions caused by addictive sexual thought the same as nocturnal emissions caused by the natural process of recycling fluid? The answer is most likely no.

    Sorry, just a random impulsive thought.
  19. XAI04

    XAI04 Fapstronaut

    "Super powers" come from mastering the ability to redirect the energy of desire to whatever you want to accomplish. Desire is the force that directs you to do everything in life and gives life meaning. Sexual desire is the most powerful and primal form of desire. Imagine if you could approach life with the same magnetic desire you have when you want to fuck. If you could accomplish everything in your path with that same level of force and need.

    The physical act of semen retention has benefits as well but there is a reason why you can have two men on nofap and one experiences more profound changes in character than the other.
    Zeeshaan and Frankii like this.
  20. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Very true. Humans are hardwired to survive, reproduce/pass on our genes. This is why whenever we PMO it hijacks our brain into thinking that we are actually reproducing with real women. And then we feel weak and low energy after all those ejaculations and PMO sessions. It takes 1 sperm to create a human life. But here we are millions of men world wide wasting this life force and fapping to some pixels on a screen of some dude fucking a girl you find attractive, alone at night in a dark room... like that is the most beta cuck shit ever lmfao.

    I always feel more manly/alpha just generally more masculine on NoFap streaks. If we control our desire to needlessly waste our life force/sperm, our body will use all that energy to make us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually stronger and better. We attract quality women who are also in aligned with us, these are the type of women we attract when on long streaks. We can achieve great things by saving up or think of it like filling a tank/reservoir full of energy, day by day it increases the more you avoid ejaculating.

    Then you can transmute all that energy and your body can use that storage of life force energy whenever it needs too. When your storage is low and you want to achieve things or talk to a girl etc, your brain/mind have nothing to use cuz your tank is empty, it will have nothing to use to push you and give you that boost.
    Sexual Transmutation/Semen Retention is like natures way of giving you a boost that takes your life to a whole new level and paradigm you never even thought you could reach.

    Good luck to us all.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020