What game are you most excited for?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Wolves of Wisdom, Jun 27, 2020.

  1. I'm really waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 and the remake of Destroy All Humans! I'm also trying to talk and get my mind off of urges so a lot of dialogue would help me out right now. Thanks community! Also curious as to what your opinion is on The Last of Us Part 2, I'm not trying to attack those who enjoyed the game I'm just intrigued by this whole debacle.
    GigglingTrout likes this.
  2. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Do you chat on Discord at all? Some people who reboot are on there and I guess it's a popular platform for gamers.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  3. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I would say that the game I know exists I am looking forward to the most is Metroid Prime 4, but there are rumours of a rerelease of the earlier 3D Mario games sometime this year (64-Galaxy) and if that turned out to be real I would be extremely excited for that. As for non-Nintendo games, its hard to say, I just finished playing Doom Eternal and enjoyed that, if I was answering this question 2 weeks ago I would have probably said that (I know it came out ages ago but whatever.)

    As for The Last of Us Part 2, as someone who liked, but didn't love, the original game, I always thought a sequel wasn't necessary. The ending to that game was pretty much pitch perfect and I feel worked better when we didn't know what happened next. Now that we do know, it seems to retroactively make the previous game less meaningful to the overall narrative. I feel like inevitable further sequels will continue to do this. Now I should clarify, I haven't played the game yet, and was never going to at full price anyway so I cant say seeing the leaks put me off buying it because that was never a foregone conclusion anyway, but at the same time boy does the story seem a complete mess. Even my friend who considers the OG game his favourite of all time cant bring himself to say the second one is anything other than "good" which is a massive downgrade from how much he gushes about the original.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  5. Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  6. Oh wow, hadn't heard that. I never played the Galaxies games so I would love that if it's true.
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    The rumours started a few months ago and said that the rereleases would coincide with the 35th Anniversary of Mario, which is this September. I would like to think they are true because the rumour said that alongside the rereleases of 64-Galaxy, a new Paper Mario would be coming. A few weeks after the rumours started, a new Paper Mario was announced. It would be a weird coincidence for that part of the rumour to be correct and not the rest.
  8. Ghostwire Tokyo
    Resident Evil 8
    Halo Infinite (yes, MCC PC was kind of the last straw for me with 343, but been playing since CE, and I want to believe)

    WesternWolf likes this.
  9. I'll have to take a sabbatical from work then in September lol. Yeah I agree it would be weird for only half of the rumors to be true. Honestly though not excited about the new Paper Mario... they are continuing with the paper gimmicks again and I'm just not interested in that. What was cool about the first Paper Mario games was the story, the cool fighting system and the partners; but they threw all that out starting with Sticker Star and the trailer for Origami King is just telling me that I'll probably never get to play a true sequel to the original games like I want.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut


    Whenever I see that they are still going with the copy/pasted character designs as opposed to the dozens of unique ones from the earlier games it makes me sad because I know it means we will just be getting another game like Sticker Star. Its like Nintendo are spitting in fans faces when they repeatedly ignore all the feedback at this point, I dont know what their deal is. At the very least release Thousand Year Door on the Eshop or something.
  11. Cyberpunk will probably be the very last videogame I buy. Also the very first videogame I preordered. November 19th is my birthday, too.

    Needless to say, I'm pumped.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  12. Total War Troy (On steam, because it will be temporary exclusive on Epic Games), Resident Evil VIIIAGE (8)
    there is many other games that i am waiting but honestly i can't remember them and i don't know if i want to buy them, for example i was excited for TLOU2 but for now i don't want to buy it.
  13. I'm not really a gamer much, but I like The Sims. So I am absolutely dying of excitement over Paralives.
  14. Yeah it really feels like a slap in the face. Fans were very vocal about how much they hated Color Splash. But instead of changing and bringing back the formula from the original games, they've doubles down on the paper mechanics thing and are continuing to do the same thing, maybe with a little nod to partners here and there and a more involved story. At this point I'm not surprised. I mean, look what they've done with the Mother series. How many years have fans been demanding an English release for Mother 3, and we still don't have it? And don't get me started on the Pokemon series. Uh. Sometimes I feel Nintendo knows people will buy their games no matter how bad they are so they just put the least amount of effort into them. There were some hopeful signs in 2017 when the Switch launched along with awesome games like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odessy, but it still seems that a lot of the greedy unimaginative culture is still present at Nintendo.
  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    The Pokemon example pains me the most because I used to love that series so much, and its just been completely downhill for like the last decade. I hate to sound so vitriolic here but I'm convinced Game Freak are either hilariously incompetent, or hilariously lazy, or some combination of both. Just look at how the flagship Pokemon game on Switch looks and runs like an early access indie title, with so much content removed compared to past games, and then compare it to the new Pokemon Snap game, which actually looks at least close to being like what people always wanted from a 3D Pokemon title, and its only a spinoff. I was baffled by this until I saw Namco Bandai were making it, not Game Freak, which explains it all; Namco actually know what they are doing. I mean even Nintendo themselves got help from Monolith when they were making the open world parts of BOTW, why cant Game Freak get help when making a 3D Pokemon when its obvious they dont know what they are doing or how to do it? The only answer to this question, to me, is like what you said, they know people will buy the game anyway so they have no incentive to improve.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Probably worth picking up TLOU2 when its heavily discounted, thats what I plan to do.
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Why will it be the last videogame you buy?
  18. Excellent topic! The new Witcher game is probably my most anticipated game of all time, followed closely by Cyberpunk, then BOTW 2.

    Also I really, really, really liked TLOU2, except the end that I think is fucking atrocious in so many ways.
  19. I would LOVE to see a new Mafia game. A good one. Something between 1st and 2nd part, something with really good graphics and epic storyline just like Mafia 1 and 2.
  20. I'm not going to buy anymore consoles/gaming PCs after my current one becomes outdated. I'll still enjoy what games I have on it sometimes, but that's enough for me.
    I think it's just me: I don't like videogames as much anymore. I'm more interested in real things. I'm not saying videogames are bad but I just don't find them fun anymore.
    WesternWolf likes this.