Anti-Masturbation in the 1800s

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by mr.incognito, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    I'm reading this old book from 1842 called "Manhood: The Causes of its Premature Decline", it's a translation of an earlier French book, and I just read this part and it blew my mind:

    "Besides the intellectual and moral effects which we
    have mentioned, onanism often produces a very marked
    debility of the mental faculties, and particularly of the

    This is something I and a lot of you have experienced. It's impossible for this to be a coincidence. We aren't imagining things, as some people want to believe.
  2. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    Here's another one:

    "Moral depravity of another kind may result from
    onanism. The mind, accustomed to seek pleasure in
    a certain circle of ideas, or a peculiar series of sensations,
    cannot find any in any other manner. The enjoyments
    of onanism are then the only ones which the
    onanist can realize."
  3. Keep on sharing those words of science .

    ; )
  4. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    I interpret the wink as sarcasm but since you have been a member here for a while I don't think that's the case. It's early science, and some of the conclusions are clearly wrong, like we know now that pmo doesn't cause brain tumors, but it was a good start that should have been continued, and developed, and taught in schools, not just thrown out like they have done. Scientist now can't prove that pmo is harmful or beneficial, all they can say is that it's neutral and if you do it it doesn't matter - I don't buy that, I actually take it as disrespect because they are telling me my semen, sperm, attention and time have no value, which is clearly bullshit since advertisers fight for our attention, and they wouldn't tell a girl that the eggs she bleeds out have no value, then they would make some obsolete argument about why they could affirm one but not the other "In ancient tribes of 100 blah blah".

    All we have is our collective observation of the harmfulness of pmo, and mo, and when the symptoms we report match an old book that none of us had ever read it's just too much of a coincidence to be ignored. One thing that annoys me is when people refer to nofap as a religion, when nofap is actually a non-thing, it's the absence of pmo or mo. I've never heard of a person who was grateful that they learned about pmo, and proud that they did it, but the scientists will argue that this is the case because of the influence of the culture, shame culture - give me a break. There's no reason to recommend pmo to anyone, if you have the choice to do pretty much anything other that pmo/mo you should do that, they can't come up with one positive point about it that would convince one straight man. It's a waste of energy but they want that, it's an opiate and they know it.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  5. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    scientific consensus is that masturbation is healthy

    thats different for us recovering from a PMO addiction but people back then didn't have access or not enough to actually have enough to cause an addiction

    world was more religious back then, so masturbation was seen as worse back then

    also: books =/= evidence.
    Rex Biblio likes this.
  6. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    Post modernist leftist making weak arrogant arguments. How would I not know the world was more religious in the past, was I to believe it was less religious? Too stupid. Also I never argued books equal evidence, fuckin' quote me where I say that you lying idiot. I said what we have is collective observation that matches an observation in an old book, if the book didn't have that hugely important observation I wouldn't have started this thread. I also pointed out that I don't agree with everything in the fuckin' book, retard, because it's super old - modern physics didn't even exist at the time and medicine was mostly quackery back then, but correct observations remain correct observations. The scientific community can't show that pmo/mo is beneficial or optimal, why the fuck would any healthy straight man i.e. not you, want to do it? Everyone's consensus here, who is serious about being here, is that it isn't healthy, it's suboptimal, a little fapping is never good, but only a little bad. Try and make an argument that it is optimal, or superior to anything - not counting shit that is known to be harmful, like crack.
    Also look what I just found. An article written by one of your kind.

    So I was reading that book some more and came across mention of an old religious book called "Onania". Then when searching for it on the internet I found an article by an arrogant post-modernist LGBTQ. Looking at this we can get a clear idea of their view on pmo/mo and the answer to why none of us were warned as boys, because it didn't and doesn't fit with their politics.
    For you consideration:

    "Onania became a publishing sensation as generations of readers were drawn to the lurid tales of harm produced by this innocuous act"

    "An American Surgeon General was fired for merely admitting that it was a worthy alternative to abstinence or unsafe sex"
    It's considerably less bad than unsafe sex, but it's not a worthy alternative to real quality sex. And no one here recommends abstinance.

    "the practice gained new autonomy during the AIDS years as gay men created‘jack off’ clubs which functioned as community spaces and safe alterna-tives to both disease and repressive heterosexual norms"

    "To the left is the ‘16-year-old masturbator,’ looking much like ahaggard, hungover partyer after a night on the town; to his right is theupright ‘21-year-old abstainer’ in a pressed suit... As masturbation becomes more and more a part of modern sensibilities the self portraits of Egon Schiele unabashedly groping himself... Lynda Benglis mocking the phallus in Artforum offer telling images of the relation between creativity, masturbation, selfhood,and the rejection of social control"
    Jacking off is "the rejection of social control". Also fapping is often, if not always, used as a way of escaping responsibility, the abstainer in the pressed suit is just a symbol of responsibility.

    "The medieval grouping of masturbation with crimes against nature established the roots for a medical model promoting social control of personal pleasure."
    But when you don't pmo/mo you are harder to control, because boredom causes you to seek adventure. Also they endorse masturbation as a way of opposing conservative religious types, as if that even matters in this case, this isn't an argument about evolution.

    "Laqueur spends Chapters 3 and 4, the bulk of the book,assessing ‘The Problem of Masturbation’ and ‘Why Masturbation Becamea Problem.’ The short answer to this thick, thorny topic is the insight thatfor many, masturbation is a step towards self-discovery, a part of the making of the modern, secular self."
    Jacking off makes you modern and secular, rather than a "homophobic Christian". Note: I'm about as areligious as it gets, go ahead and read my journal if you want to get offended.

    "As it took on new meanings, it became emblematic of all that was beyond social surveillance, beyond the discipline of the market, all that threatened a well-ordered world. Conversely, the rehabilitation of masturbation in the twentieth century was part of a political movement for a new sexual and a new moral order.Beginning in the 1970s, solitary sex was regarded as a way of reclaiming the self from the regulatory mechanism of civil society and of the patriarchal sexual order into which the Enlightenment and its successors had put it. It became a sign of self-governance and self-control instead of their collapse."
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
    Chris_Cactusblossom and pezzer like this.
  7. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    Here's some more:

    "A new sexual ethos emerges in Califia’s narrative. For many years, women were told the only way to find sexual pleasure was through vaginal orgasm. Freud suggested that mature women should reject anything else(pp. 392–3). Yet as the 1960s turned into the 1970s, the women’s movement pointed out that clitoral orgasm offered far richer pastures. To discover the clitoris was to discover countless possibilities (including rejection of the need for men at all, as the penis lost its exclusivity as a sexual phallus)"

    "‘The kids should be encouraged to explore their own bodies and the bodies of others and to masturbate’, asserted the Furies Action Day Care Manifesto of 1971"

    "Laqueur’s contribution is to have unearthed and connected the dots
    between the primordial, medical, social and cultural narratives that have
    produced the shame
    over the most simple of sexual outlets."
    No, the act itself produces the shame.

    "For Laqueur, masturbation offers nothing less than realization of the essential human right to sexual happiness. Once released, the possibilities of practice are difficult, if impossible, to contain."

    ^This is why you're fucked up. By definition there isn't one straight guy that prefers fapping to the real thing.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    CArT_Vader likes this.
  8. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    yo chill

    I said :
    -science says masturbation is health :
    Science/studies and especially medical consensus > Collective Agreement on Forums. I know this doesn't sound reasonable, but imagine a forum of flat earthers or anti vaxxers, their collective agreement would be that vaccines are bad or that the flat earth is flat (not saying the how reasonable the belief/opinion that masturbation is bad/unhealthy is anywhere in the ballpark of those 2 beliefs)
    The American Medical Association declared masturbation as normal by consensus in 1972.
    Medical Consensus says masturbation is physically health/psychologically normal
    psychologytoday blog insight therapy 20100 9 the masturbation gap (cant post links but should be enough to find article thru search (not rule evading, no ban plz)) :
    "The publication of Kinsey's and Masters and Johnson's research revealed that masturbation was both common and harmless. Many studies have since confirmed this basic truth, revealing in addition that masturbation is neither a substitute for "real" sex nor a facilitator of risky sex."
    "By definition there isn't one straight guy that prefers fapping to the real thing." Just because sex > masturbation that doesn't make masturbation unhealty or bad or whatever.

    -world was more religious back then, so masturbation was seen as worse back then :
    I thought a lot of religions/sects advised against masturbation or see it as a sin. Remember just because something is healthy =/= good to do or moral. Probably a false assumption by me I apologize.
    -"How would I not know the world was more religious in the past, was I to believe it was less religious" :
    I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know that I just thought it was relevant to the context of the text you brought up, kinda like a reminder or something because someone knows a fact, doesn't mean they remembered that fact at that instance. Realizing now that the context wasn't really important.

    -thats different for us recovering from a PMO addiction but people back then didn't have access or not enough to actually have enough to cause an addiction
    Just because masturbation is generally healthy does not mean it is specifically healthy for recovering PMO addicts. That agrees with the anecdotal evidence of the general consensus on the forums is that masturbation is bad because it is specific to porn addicts (I still think consensus of a group of like minded people is bad evidence/support) Sex is healthy right? Do some people abstain from sex while recovering? Yes. (And masturbation is more similar to what the PMO addiction is because you can do it any time, drag it out, do it a lot of times, and be in similar conditions as your addiction) (This isn't backed up by anything just conjecture)

    -also: books =/= evidence :
    Honestly I just skimmed the post and incorrectly thought that you were using books as evidence. Now that I think about it books can be used as evidence in cases, just gotta be careful.

    From Top Post : After quoting a book about masturbation that agrees with your views on masturbation you say "It's impossible for this to be a coincidence." Firstly, just because someone held beliefs (in their case, not supported by science) similar to yours in the past, does not make your beliefs right? What if I found book on the flat earth? Flat earthers could say the same thing (comparison to flat earthers for effect, its a valid comparison on the methods used to support a belief/opinion but I'm not saying that the belief that masturbation is bad or whatever is nearly as uncredible and baseless as the belief that the earth is flat) What if I found a book that matched what science says now? There are a crap ton of books out there so you can probably find books that match a ton of claims.

    Other Notes: I was bored so sorry for the long reply gave me something to do. I didn't intend to get into a discussion/debate about religion, I apologize for making a blanket statement that I did that maybe had some bad implications. Also ur reply had a link so it took me ages to find out why I couldn't post lol. Formatting got deleted RIP.
  9. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    A good question to ask is what would have to happen / exist / be true for me to be wrong? For me it helps avoid confirmation bias.

    I'll change my mind on the fact that masturbation is healthy (for those without PMO addiction IMO) if science supports that fact. Just a few credible studies.

    Honestly it would make me feel better if masturbation wasn't healthy because I try to not masturbate because of PMO addiction and probably will never for the forseeable future

    It is like videogames for me. I can't do them without falling into compulsive habits and I guess I envy those who can do it in moderation when it is healthy/ or at least not harmful.
  10. @oryxcrstl If religion (christianity) says something (masturbation bad) it doesn't automatically mean it's "fairy tales". You may not believe in God but you can't denie the good impact that the Bible has had on the world. It's the sole reason we have a free society in the West. And for the knowledge it contains, they are universal truths that humans have gathered through out thousands of years. And they are made into stories.
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’m going to caution you about believing everything a “ study” says or science says or doctors say. I, too saw nothing wrong with masturbating. I’ve since changed my mind. Science gets it wrong, studies are biased and money talks. I’m not a flat earthier, anti vaxer or conspiracy theorist. However, I believe that it’s suspicious that masturbating started to be accepted as good and normal around when porn became popular, ie 1970’s. People like to cite that animals masturbate but it’s uncommon, they only do it when no mate is available and never compulsively. I can accept it as “ normal” when you first enter puberty and are exploring your sexuality but for it to continue in adults? I do not think that’s normal or healthy. Just my opinion!
    SoaringEagle likes this.
  12. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    I just love how masturbation used to be called onanism lol!
    mr.incognito likes this.
  13. Yes I agree. However I don't see how that was a relevant reply to my comment.
  14. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    No one has ever observed a flat earth, taken a picture of it from space, or flown or sailed to the edge of the world. That the earth is round can be proven by measurement. Also if you think it's a weak comparison then you shouldn't make the comparison. Whereas, the effects of masturbation are acquired solely by personal observation - the earth is the earth for everyone, but everyone's body is their own body - and making an observation like "particularly of the memory", versus just sticking 'memory' in a long list of ailments, is uncanny because of the emphasis. If there are just two people who agree then it isn't impressive, but when there are several hundred thousand, each who thought they were the only one with the symptoms before checking on the internet, it calls for attention.

    The science doesn't matter if it doesn't get you the results you want. In personal experience the individual is always the expert not scientific consensus. They say 60% of our diet should be carbs, but that makes me tired. They say coffee makes you happy, but it makes me jittery and unable to sleep. So I eat less carbs, and I rarely drink coffee. You have to be scientific about the science and put it to the test, not just accept it.

    To prove that masturbation is worthwhile they have to prove that it is beneficial, which they haven't, and can't do. Simple test, take two fighters from either boxing or mma etc., have one of the fighters fap to porn for one hour minimum, right before he goes out to the fight. Who will win? We don't even need to do the experiment, we can intuitively predict who is going to win the fight. The fapper will lose 99% of the time. So we know intuitively that fapping is not a performance enhancer.
    Or you can pmo for hours before real sex. How will that turn out? Once again you don't even need to do the experiment. So we know that fapping takes time and energy, because how could it not? Is it a good use of time and energy? No. Fapping lowers the libido. Fap before you go to a bar or somewhere with lots of pretty girls.

    Also fapping is a substitute for sex for many straight men, but most, if not all, of them would prefer the real thing. I don't even need to see a questionaire to know that.
    StarRider likes this.
  15. Ah I see. True, true.
    StarRider likes this.
  16. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    In the years that conflicts happened between England (King Henry VIII) and Rome (Pope/Catholicism), Thomas Cromwell did his best to secure the kingdom (By oppressing those who leaned towards Rome). Just one of their sins was masturbation apparently.

    Around 1540:

  17. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    Nofap isn't a cult because we're free to do as we please, there is no coercion, and if it doesn't work for you you can return to your former fapping life. People are here because they want to quit pmo, and doing that does have benefits. Nobody worships Alexander Rhodes. There are no laws or rituals, there's only one goal: don't jack off. If that's not your goal leave.

    What is actually religious behaviour, in the old sense, is pmo. Because, when you pmo, you are engaged in repetitious ritualistic behaviour, where you make sexual sacrifices, offerings of semen, via masturbation to a female idol with the belief that it will make you feel good.
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  18. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    i never said/implied that and i don't believe it is "fairy tails"
  19. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    Coercion is the requirement for something to be a cult, without it it's a sect or a religion.

    90 days isn't a ritual but a challenge. A success story is just a story.

    I know "don't jack off" isn't stated explicity, but by deduction it is, read between the lines. Also I don't even agree with some of the stuff on nofap, once again disproving your theory that it is a cult where we must conform to a set of beliefs otherwise we cannot participate. Did you notice the day counters that everyone has, what are they counting? The number of days they have gone without jacking off. Some guys try to just masturbate without porn but hardly anybody respects them, because the primary goal, even though not explicitly stated on a banner is to not jack off ever.
  20. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    It should be called "Fap" then. But like I said I don't agree with everything they say so fuck whoever wrote that. A person did write that you know, and they have a name, fuck them. There's also some feminist shit on there too, I don't support that either.