Hi. 18 y/o newbie here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, May 23, 2020.

  1. Hello!

    I am an 18 y/o, male, who was first exposed to pornography somewhere around the age of 11/12. I have, at times, felt my relationships, perception of women around me and life choices/decisions been affected by this indulgence.

    I am abstaining from masturbation and porn for 30 days. I have just signed up now and am regarding myself on day 0!

    I cannot wait to be free from the grip of this dangerous trap. Optimistic that this platform will provide me with the right help and support.

    Thank you!
  2. Have changed my goal of 30 days to 90 days!!
  3. :)-keepsmiling

    :)-keepsmiling Fapstronaut

    Yeah mate!!!
    You have come to the right place!!!
    Keep posting and stay tuned!!
    Happy journey
    LoveIsAllWeNeed likes this.
  4. :)-keepsmiling

    :)-keepsmiling Fapstronaut

    Hey there,
    I will highly recommend you to start with small goals and keep building on it!!!
    Start with the one month mark!!
    Work on yourself continuously during your streaks and you will see the results. After this you won't need porn to satisfy your urges!!!
    Believe me!!! Telling you out of experience!!!!
    I am not discouraging you!!! I am just being precautions so that you do the best!!
    Hope the best for you!!
  5. ssack32

    ssack32 Fapstronaut

    Hey there, I'm also 18 and have been masturbating for the same amount of time as you and have felt similar things to what you describe above. We could always talk privately if you like! Can't wait to see you grow throughout this process!
    LoveIsAllWeNeed likes this.
  6. Hey, welcome to the NoFap community
    : )

    It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!
    First let me go ahead and drop some helpful links for you:
    Getting Started Guide / Forum Rules / How to Use the NoFap forums/ Glossary/ NoFap Panic button/
    Set up your day counter /
    Rebooting Resources/
    Accountability groups (new!)/
    About NoFap/ Support NoFap

    Here is just some advice:
    First and foremost please take a careful look at each section in the forum, there may be something(s) you will find to be of big help to you.

    Secondly I advise you to be active onyour profile(as there a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then begin posting frequent status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement.
    The forum has got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see.
    People will find your profile and give you support.

    There’s a portion of people who love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive conversations. It would be great to have you join in and become part of the team!
    We support others in the threads, profile posts, and journals/reboot logs.
    Once you receive some support, please be sure and be grateful to the member for the help/support you received and consider giving some in return to anyone you wish.

    Thirdly, you should highly consider creating a public journal/reboot log (in the appropriate sectionfor you) to write about your days in depth for us members to follow along on your journey and offer support to you on.

    Please start your journal in the correct section and with that, also try your best to post in the correct sections as it is mandatory and would be helpful to the mods who organize the forum. : )

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
  7. Thank you so much for the support everyone!! Wow! I was not expecting such a positive and supportive response so I am extremely grateful for you all.

    Best wishes :)
    LoveIsAllWeNeed likes this.
  8. Thanks a lot! I'll check it out