
  1. inthemaking

    My dad is sick.

    I've just spent some time with my dad. He's on medication for schizophrenia and high blood pressure. Today I joked about him being so fat because he's on corticosteroids and is basically being pumped full of oestrogen. Both last night and today he complained of puking and a sore chest. This...
  2. SilentWolfSong

    This company’s drug will end COVID.

    This is a naturally occurring peptide made by the body to protect and heal the lungs. This drug just adds more of it. And saves lives. 72% of the sickest of the sick that aren’t eligible for drug trials but were given the drug for pity’s sake, lived. 17% of the same type of patients, who did...
  3. Slippers

    Any Tips to Survive Covid-19 While Alone?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forums. I’ve been struggling with pmo for more than half my life (currently 26yo). Tried many times to stop and I’m just now discovering/trying NoFap. Anyway as the title suggests, does anyone have any tips for home isolation? I currently work from...
  4. D

    As teenager during this corona crisis.

    I am on my 7th day of NoFap. I was and am addicted to porn and sexuality. To tell the truth, haven't even had a girlfriend nor a kiss due to this problem, even though in my not so humble opinion I do look fresh and good af. But enough jokes!! I have been fapping usually everyday since 6th...
  5. D

    Why are people panic buying toilet papers?

    During this time of COVID-19, people keeps buying toliet papers for the sake of the virus and I still do not understand. Everytime I work at Lowe's and I go grocery shopping toilet paper sets are totally sold out. My family and I don't buy toilet papers for wiping or the virus, we buy toilet...