The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Farzium, May 21, 2020.

Does Extraterrestrial Life Exist

  1. Yes

  2. NO

  3. Possibly

  1. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I was curious to know your thoughts on alien life and if you think believe aliens exist. Out of all the evidence for alien life I feel this to be the greatest. As you may already know, Washington — The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have been around for years showing interactions with "unidentified aerial phenomena."

    One of the videos shows an incident from 2004, and the other two were recorded in January 2015, according to Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman. The videos became public after unauthorized leaks in 2007 and 2017, and the Navy previously verified their authenticity.

    "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena," Gough said.

    The 2004 incident occurred about 100 miles out in the Pacific, according to The New York Times, which first reported on the video in 2017. Two fighter pilots on a routine training mission were dispatched to investigate unidentified aircraft that a Navy cruiser had been tracking for weeks.

    The Navy pilots found an oblong object about 40 feet long hovering about 50 feet above the water, and it began a rapid ascent as the pilots approached before quickly flying away. "It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the pilots told The Times.

    An unidentified object seen in footage captured by the Navy in 2004.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
    The pilots left the area to meet at a rendezvous point about 60 miles away. When they were still about 40 miles out, the ship radioed and said the object was at the rendezvous point, having traversed the distance "in less than a minute," the pilot told The Times.

    The two other videos of incidents in 2015 include footage of objects moving rapidly through the air. In one, an object is seen racing through the sky and begins rotating in midair.

    Footage released by the Defense Department shows an object rotating in midair in January 2015.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
    "Dude, this is a f--king drone, bro," a pilot exclaims on the video. Another person says "there's a whole fleet of them."

    "They're all going against the wind. The wind's 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude!" the first person says. "It's rotating!"

    In the other 2015 video, an object is shown from above speeding over the ocean, prompting the pilot to excitedly remark, "What the f--k is that?"

    Footage released by the Defense Department shows an object speeding over the ocean in January 2015.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
    Five Navy pilots who spotted the objects in 2015 told the times in 2017 that they had a series of interactions with unidentified aircraft during training missions in 2014 and 2015 along the East Coast from Virginia to Florida. The episodes prompted the Navy to clarify how pilots should report experiences with "unidentified aerial phenomena," which had been studied under a Pentagon program from 2007 to 2012.

    Gough, the Pentagon spokeswoman, said the department was formally releasing the videos to address questions about their veracity.

    "DOD is releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos," Gough said. "The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified.'"

    Do you guys think they exist? After seeing the videos and reading the accounts I have been very intrigued and definitely am leaning more towards the belief that they do exist.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  2. d34dly

    d34dly Fapstronaut

    Fun Topic and truly something completly different from NoFap.
    As to if extraterrestials exist, I think it very likely. The Argument from probability it just too convincing. It is estimated that there are something between 200 Billion and 2 Trillion galaxies in the observable universe, which would translate to 10^24 planets. Given that there is nothing particular special about our solar system, even if life is incredibly rare, there would have to be millions if not billions of populated planets out there. But that of course says nothing about intelligent life, or the ability to travel between star systems ( which seems to be constricted severly by physical laws).

    As too the videos, its great that they release stuff like this, and it seems intruiging. But extra terrestial visitors are just so very unlikely that I would be really suprised if that would be the explanation. Allthough it would be very cool.
  3. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    Wow, I didn't realize the number of galaxies was that high. The thing that really intrigued we was the fact they were found to be almost two times faster then our fastest aircraft we have. If that is a man made aircraft then our technology would have had to improved drastically in the past 50 years when it comes to airplanes. I read an article that the ufos in the videos were calculated to be 2 times faster then our fastest jet we have currently. Which would mean that our technology would have had to improved so much that our ships can now defy the laws of physics, and be two times faster then the fastest jet we thought we had.
  4. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Yeah they what?
    It’s a fabulous concept for us, but its very likely that in our universe, ETs exist...I mean talking unemotionally what criteria can hinder their existence? I think none! So its not a big deal

    2 scenarios:
    1. They know we exist, They know many other beings that do, but we r soo hopeless to them that they don’t care of making contact with us.
    2. They exist, some representatives even live on earth, us civilians don’t know about it.

    Present more possibilities guys...?
  5. No pilot worth his/her salt uses that kind of lingo! I highly doubt these are the real words, someone may have doctored it at some point. (I haven't seen this video myself, still I have never heard fighter pilots speaking like that, they are highly trained personnel and even in high stress situations, they do not talk like this.)
  6. Scenario 3:
    Life emerges and evolves in various parts of space-time fabric. They grow and they die away. They are unaware of one another by sheer distance between them, both in terms of space, and time itself. After all, even the lifespan of an entire galaxy is anything but a minute on the cosmic timescale.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  7. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    In the second video which shows the craft rotating they did indeed say, "look at that thing, dude!" In the third video the pilot did actually say, "what the f--k is that?" I have watched all three of the original videos and these words are not doctored in anyway. Really makes me wonder what those things are when some of the best pilots in the world are clueless at what they are looking at.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  8. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure what to think about these footages and other ufo/uap sightings, but whether or not extraterrestrial life exists and whether we've been visited by them are two very different questions.

    I think most scientifically minded people would agree that it's very unlikely that the Earth is the only planet in the whole universe that contains life. But that doesn't necessarily mean that we've been visited.
    Deleted Account and d34dly like this.
  9. We think too highly of ourselves. :p:D
    lizerdman likes this.
  10. lizerdman

    lizerdman New Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I tend to disagree with people who say ETs couldn't have the tech to zoom around space. We've been here in a mere blip of time in the life of this universe and we've achieved SO much in that short time so what's to say there isn't 'some-one' out there whose been here way, way, way longer than we have and has reached that point in their technology. The problem is we may never recognise them for what they are as they evolved and developed on a world different to ours, separate from everything we know which means not only did they possibly evolve from something alien to our tree of life but they might have ways of communicating that we might never understand.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  11. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Yeah! They could be in an altogether different “dimension” too!
    lizerdman likes this.
  12. The problem is that we haven't managed to overcome any fundamental laws of physics, and have zero practically viable ideas or theories to have a way outta their limitations.

    Once again technological developments just mean utilising basic and fundamental laws of physics to our advantages, it doesn't help us to break them and step out of their limitations. I am pretty sure that no matter which planet or galaxy you are born in, you simply can't escape the limitations of space-time. It's one thing to imagine supralight vehicles and all that sci-fi thingys, but the physics of it just doesn't work out.

    Technology is complicated and complex but the basic laws are pretty simple and pretty much untouchable.

    There are so many hurdles; energy, problem of communication, time itself, the value you get out of investing so heavily into such an ordeal etc.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  13. Articles miss out on a lot of things. I will direct you to hear from the pilots themselves. Also a lot of our current fighters and even older ones are still classified and so we have no idea about their actual stats. Also most fighter jets do not go above the usual speeds that we are familiar with (in terms of fighter jets) because:
    1) It eats fuel at astonishing rates (going empty within single digit minutes)
    2) The air resistance eats up the airframe and therefore such planes won't be making multiple flights
    3) There is not much use for that kind of speed in present day scenarios

    Also if a military is testing secret, hush-hush stuff, it would rather let the rumours of UFOs flourish (and even actively fan such rumours), instead of showing their hand prematurely.

    As Sherlock Holmes once said...!?
    "Extraterrestrials need not interfere in our affairs, we have plenty of competition within our ranks."
    thinking_differently likes this.
  14. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    True, those all are perfectly reasonable statements you made. It is curious though that the objects in the video all have the classic, "saucer shape." The first and last video both seem to look more like a circle but the middle footage, which is probably the best footage out of all the videos. That object in the video quite cleary has the classic ufo look. What is interesting is that the object in the second video resembles no aircraft we have ever seen. It resembles objects in other sightings where people claim to have seen a similar craft, and "little grey men." Of course those cases are way less credible where people claim to get abducted by these crafts. But it is interesting those first hand accounts are sort of adding up here. Do you think if the government had secret crafts they would look like this? If these objects just looked like some sort of jet then case would be closed that it is ufo life. But they look nothing like our current aircrafts and resemble other ufos people have seen and even more crazy accounts of claims of being abducted by what these people claim is not human. Do you think they went from fighter jets to making secret spinning saucers?
  15. Dragons are depicted in almost similar ways throughout the world. Does that mean they exist(ed)? (I know that there are some differences in Western and Eastern dragons, but I hope you see my point.)

    Have you studied the supersonic and subsonic aerodynamics of various shapes? You machine a bullet size object, put it in appropriate wadding and powder loads and send it down the range with high speed cameras recording it's flight. You will quickly find out why most superfast airplanes are designed in particular shape(s).

    Interesting point to note is that different shapes may or may not be suitable for both subsonic and supersonic flight within an atmosphere, therefore the idea of saucer shaped object flying multiple times the speed of sound doesn't find much ground in my eyes.

    It's just what is popular stereotype, like green or flesh coloured big eyed aliens with round oversized heads.

    P.S. You can google odd shaped aircrafts to see that what constitutes as our modern image of a plane doesn't do justice to the ingenuity of mankind. There were planes in the 60s and 70s that are futuristic even by today's standards. It's an interesting research, if you wanna try to invest some time in it.
  16. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    Man I get what you're saying but these E.T. are just fallen angels that lost their first estate following Satan. And the CATHOLIC "church" has invested in their studies, mainly with the LUCIFER telescope in the US. They probably built the pyramids. Thank me later.
  17. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    Lol I don't think so. Demons are supposed to be spiritual so how would they be flying these physical objects. Maybe the aliens are evil in nature :).
  18. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

    demons =/= fallen angels
  19. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Like the movie RIPD??lol