Would this be a funny prank?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by skaterdrew, May 2, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    So my friend recently sent me this link where certain women were selling their worn underwear online, and sending it to peoples address. I guess my friend just thought this was funny.

    But what my friend was thinking about doing to another one of our friends was getting a pair of womans underwear and putting it in a see through package, with our other friends name on it, with a little bit underneath saying heres my worn panties you dirty boy. But then putting our other friends next door neighbors address on the package. So it would get sent to his next door neighbors house with his name on it with a little bit underneath his name saying here's my worn underwear you dirty boy.

    The next door neighbor will likely just think it has been sent to their address by mistake and were meant to be sent to our other friends house. The neighbor might even take the package over to him.

    But what would his neighbor actually think if they see underwear in a see through package and it says here's my worn underwear you dirty boy, and it has our friends full name on it? They're likely going to think their neighbor has ordered worn underwear online and it has been sent to their address by mistake. Can you imagine the embarrassment that would cause somebody? If our friend tried to deny this to his neighbor they likely wouldn't believe him. Because what would somebody say in a situation like that even if they did order them? Would they just say thanks and take the package? Probably not. They would likely say there must be a mistake or something, or it's not there's. So the neighbor likely wouldn't believe them either way.

    I did think this would be quite funny if my friend does do this to our other friend.

    It's just a joke really I guess.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Would you think it was funny if they did it to you?
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Do you not think that though, that a lot of the things you wouldn't want done to you are always usually extremely funny when they happen to someone else?
    Last edited: May 2, 2020
  4. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Absolutely, but I certainly wouldn’t cross the line either. I mean it’s all in good fun as long as you don’t hit below the belt. Of course if you do, expect to get it back ten fold.
  5. IbrahimViking

    IbrahimViking Fapstronaut

    And no to your original question.
    tring, recon117 and Coffee Candy like this.
  6. Karma is real.
    No more words.
    IbrahimViking and recon117 like this.
  7. Oh hell no!

    Here’s what happened to me, although not X-Rated.

    A friend of mine used to work for the post office here in my city. It’s a medium sized city and she would often come across the mail of her friends that lived in this city.

    The reason I know this is she came across a horse racing magazine that had my name on it.

    She asked me if I was into horse racing and gambling on the horses. At the time I was still going to church and gambling was frowned on. She was concerned that I was getting into gambling.

    Now imagine if that had been the item you mentioned in a clear wrapper. She could have had me kicked out of the church.

    I let her know it wasn’t me, it was the other JC that lives in the same city. That other JC was a “bad boy”. Because of him I’ve had to write numerous letters to debt collection companies because they were looking for him and since my name and city are the same they assumed I was the guy they wanted.

    So back to the practical joke, you have no idea who will see the package and no idea the amount of problems you will cause in his life by doing that.

    No, No, No, No, No!
  8. Eek, no. The neighbor might not even bring the package over or say anything at all. So you would get no reaction, and the neighbor would just have a negative opinion of your friend forever. That's pretty effed up.
    kropo82 and brilliantidiot like this.
  9. Seems like a lot of potential suffering for the sake of a laugh. I mean the concept is funny at first but when you stop and think about the repercussions then it's not anymore. I'm gonna give this a no as well.
  10. [​IMG]

    Only do that if you want to be known as a wanker, because it's honestly a dick move mate. If someone pulled that kind of "prank" on me, we wouldn't be talking anymore; there's a line when you prank and this certainly crosses it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2020
    kropo82 likes this.