Why are people panic buying toilet papers?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. During this time of COVID-19, people keeps buying toliet papers for the sake of the virus and I still do not understand. Everytime I work at Lowe's and I go grocery shopping toilet paper sets are totally sold out. My family and I don't buy toilet papers for wiping or the virus, we buy toilet papers for the bathroom. I think it's the customers are feeling hopeless about the coronavirus situation they have no control over and it's mostly the media to blame. Again, I don't get the obsession with the toilet papers though.

    Why is toilet paper the number one coronavirus item of choice? Please help me make sense of this!
    recon117 and desmondmiles like this.
  2. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    you can google this answer and its pretty self explanatory. cleanliness is one of the most important things for human beings, and toilet paper is usually first thing that comes to mind. a bar of soap lasts a month, but a roll of toilet paper can last a week for some families. plus with the unknown, a lot of people are being as prepared as possible.
    desmondmiles likes this.
  3. desmondmiles

    desmondmiles Fapstronaut

    You know that's something I've been thinking about myself.

    Just as @ahighertruth said, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that toilet paper is something that people consider to be essential for comfortable living conditions, and in particular their hygiene. Granted, there are ways around this, right? It's not pretty, but you could make it work. We have water, and showers, and all that still. But I mean, imagine not having any toilet paper? People think that, and they're like oh hell no, I don't want to be the one who won't be able to wipe my ass tomorrow.

    The media is probably also partly to blame for this, hyping up the pandemic because it makes good content. Just watch the news in the morning. You'll understand why people are panic buying. It's really the people that were doing all this buying at the start that are to blame in particular. Why? Well because people see that others are buying up everything and that there is going to be a shortage of all these important household items, so what do people do? Well, they go out and the panic buy it because their thought is, what if it isn't there tomorrow?

    That's why people are buying toilet paper. They're literally just worried about how they're going to wipe their ass tomorrow because they see everyone else buying up the toilet paper, and it drives them to do the same. Is that the right thing to do? No. Is that the smart thing to do? No. But it's hard to stay sane in a time like this.
    ....... likes this.
  4. Because people are so full of sh!t.
    (Apologies for the poor joke!)
  5. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    Because when one person sneezes, three people shit themselves.
  6. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Rise in porn consumption = rise in toilet paper consumption.
  7. FrendiI

    FrendiI New Fapstronaut

    People need shopping)))
  8. "Why are people panic buying toilet papers?"
    because in western world people use toilet paper because they dont know how to shit properly
  9. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Can you enlighten us on the proper way to shit?
  10. if you squat it comes out clean
  11. Yes... It's easy. Grab a pair of insanely tall stilts, perch above the rest of humanity, and un-pucker your sphincter!
    Mistersofty likes this.
  12. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    If only I could fly like an eagle.:p
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. KingDeDeDe

    KingDeDeDe Fapstronaut

    i like the theory that there just isnt that much on any given shelf, so they got cleared out fast which then caused people to get unreasonable and they stated cleaned out
  14. ghostpoet

    ghostpoet New Fapstronaut

    Ahaha, I do not know