Low Sex Drive Since 2 Years! Need Help!!

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by theboss123, May 15, 2020.

  1. theboss123

    theboss123 Fapstronaut

    Hello Guys, Its Great to read about the positivity and hope this forum gives.

    i’d like to share my problem which has been troubling me since over a year now.

    I was sexually active when I was 18 for a year or so and my sex drive and erections were at peak.

    But after that, I had suffered through some depression and I started smoking pot regularly, while being sexual inactive.
    During this time I used to fap once a day to porn regularly, but after a year I noticed when I got into a sexual encounter I couldn’t get an erection hard enough, before which I already felt a lower sex drive.
    I started panicing and thought it must be because I am not greatly attracted to the girl and took it easy.
    I smoked pot almost everyday and continued the same PMO but I started to notice that my libido and sexual desire had dropped drastically and confidence as well.
    I started getting sexually active again and I could do it but it was really hard for me to get a full erection without physical stimulation and even harder in the second round, I started getting performance anxiety after that and I was scared if I’d be able to perform like before. I used to lose my boner very soon if there was no direct arousal and then it would be hard to get it back, also I would lose my boner when I used a condom.

    I came across Nofap then and I hoped for it to increase my libido and sexual desire which I had lost, I could hardly get hard on without physical contact, overall less attraction towards girls and no morning wood since months, although my libido increased when I was very stressed and I fapped more during those times, most of the times I had almost no sexual desires or did anything to get active again.

    Today is my Day 10 of NoFap and I am trying since 3 months, in between when I relapsed once I was very horny for a period of 10 days but it dropped again.

    I don’t know if anyone has experienced something like this before, I was doing PMO since 8 years but I didn’t fap more than once a day mostly.
    I came at a point where I didn’t feel horny but I used to M just to release the stress, I have alot of anxiety overall and I don’t know the actual reason of my decreased libido, I was on fire a few years ago.

    I just hope that things go back to normal for me and I don’t have any issues as I am looking to get married soon.

    Any help or suggestions will be appreciated!!
  2. RestlessEngineer

    RestlessEngineer Fapstronaut

    Well i am no expert on the matter but i do kinda relate to you, though i started to pmo twice or more everyday since i was about 12.
    I had the same problems as you my libido was shit, i could not get completetly erect or i could not keep it up for more than a few seconds before it started to drop and whenever there was no physical contact for a few seconds my erection would disappear.
    The thing is i was pmo'ing since i was pretty young and thought this was completely normal, but when i started nofap and got to about 35 days my erections would be be better than before and last significantly longer.
    So my theory is that the porn somehow fucked some shit up in my brain and when i cut it of my body started to slowly heal again.
    So try to get to about 35 to 40 days of no pmo and see if things are starting to get better.
    Hope this helped you a bit, good luck on your journey.
  3. theboss123

    theboss123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for relating, it feels better to know someone has got over with a similar situation, a bit more hopeful now!

    Also it would be helpful if you could share how you went forward after the 40 day period and if the improvement was sustainable and the libido came back to normal?
    Thanks again!