My vision of seeing personal development

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. I would like to share with you my vision of seeing personal development and the path associated with it. Everything I'm going to say comes from my personal experience after 2 years of hard work.

    If you are on this forum, it means that you have ambitions in your life. You want to improve your life, and become a better version of yourself.

    The goal of personal development is to unleash your full potential. It is to destroy bad habits and replace them with good ones. But also to destroy one's limiting beliefs (including those in our unconscious mind) in order to finally be free. It is also about discovering who you are and finally being able to live your life, without having to wear a mask.

    1. You need to go from wanting to change your life to deciding to change your life.

    Many people start this process of personal development. The problem is that they don't really start it. They are always lying to themselves deep down inside. They don't really take action and give everything they have. They lead a simple life. When they know that deep down they're rockstars. That they can accomplish things. Let me tell you the truth:

    You've gotten to where you are right now by doing whatever it is you're doing, so if you're less than impressed with your current situation, you clearly need to change things up.

    Content overload is the first cause of not taking action. There are so many excuses given by content. "I don’t know enough yet", "I haven’t read the book from x guy, I can’t still do it", "It won’t come out as good if I don’t see that video first".
    Stop looking for information on the best way to do it. Just do it. Don't become a knowledge collector. The content itself is not the result. The result is what happens when you apply and take action.
    Start this process with your imperfections. Embrace your uniqueness.

    You're going to have to make this decision to do anything to change your life. No matter the criticism, no matter the fear. And for that, you need a purpose. A purpose that goes beyond this notion of personal development, a purpose that makes sense to you. A purpose that isn't based on material results. You'll have to take action every day. Stop looking externally on how to do or how to be. Remember that you are absolutely unique. All you have to do is live your life and create that life story that only you can create.

    You only have one life. Will you wait for a difficult event to start taking action ?

    2. What happens when you take action (Yes, you will suffer)

    If you want to live a life you've never lived, you have to do things you've never done. You're gonna have to get out of your comfort zone, take initiative. You're gonna have to take action out of fear. You'll probably get rejected, abandoned. You'll hit rock bottom more than once. You'll have to get up and keep going. That's what happens when you put your ego aside and you take action towards your dreams. Having regrets at the end of your life is the worst thing. You will have to make efforts every day and willingly put yourself in situations that hurt you. Because it's the best decision you can make. And believe me, it does hurt. At first, you'll have a lot of resistance. And you'll feel bad more than once. Especially if you thought the results were gonna show up quickly. But it's times like these that you can't give up. Yes, this process of personal development is difficult. I've been through it and I'm still going through it.

    But beyond that, you'll learn. You will grow through these failures and difficult moments. And believe me, that feeling of going towards your dreams, no matter the criticism, no matter the rejection, is incredible. I've learned that inaction is worse than failure. I've learned that it's easy to succeed in a world where people lie to themselves. Or people wear masks so they don't have to live their lives to the fullest. Your life will become an adventure. And you'll be its main hero.

    finding your true purpose is not a magic pill. You will still have bad days. However, your worst day on your purpose will always beat your best day off your purpose.

    3. Be grateful

    Maybe you're saying to yourself, "why would I go to all this trouble if it's only to suffer so much?" The main problem with personal development is this:

    People start this journey mainly for the results. They want to have more money, a nice house, more relationships, a perfect body... They believe that when they have these results, they will finally be happy. The problem with that is that they will be frustrated and the energy used for their dreams will be fueled by lack. The lack of not "being enough". This mentality is very dangerous and can destroy you. When you'll reach your goals, you will feel empty inside. You will not be satisfied. And the journey itself will be even more painful. I call it the eternal unsatisfied syndrome. "I want more, more, more....". And that's why most people give up eventually.

    The truth is that happiness doesn't depend on results. Let me tell you something: We're chasing wind.
    We already have everything we need to be happy. Even if we weren't in this process of personal development. We are complete. We are enough, as a human being.
    Being happy is not something you experience at the end of the tunnel. Those who aren't happy just don't look in the right place. By starting this journey, you have already crossed the finish line. You can be happy now and show gratitude for all the things you have accomplished. You're a fucking hero, man. No matter the results, failures, hard times, YOU ARE ENOUGH. What would happen if you took action, not because you're missing something, but simply because you love who you are. And you know that no matter what happens, you know who you are. Abundance is the starting point, not the goal.

    You will learn that your thoughts are just thoughts and that your limiting beliefs are just beliefs, nothing else. Who you really are, deep down, is beyond all that.

    Because you see, getting out of your comfort zone is like getting naked in front of everyone. It's being vulnerable in a world where everything's under control. Under those conditions, you're going to learn a lot about yourself. You're gonna find out who you are. And when you know who you are, you don't have to prove anything. You will stop trying to attract people you're not meant to be with. Frustration becomes love. And pain becomes pleasure.

    It's also about letting go of difficult moments. because they happen. There's nothing we can do to stop them. Just accept them. And feel the emotions associated with them.
    Seeing these events as signals life sends you. To test you and really see if you can keep going.

    By understanding this point and applying it, your journey will no longer be a source of frustration of "not having enough", but a source of love for yourself. And believe me, that changes everything.

    4) Now let me ask you some questions

    1) Do you really have a purpose in your life ? A goal that goes beyond this notion of personal development.
    For me, it's about really knowing who I am, deep down inside.
    have you really made that decision to change your life? Are you doing everything you can to make your dreams come true? Are you taking action everyday towards your dreams ? Do you see fear as something to be avoided or as a friend that can make you grow ? Don't lie to yourself.

    2) Are you getting out of your comfort zone ? Do you deliberately put yourself in situations where you're going to fail? How often do you get rejected ? When you go to bed, are you proud of what you've done during the day?

    3) Are you enjoying the journey ?

    Do you love yourself ? Will you continue despite the lack of results? Do you know deeply who you truly are ? Do you take action out of want or out of love?

    Feel free to tell me what you think about this way of looking at things.

    Take care of yourself
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2020
  2. brou

    brou Fapstronaut

    Thanks my friend. That's exactly what I should hear.
    Best wishes
  3. you're welcome
  4. tedy26

    tedy26 Fapstronaut

    Very interesting way of looking at self development. I definitely share your reflections
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Thanks man. I think working harder and harder is too often emphasized. We forget how important it is to let go of all that and appreciate who we are above all. And I think it's important to combine working hard and letting go if we want to make this adventure something unique and fulfilling :)
  6. tedy26

    tedy26 Fapstronaut

    Ya man. An attitude of gratitude is essential to ones wellbeing. If we all look around we can find numbers of things we can be grateful about. Taking all we have for granted is a big source of misery. We only desire to have something until we manage to own it. and very soon we take it for granted.

    Lasting happiness n peace of mind can only be obtained from within. Happiness is not a goal. Since it’s a state of mind, it shall rather be a way of life. One can chose to be happy just by managing his thought.

    The idea behind the major misconception of taking happiness as a goal after hard work may have come from the manipulative elites. You see, happiness is not good for the industry. One must be unhappy about his physique, to spend on the fitness industry. One must be unhappy about his smell, to invest in the perfume industry. One must be unhappy about his clothes, to invest in the fashion industry. and so on... sth to think about
    yugowolf1991 and Deleted Account like this.