GEN Z and internet addiction ISSUES in NoFap community

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jul 20, 2020.

How much time you spend on the internet per day?

  1. 0,0-0,5 hour

    3 vote(s)
  2. 0,5-2 hours

    3 vote(s)
  3. 2-4 hours

    6 vote(s)
  4. 4-8 hours

    6 vote(s)
  5. 8+ hours

    9 vote(s)
  1. First of all, NoFap is great as a lifestyle and as a community. Second, forgive me that there will be too little mention of the nuances, I didn’t want to add so much, well, you know, my English isn’t great and I am afraid you won’t understand what I am saying. Third, this is dedicated only to those GEN Z representers who use the internet at least 1 hour without reasonable purpose like studies or working and also, to everyone, who may believe that they are addicts to the internet or to this website. Fourth, these words were written on 29th June and I have rarely edited anything from that day, but, well yeah, it is quite edited, even now when I write this I still I am editing it. Quite nothing changed, only that I have relapsed once without binging or sth like that in 26 days without NoFap. I don’t give it a serious meaning to it. I have learned to enjoy my journey. I thought I will publish this message after exams will end and I will try to live at least a month completely without the internet. Now it's time. I just wanted to accentuate that NoFap (and also, everything that is on the internet) has one irritable flaw - it always inevitably ties the person, who is determined to get rid of addiction at all costs but does not know how to achieve it effectively and also productively, to the screen.


    Seeing that there are a lot smart and different people, I will not speak for everyone here, but for myself as an individual with specific needs with a hope that there are more people like me – if more specifically, I am talking about people who tried/are trying to make this website, this whole screen contents their lifestyle or just try to fight PMO addiction not minimizing the usage of the internet when they can allow/need to do it [thinking that you can’t allow minimizing the usage of the internet is almost always fake belief]. To me, the NoFap website seemed to possess great opportunities at first, but be aware that it won’t become ultimum refugium as it became to me.

    You already got TL;DR, dear boys and girls.


    Do you remember the old & cunning Asclepius and his business? All this thing is like incubation – waiting till god will whisper you the secret of how to cure the disease that threw you to the ground. That’s why I fell. I always sth waited on the internet, including NoFap. It has become the nature of our generation. Waiting. One can wait for the miracle to happen, but the sign will be given from inside.

    NoFap website, if you mainly concentrate to it as an imaginary source of healing, not to presented methods in screen (you can realize it if you spend at least here 1 hour per day statistically, while not writing your journal, not answering important PM and topics), provides only an intermediate modus vivendi that I tried. I mean I was for maybe 60 days at full capacity concentrated to remain there, I mean not only to support others, like people’s posts, reply to topics, congratulate people (that I guess boost dopamine mostly), but basically just to be here as long as possible, believing that I am doing something good and I am fighting this demon inside & outside. Of course, this community gave me a lot of benefits – for example, I was motivated to take a cold shower, to disconnect from media, social networks, stop reading news, try to exercise harder again, eat healthier, to meditate and most important thing – it gave me a clear hope, desire to change my life and all other habits. I believed that there is things that lead me to relapse.

    All of these mentions suggest that the main problem is not masturbation and if you really suffer at this moment & you want to change your life, you have to do it radically, and this site can even be a brake on achieving that. Well, for the last days before leaving it was to me, I am completely honest with you guys. The main obstacle, not including the addiction for the fear to live which may be another important aspect of this letter to the community soon, in that period was website as the thing itself because I have already learned everything that I need to do and this website just made me wait (there were such cliché in my head [As I see, I am not the only one with that] for example that only after 90 days of NoFap I can provide myself to leave and start complete abstaining from the internet – now I know that it was an incorrect statement!). As I read the success stories, I realized one crucial accent in some stories, no matter how it was expressed: the most important ability is to overcome fear.

    I don’t know if someone is like me, but the forum itself as a screen encourages me to wait, delay, and waste time. This is a still terra incognita for humanity – humanity has developed as a community and we are used to communicate live, so I won’t dare to expand here. I really need to read about it more, why we are so addicted to screens and the internet? Why is a good that promises productivity so unproductive to us, Gen Z? Our friends, our dreams, our relationships, our habits, even our lusts are on screen(well, you, as a PMO addict, probably found it earlier) so I may bravely say that we use screens as drugs. Is it normal? Is it an addict? What do you think? I have spent really a lot of time not only supporting others but waiting, checking NoFap just to have an excuse to run basically from my studies or doing something serious. Similarly, I have done earlier also when I used media, social networks and so on. Much gentler NoFap just replaced all of the negative internet issues. Moreover, I thought if I won’t think about PMO (and visiting NoFap is in itself such way of thinking) then I will relapse – I believed it was like a fuse that guarantees safety voyage. But as I understood, it is a really wrong way to achieve victory. I was so stupid. I am Orpheus but I still chose Odysseus’ method to endure sirens!


    However, I never faced such an amazing, positive community before. I believe this page is a ladder to climb on or a bridge to cross, but not to stay and build a house. If you want success, make your home a ship and get used to setting up a tent on top of volcanoes, and don’t forget to bring the lyre instead of the ropes. What I want to suggest to you, if you relapsed, you need to do the useful, good thing you Never-Did-Before or just strengthen new radical habit or just enjoy your life like you never enjoyed before. I really suggest to try this, after every relapse, after every P-Sub, after every walk to Instagram to watch ladies, there cannot be an exception. Keep a self-reflection diary, have a constitution of life that outlines prevention, habits, threats, joys. Always think about how to improve your life and don't be afraid that it won't work.
    I haven’t done this method so much but I have so many fears and I am so thrilled right now to meet them all. Behind them – opportunities. More and more I am starting to realize that the most effective self-improvement technique is to face your own fears live. Maybe you are hurting yourself with this addiction because you are afraid to do what you really want? What is left for a man imprisoned in a cave, if not his screen and misfortunes (negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, bad habits, behavior, lifestyle) arising from it? (yup, we are talking about Plato’s cave) Moving to another cave is not a solution. Outside, whatever it is, has a metaphysical significance to us. The internet isn't outside. Our brains made it home, to be more concrete, it has become just a comfort zone which still gives frustration, depression, anxiety, loneliness. Ironically, that trying to avoid much more intense feelings, we hide on the internet. And have in mind, that I don't say that the internet is not good, I just accentuating that it may become worse with overuse.


    Only you can decide where the internet belongs in your life. Listen to yourself, because only inside is the signpost which leads you to an answer outside (You can’t create purpose, but find it). Also, finding your mistake won’t help you if you won’t learn from it effectively( you can say, radically, if you want), lesson quality proves only the following acts. Sorry that I will repeat myself again, but relapse is just an indicator that you are doing sth wrong with your life and if you are still relapsing after 90 days with your new modus vivendi, you need to change your lifestyle again. Yes, I am hyperbolizing right now - in order to emphasize the fact that freedom must be sought without exception. So flipping everything upside down, would be a good but hard start (well, it is really hard, but why not just to try, eh?). Visiting this website, spreading the good and giving support and getting it became my lifestyle for maybe 70-90 days, I was feeling well being supportive, especially to those people with mine issues, I imagined like I am really killing this addiction inside and outside. I still think that NoFap is a great thing and it is not my complete goodbye to this community, I promise you to give the greatest success story, dear friends. I offer to every new fapstronaut to try this for 30-90 days, it is really great to beat a bunch of addictions, and then, if you still be relapsing, go seek another lifestyle, because, unfortunately, attachment to the screen like to a fetish sabotaged this website to me and many others in the halfway, it seems there are a lot of people who struggles. This percentage of succeeds isn’t worth to remain there. The human often chooses the way to put hope in something other than yourself – this leads to Pyrrhic (false) victory, which eventually fades, to ruins.


    To be honest, I don’t want to be rude, but maybe I will be capable to help to someone with this statement(well, what an irony! :) ): no one will help you here if the seeker within you is greater than the lover or believer. If so, ONLY YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF. WITH ACTION. To me, I needed to realize that it is what I need for 100% - to quit the internet completely and move to real life. Now I am feeling like Samson who grew his hair again. You can say that you are needed here, well, as I experienced, it is the most annoying thing to see how your support, advice aren’t appreciated or helpful to others (especially to those femdom addicts who asks help but doesn’t listen [sorry, it was quite really subjective experience]). And also for me, the same - support I received from others didn’t help, sorry to disappoint ya guys, but I still ya love because of trying. Support is good only for that moment, but there won’t be always a person who can support you, you need to face difficulties by yourself and learn to support yourself. Life is tough, what I can say else. Mostly this support on the website is too sticky and it seems it is just trying to change the dopamine reward system. Of course, there were really many people with great advice and more with generous behavior, but realistically, maybe only 4 people pushed me to progress and only one person helped me here and I will always be grateful to him, I think such things on the internet not often happens, I doubt I could provide someone such help at this moment, it’s because you need like just a more mature yourself with similar values, capable to highlight the most important accents of your journey. Sometimes our inner voice is too hesitant, we need to give it the tribune (f.e. diary, psychotherapy; to improve your inner voice, introspectivity requires to give a lot of effort, honestly, mindstorm is one of best things to find your problem, just think about your every mind seriously) that is built only in silence or wait for the other person’s lips to say so. It is great to have help from someone more skilled and similar to you personally, try to find such a person in NoFap or somewhere else and you won’t regret it. I am really thankful for this community though, I’ve learned here a lot of stuff and I doubt that there is something left I can learn. Those 90 days passed weeks ago and I left it without saying anything. Only leaving NoFap for more than a week I was capable to not relapse for almost 4 weeks again (well, my brains seem to don’t count that relapse till I don’t overuse the internet; well, now I am overusing highly). I have written every impactful thought that I found there in my diary - I am reading it every day.


    Before leaving NoFap I overcame my biggest fear and realized it wasn’t so terrible. And then I have done 3 craziest things in my life. Tbh I even felt like in a book doing that, but some things are too hard to explain there. I didn’t turn my life upside down, but after leaving NoFap, turning my internet completely (I guess it was complete dopamine detox only with books) and only studying in the library and other places (I had agoraphobia, so that was an even higher improvement), writing, meditating and starting jogging for few days I understood that I have achieved a lot more than I think - because of NoFap, which replaced all my other negative lifestyle features, I believe I forgot easier all my those bad habits and attitudes related to the phone, masochism, “tiny” misanthropy, skepticism and the internet, to all those useless videos on YT and articles to which I wanted to vomit 90 days before. Maybe that’s why I quitted the internet so easily. BUT IDK, I think everyone can do that, you just need to try it seriously, the first step - to think and realize. There is still a huge niche here that I can fill with bad and good things. Old habits want to get back, that’s why I need to unfurl the sails and dive into the whirlpool of life. I moved forward to fight my fears and overthinking. If I am afraid to go to the library or get back to the gym, jogging in the forest, to talk with a person in the street, to call various people maybe 20 times with a phone (I have a phobia of speaking) and I think that it isn’t useful - I need to do it. I am always obsessed that interacting with people, going outside isn’t useful to me, it will steal my time, but well, what about fucking fapping? If you want to feel well, start changes. Because as I said, if you are relapsing, it is not only about self-sabotage, it is about you doing the wrong things, maybe living a boring, dreary life? If you thought you need to do it or you want it - please, do it. Those who get used to a cold shower I hope to understand what useless thing is overthinking. If you overthink - f.e., if you think about consequences, about counterproductivity, what will think others - you must do it, just do it. I know it sounds useless and it is definitely quite radical what I want to suggest to you people (well, to me it was super radical), but try after every relapse change your life as much as possible, even though you WATCHED P-SUB – IT IS RELAPSE AND YOU MUST DO THAT!! Don't be afraid or ashamed to take a cold shower 10 times in a day if it is needed. Those changes can be not related to your PMO addiction so deeply, just change sth, EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN’T SEEM PRACTICAL/BENEFIT/USEFUL - DON’T THINK ABOUT NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES!!! Cognitive therapy proves the statement that our quality of life is determined by 5 aspects that are very closely related to each other: environment, emotions( not like feelings, more likely physical reaction), mood, behavior, thoughts. When you shake one, you shake others and so on. Improve all units to defeat the enemy and exaggerate until you succeed. And remember: The only person you can change is you.

    In the end, quot homines, tot sententiae. Discuss if you want.

  2. Excusez-moi, I didn’t say anything yet. I have written this earlier only with few edits. Now, I guess, what I will say now will be even much more important.

    I just forgot to highlight how it is important to realize what it is really your main addiction – it is really PMO? Perhaps not.

    From the first relapse there till 23rd June (when I have left this website), I must admit, I didn’t have any real plan on how I wanted to live. Because I feared to live. Yeah, I had goals (gaining more muscles, reading more books, writing poems, becoming doctor, being a greater person), but now I don’t think that dude who doesn’t do anything radical to get rid out of his main addiction (for me and probably other guys, speaking about physical addictions, it is the internet, not PMO; face it, we are Gen Z, we grew strikingly with this shit and we even not realize how it affects us because we never tried to live at least month without the internet) is clearly not the dude with a plan. I was like Narcissus trapped but on the screen instead of his reflection (Narcissus – narcotic, eh?). Living is when you do something that is counterproductive but makes you happy. Such narcotic behavior isn't life.

    I mean, I thought that I have a plan and it was that I enter medicine studies and work really hard, sometimes writing poetry, then becoming a doctor and traveling to f.e. East Africa and that sth like that. But there was even much more what I want to do (to learn to play harp and lyre, to improve my guitar skills, to learn Italian, French, old languages like ancient Greek or Sanskrit, Traditional Chinese, to write poem book or even psychological-philosophical novel, to try skydiving, to see the world, maybe even become eagle falconer [yeah it's hard and takes a time]). I thought it useless to write so many life visions if they won’t be fulfilled, but I was wrong. I was a kid who wanted a lot to do, I remember when I 14 y.o. wrote/draw huge A2 table of 70 things that I want to learn/to do and in that summer I haven't done anything, I just spend time with the internet; I thought if I would have much more will of power I would do that and internet doesn't have anything related with that; well now after such time when I have minimized the internet usage radically I can say I was wrong; you don't have a will of power because you use the internet. So, the internet swallowed me and I started to believe that I am a limited persona because of procrastinating that grow with bigger internet usage (in contrast, we rarely wonder how limited our almost uneducated ancestors were and they still had much more vital power and brains to try to do things than us who reads so many self-development books but are still delaying; well, it’s another topic, let’s not expand).

    The most important thing on the schedule is always to revise your plan and improve it. Don’t be afraid to change your plan or schedule if it doesn’t work, it is good to be elastic in our modern times. With that, you can improve your lifestyle. So when I wrote that plan (probably 1000th in my life, but I haven’t done it for maybe 2 years tbh), it seemed that the biggest hindrance is.. the internet. It seems that I am using the internet not because I don’t have anything to do, but I don’t do anything useful because I am addicted to the internet!!! Everyone said that to me, but also, no one!


    To me, my internet addiction is much more dangerous than PMO addiction. Even though it is quite close to each other – you don’t use some cassettes or journals (it would be really shameful to go to the store to buy this crap) or sth, but you go to the internet to find P and then relapse. And most of the parts we get this desire while surfing the internet. We become last, nervous, depressed, so on...

    The internet addict, who will try to cure addiction X with the help of the internet, won’t get recovery he wants. He may get to those 90 days, but what will happen after he will relapse? The circle if he will trust the internet again. The best recovery is to forget that shit. How you will forget being on the internet if the throne of the internet belongs to PMO? It is his possessions. How you will forget without the coincidence and abundance of life that only happens when you go outside. It's all about neuroplasticity. One has to furrow new pathways in the brain. And the best way is drastic.

    Maybe sometimes there was a worm coming out of the brain that would say: “come on buddy, turn off the internet for a while and let’s see where we go from here”. But I never thought that it is so goddamn effective. If you have doubts about it, just try it. What you can lose?

    I am an addict to everything that is on the internet, including NoFap. My neurons probably have separate points of contact with the screens.

    Well, as I said, NoFap is good for few months to stay (preferably for 30 days, I guess, and if your case is like mine – it helped me to forget other bad habits, at least made it weaker), I’ve already learned there everything how to face addiction, but it doesn’t help to me anymore. The only good thing is that you can support people from what you get dopamine as a replacement from that dopamine that you get from PMO, but in the end, it isn’t useful to anyone –moments, when you will really help there to someone, will be really rare. You can act like a hero but you won’t be him until you take care of yourself. Also, NoFap isn’t helpful to Gen Z because it is the part of the internet(the internet became oxygen to us, a favorable for vegetation niche in which we encouraged to reproduce with screens). When I broke my 44 days streak this website became a huge obstacle to me to do the most important thing – to delete the internet completely from my life. I swore that I need first to reach 90 days in NoFap and then I will be able to leave the internet. But I was damn wrong. Abstaining with NoFap help is radically different than abstaining without the internet. You won’t believe how much internet addiction is dangerous to us. I haven’t read any article right now to prove my statement, but it’s not a joke, comrades.

    I think there is a fair reason why such people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (there are even more entrepreneurs like them) didn’t allow to use the internet their children. You know, it is people who know about this stuff and danger of the internet. Basically they allowed for children to use the internet only one hour for a week.

    How much you use the internet per day? Do you really do what you planned on the internet and you not use it as a procrastination tool? Do you think that using the internet for leisure for 2-5 hours or even more is normal for human beings? Do you think the real hero uses the internet? If you realized, just don’t condemn yourself.

    Imagine, how your life will change if you stop using the internet. Including also this website – it isn’t normal actually as everything on the internet. If I will stay here, it will be just abstaining. I don’t know what you are seeking, my pals, but what I seek is recovery – such cases require to turn upside down whole life. And I will rather die than get into old habits again. That’s why my first step was admitting that I am an addict to the internet and also this forum. Leaving the internet was one of the greatest things I’ve done. It just drastically changed everything, I mean, seriously, from the first day. F.e. first time in my life I don’t have any effort to wake up 6 AM or 5:30 AM and immediately to exercise, take a cold shower and then meditate, I have a much more time to take care of food, I even started jogging only because it was my fear; if I need to do thing I do it instantly, I always search what to do useful; and I do even even even much more push-ups and it is completely WTF because I am gaining weight, not losing, I don’t dare to say how much push-ups I can do in one time. To me, it is more than 1000000x times easier to abstain when I see my real-life progress 2-4x faster and don’t get any negative shit from the internet. Yeah, I still have urges, but it’s fine. Be glad that you have urges, you need to transfer this energy where it needs to be expressed. Also, I can’t go to watch porn because I can’t use the internet.

    I had indeed gained superpowers (and because of that relapse 6 days ago I haven’t lose it), but certainly not because of NoFap (although, without this community, I would not have found my way). In these almost 4 weeks I realized how much exactly the internet was swallowing up my strengths, and when I left this NoFap website, I have been staying more than 48 hours without the internet ABSOLUTELY. Do you realize how that amazing is?! Then I just made such anti-internet decisions like f.e. to make as long as possible from random 64 symbols passwords (there are apps to generate such) to Wi-Fi and to all social media accounts, it takes at least 5 minutes to write it, to hide my phone card and USB to which I transfer every stuff that is necessary to me but is addictive, to write everything that you want to “surf” to the document, to shut off PC and phone and turn off Wi-Fi and mobile internet after every 30 minutes[shit, I haven't done that now, I will need to leave this site quickly], do everything possible to record progress and to make some rules who would allow me to fight my fears, to try as many new things as possible and so use the internet only for 30 minutes in the day (there was still one day when because of necessity I needed to use it for 1,5 hour, including and this time, but because I have wrote all my exams I "celebrate" writing this, but most of the time I have used it only for I guess 15 minutes; those times, when I used more than 15 minutes, I felt awful).I have 70 advice like that to myself that I read every morning, not only about the internet.

    How to get rid of the internet? It’s simple. Make just really long password to the internet (Wi-Fi or whatever you are using) if you can(at least 50 random symbols, you can use Apps for encrypting, so you would memorize it much slower; when you memorize, change it again immediately), turn off and deal with that you will went to the internet once in two days for 30 minutes or once in a week and you will need first to write for 3-5 minutes your password (take care that you will remain your password, but not in the screen so it won’t be an opportunity to copy/paste, better on paper), and then everything is up to your will. There is always prevention, you just need to think about that. I found myself that the best is to visit one time in three days for max 30 minutes (well, yea, it’s really hard to accomplish it even to me, but now when exams have ended I will try it more seriously) and it is only for the most important things. Even 5 minutes of the internet completely change me, I feel even now drained, so, if you are such sensitive as me, be careful! Don’t doubt that it isn’t useful. It’s useful. Just try it. It’s hard, and I believe I will need at least 7 years to forget this addiction (and 5 years to forget PMO addiction) – that’s how long it thrived, now it will die the same amount of time. When I will be completely free from internet addiction, I will be 25 years old and I will try my best to live my life with 100% capacity. I am lucky that I realized it at such a young age. I want to change this world, to make it a better place, in other words, I want to be a superhero. There is no place for the internet and other shit in the superhero’s schedule.

    In the end, I highly recommend everyone Kelly McGonigal’s book “Will of Power”. Too mainstream and sometimes silly, but quite useful if you want to get will of power to do and not to do. Also, you can read Norman Doidge’s “The Brain that Changes itself” (I guess NoFap community has already discussed it; I offer to those guys who are addicts to bdsm or some fetishes at least to read 4 chapter) and Adorno’s ”Dialectic of Enlightenment” (I haven’t finished it yet, but that's amazing knowing that it was written in WW2). Adorno didn’t write about consequences of the internet usage, but he wrote another interesting thing, if you will read it, I believe you will understand also how the internet works you, at least you will realize in what kind of “consumer” society we are living. The internet with all those social media shit crowns it.


    Uhm… That’s all, folks. I know that it is a bit chaotic, but oh well. I already tired of writing this thing. I think I said everything. Still love ya’ll deeply! <3

  3. Shadow™輝ツ

    Shadow™輝ツ Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    That was real long, but i read what i could, so you went through a no internet challenge and you discovered that there is much more to you, and realized only you can help yourself, i mean your right, its all up to you, and about the internet addiction like nofap, i think it is better than other social media platforms, and i think spending or if you say wasting time in here and apps that motivate and makes me learn new things then i think it is worth me wasting my time, but it is good to minimize the usage of apps and phone, but since most of us are stuck at phone there is not much to do :/ atleast for me cuz i think im addicted too. Also you're last pic has a nude woman eh possible trigger for some users ig :3
  4. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    holly fak you should publish this as a book. ;D
  5. Great post
    You really really get this whole thing, and clearly know what you're talking about, and I think what you said is very crucial for some people here, especially ones still struggling even after a lot of time trying, it could be the missing part in their understanding
    Some people realize what you're saying, but they see things differently, or maybe they don't have the struggles you have so they can deal with the downsides of using the internet, maybe they're less sensitive to the world, people differ
    But Some won't realize this truth until they try to stay away from the internet and dive deep within themselves to find the real answers to their struggles
    It isn't about nofap, but it's about external validation, we help each other here, but sometimes it becomes counterproductive when you start to depend on people's ideas and motivational words and validation of your streak, you lose yourself and your inner voice dies down, you lose your strong reasoning, some people can really end their struggle just by sitting with themselves for a week without external validation and stimulation
    Plenty of things to talk about here, I don't know where to start, but yeah, I agree with you for the most part, I think being away from the internet made you realize what really matters in the end
    This post event though is damn long, but it's crucial to understand, some guys need to understand this point exactly
  6. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    "Because as I said, if you are relapsing, it is not only about self-sabotage, it is about you doing the wrong things, maybe living a boring, dreary life?"

    I think that is the most important thought. Every addiction has a source. In my opinion Fap and Porn are more effects, not reasons. In many cases these are problems with relationships and self-image.
    I also have hypothesis that addiction can be related to problems with neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Every "win" in life gives you dosage od dopamine. When you have problems with that your chemistry could be damaged. I think in my case it is like that. That's why finding hobby or sport, and development is so important.

    Great to see you again

  7. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    Thanks for another part.
    I get addicted quite easily. I am addicted to searching for new knowledge, and checking phone.
    When someone intresting writes with me (nice girl) i feel like a god. After that i feel like a junkie checkin phone for another dosage...
    And this addictions are not reasons, they are effects. I have depression and Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD).
    I hope you will find time for some discussion m8.

  8. aricking

    aricking Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    really loved this concept is only pmo or anything else is my addiction,,,,i actually tested my internet use ratio that what i do on internet,,,i saw that my biggest addiction was using social media,,,after many trying i made a decision that i will never use facebook again,,and i did i stopped using any social media for 2 months almost,,,,now most of the time i stay on internet i try to use that time to gain some knowledge and watching garyvee,jordan peterson speech....but still i also reduced the total internet time,,,now i try to spend most of my time either studying,reading or workout meditating.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  9. I almost forgot to write here about how important is mindfulness. Meditate at least twice a day. To me, it is quite impossible to relapse when I have meditated twice in a day and tried to be mindful. I can relapse taking a cold shower, I can relapse even if I did something special and proudful, I can relapse even if I didn't use the internet for 48 hours. Mindfulness is even much greater than my mentioned recovery from the internet and trying to fight your fears.
    aricking likes this.
  10. aricking

    aricking Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    true,even i saw the same benefits,mindfulness even give many more benefits such as calm state of mind,having great ideas,strategic thinking,strong memory etc
  11. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Could you please elaborate what this actually feels like?
    I Just don’t Seem to understand the word.

    I am a rookie Meditator. :)
  12. Sure buddy, these days I thought a lot about how stoicism is related to mindfulness because very often it is said that mindfulness and meditation are a product of Hinduism and Buddhism what is quite wrong. :) Just it seems that stoicism accentuates much more "death" than Buddhists.

    Well, don't think buddy that I have reached mindfulness completely, there is a long way to reach something like true mindfulness. My achievement is that I stopped worrying a lot and started to do things immediately. I do some Benjamin Franklin stuff with some improvements in my diary, basically I every day revise 12 of my virtues so I can see my progress. And this progress I see especially on #Peace, #Silence, #Will of Act, #Chastity. That is what I have learned doing meditation and a cold shower. I guess everyone who does cold shower and meditation every day can gain at least a little bit of mindfulness. I am doing a cold shower more than 130 without any break and meditation I guess somewhere more than days with the only day without it. Nowadays I take a cold shower twice and meditate also twice. I also this week started to do "metta" meditation, so we could say it is the third per day.

    Mindfulness is not only being in the present as someone says but just being conscious all the time. I guess that's it? Such a tactic that used not only Buddhism monks but also stoics at some grade embraces proactivity. You just spend less time worrying about things that are useless. True stoic start worrying when it is needed, not before that.
    "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength"
    "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts",
    "not this is a misfortune, but to bear this worthily is good fortune",
    (these quotes is Marcus Aurelius),

    "True happiness is to enjoy the present without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so, wants nothing" (Seneca)

    I guess when you pay attention to one's breath, to the smallness of the outside, it leads you to the state called "let it be" or "be water". You just realize what you can control and what you can't.

    What I want to add more - there is no need to worry if you can't remain your concentration on breathing - it is normally to deviate, it is just important to every time when you notice get back to breathing.

    If you are more to science rather than the spirituality of "ringing words", I suggest you read Dan Harris 10% Happier. He isn't a guru, he is just a journalist who tells his story how meditation helped him to become 10% happier. In the end, there will be some great advice on how to meditate, also he will share his opinion about Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra. So sad that I don't have a lot of time to write about it.

    Still hope that sth from this mess will help you! o7
  13. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply!
    So essentially it is awareness. An elevated state of consciousness?
    Like an eagle soaring in the sky with a ‘Birds eye view’? And not like a snake down in the swamp?
    I’m always reminding myself And others to be aware of the situation.

    Okay, I shall look that book up.
    Yes, I am a Science Student, however I understand the importance of Religion in the world. After all, one cannot ignore the fact that we are emotional beings and emotions influence how much work a scientist can do!
    aricking and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  14. Dear friend, I really liked your poetic comparisons. You are definitely right!
    The goal is to be an eagle for as long as possible. Good luck!