4 am naked just did 100 pushups and faped twice.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Silver36, May 5, 2020.

  1. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Guess what Im back bitches.
    Fucking quarantine got me acting silly. 4 am naked just did 100 pushups and faped twice. I need to go to school to normalize my ass again

    Anyways some notes for me:
    • Wake up at 9 am no excuse. 1st workout at 9:30 NO EXCUSE. Breakfast comes later.
    • Eggs for breakfast 3-4. If no eggs then chickpeas.
    • NoFap till the quarantine is over.
    • You will not search about anything to justify your sad existance. No pity parties for genetics
    • 2nd workout 5pm-8pm.
    • No rest days. What would happen at the worst case scenario? Muscle tear or overwork, ur too strong for that shit.
    • No thoughts of sex or steroids
  2. Iamcryinginside

    Iamcryinginside Fapstronaut

    Sounds like your able to do this, what an intro.
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  3. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

  4. Fox.english91

    Fox.english91 Fapstronaut

    You got this dude! Stick with the work outs, and if you need, maybe find a secondary distraction activity?
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  5. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Dude I have been trying hard to find a secondary activity but nothing comes up, this was also the reason for my relapse this time. Please give any suggestions you might have...
    boichy likes this.
  6. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Thats why I love this community:emoji_heart:. No matter what the post is or what the context is; people are always filling everyone with positivity and motivation.

    Wish you guys the best:emoji_heartbeat::emoji_green_heart::emoji_100:
  7. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    good plan , try to change the workout to not train ever the same muscles day by day.

    Good , eggs for breakfast are excellent
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  8. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Dude if you fapped and still have energy to do 100 pushups it may be because you're TOO strong or have too much energy. The question then would be how to direct that, which isn't just a matter of working out or at least not just strength training. I mean if you get stronger then you have more energy to figure out how to expend right? You'd want to have an idea before you have even more.
    I don't actually understand what this means, do you have some inclination towards depression? I mean I don't know what the search would involve.
    Well lets take a realistic look, yeah muscle tear in moderation IS what working out involves but it doesn't mean you need a rest day, you could do cardio or some kind of active recovery.

    Good luck trying to control thoughts of sex -completely- though, but if it pops up briefly you don't need to continue it and you def. don't need to act on it.
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  9. Fox.english91

    Fox.english91 Fapstronaut

    Hmm, are you artistic at all? I’ve been painting. I got into soap making which is super random but I can give it as gifts and I think of it as 3D/structural design in a way lol. Otherwise, I picked skateboarding back up after a handful of years cuz I used to enjoy it. Other things... you could work on learning a new language! Duolingo is great, there’s also an app called hello talk where you chat with people who speak the language you want to learn, and they want to learn yours. There are a few ideas!
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  10. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Yup, I do cycles Of Push, Pull and Leg days.
    Since I cant get my whey protein due to quarantinr I have to make do with eggs. I eat 6 eggs everyday as of right now and its starting to take quite the willpower to eat all of them. I cant get any chicken or meat due to corona.

    Also: Im thinking about completely removing leg days from my regimen.
    Strong legs wont help me attract chicks at all.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    boichy likes this.
  11. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Dont worry, Im not that strong.
    I did those pushups in sets of 20. with 2 mins of rest between sets.

    Currently aiming to do 100 good form pushups continuously, will then switch to incline and diamond pushups for more resistance.

    About that genetics thing: I don't have a perfect bone structure, lets just put it that way. its not too bad and quite common, but I used them as an execuse for relapsing and skipping workouts and then proceeded to enter a very sad state of mind for a couple of hours. It was probably just a mood swing
    boichy likes this.
  12. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    bro your life sounds so interesting!
    But I am not artistic, cant go outside, already fluent in 3 languages.
    But I started an RPG video game, its interesting and will keep me not-bored.
    I also love to read. Currently reading Fahrenheit 451, its an absolute banger
    boichy and ahighertruth like this.
  13. Aw I'm jealous. I can't do 100 push-ups on the spot. I think I could do them in an hour or so.
    You speak three languages fluently? Then learning a fourth one shouldn't be too hard for you. How about that?
    boichy likes this.
  14. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Whats your chest and tricep push routine? And how many pushups can you do continuosly in one set ?
    Im taking ideas wherever I can :D
    boichy likes this.
  15. One set means I can do multiple reps, right?
    I already did about 30 push-ups today. But I will do that set now and tell you :emoji_muscle: :)
    boichy likes this.
  16. I was re-reading the good ol' stuff on this forum. So many amazing guys, so many good ideas out there!
    Anyway, you know what? Instead of having a calm routinely evening I will go out and do an ice bath. Did I say ice? Well, it's May and not freezing, but still fresh. How many push-ups will I be able to do afterwards? We'll see!
    (Doesn't cold improve strength or endurance?)
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  17. 6 sets with 8 reps
    boichy and Silver36 like this.
  18. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    ICE BATH!!!
    I wish we could be together mate, in an ice lake with pets and music blasting... brooo fuck quarantine.
    boichy and icebreaker polarstern like this.
  19. Definitely!! But .. with pets? lol! why?
    I've been into that lake in early winter and in early spring - ice bathing :)
    But never when it has been frozen.
    boichy likes this.
  20. leperking

    leperking Fapstronaut


    sounds like a great game plan though. You got this!
    Deleted Account, boichy and Silver36 like this.