I'm alone

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Confident hopeful, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Confident hopeful

    Confident hopeful Fapstronaut

    I'm alone . I haven’t any best friend. Or any girl friend.
    I haven’t any same aged cousins, & haven’t any closed aged siblings!
    I Don't live with my parents all the year! Live in hostel with boys of various kind of mentally. Whose thinking are not similar to me.
    In this situation, my only best friend was PM!
    But I'm not happy to get this f**king friend!
    It’s so much destructive for me i realized! But when i realized that, it too late!!
    so I want cut off the relation with PM forever!
    That's why I need friends!! Who will help me out to overcome this problem! & will pass the quality time with me!

    Thank you!!
  2. Solitude does not have to mean loneliness.
  3. Confident hopeful

    Confident hopeful Fapstronaut

    I didn’t get it brother! Please explain!! In details!
  4. 20200803_195655.jpg
    Confident hopeful and Roady like this.
  5. You're lucky, then. This is a place where you can find people who share your problems with PM, but also people who might share your hobbies and interests. Look at different sections.
    Oh, and if you're fighting your addiction, finding an Accountability Partner (an AP) is a good idea. Just look for somebody who's at your stage of the journey.
    Good to have you, mate!

    REBOOT PEPITO Fapstronaut

    My best advice is start doing activities that can take your mind away from PMO. Exercise, meditate, take cold showers. The right people will come, i assure you. Just start improving your life stopping PMO and good things will come.
    Hope it helps bro.
    Confident hopeful and Fullyawake like this.
  7. gMan08

    gMan08 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I feel for you, and I'm sorry that you're feeling lonely right now. Social connection is an important human need, and it's understandable that you have a craving for social interaction. I would suggest looking into social groups online and offline. Websites like meetup make finding people who share a similar hobby very easy. 12 step groups are another great way to connect with others, and they're mostly online right now due to covid, so its really easy to hop on one. I agree that solitude is also very important. Being comfortable sitting with myself is a very important and difficult trait to obtain. If you want to chat about your experiences with porn addiction, feel free to DM me.
    Confident hopeful and En?gma like this.
  8. Actually i don't have many friends and never seen then, they just call you when they need, but ac tually this forum is full of people like us, I understand what you feel because i had the same feeling for a lot of time and sometime it return. I remember when i was in america was so easy to make friends and socialize, this place is a rat cave. Never had a gf too but i ca not just had the first girl i see, it would not be a wise idea so i rather loneliness for now. But I comfort myself with books and learn.
  9. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    This is the best advice anyone on here could have.
    Confident hopeful and Mr. Crab like this.
  10. Smoky

    Smoky Fapstronaut

    I don't want to be rude. But in my opinion this is not correct.
    I don't want to run away from the problems I have. I want to fight against them and try to solve them.
    When you get distracted you are not doing anything. You are just forgetting.

    For example, one activity I can do to stop thinking about PMO can be taking drugs. I know it is an extreme example, but it fits what you said. Another activity can be watching TV or playing too much videogames. Those are not good things but keep you distracted. I would not recommend that.

    What I would do is to face it.

    Urges? Let's go. Come and catch me... I will enjoy you.

    As I said before, I do not want to sound rude or something, it is just my point of view.

    Hope you are doing well.
    Take care!
    Confident hopeful likes this.
  11. Know one thing: this is a process where its possible to find a cure. You are not alone in this journey, theres a lot of people with the same problems searching for the same solutions, you are in the right place. Fullfill tour time with health habits and soon enough you will see yourself free from this shit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2020
    Confident hopeful and Mr. Crab like this.

    REBOOT PEPITO Fapstronaut


    hey man,
    No problem at all, we are here to help and of course you can express your opinion.
    I think that some things can be considered as distractions as playing videogames and similar acivities that in the end can be fun but are passing time.
    But things like cold showers, exercising at least for me help me to build my body, have more confidence and a large etcera. Meditate can help you to stay relaxed to fight urges with a clear mind.
    Confident hopeful and Smoky like this.
  13. I know the feeling, man. Friends are hard to come by and even harder during this 2020 pandemic.
    Confident hopeful likes this.
  14. Life is miserable, right? Nobody cares about you, right? School and work are a pain in the ass, right? But life gets way better when your willing to face your challenges and overcome your addictions. Trust me, you will feel better without PMO because I already do.
    Confident hopeful and Fullyawake like this.
  15. If your going through a rough patch in life, make sure you get enough sleep (Preferably: 8+ hours). Sleep is very important. Sleep helps with mood regulation. Drink a lot of water. Your body is 75 percent water. If you feel stressed and anxious, relax and meditate. Make sure your getting enough exercise, exercise helps with blood circulation. Remember to eat whole grains, fruits and veggies. Also, remember to be careful what you feed your brain (Ex: Music, Books, Movies etc.). What you feed your brain is what it’s going to see in it’s reality. Hopefully, this helps.
    Confident hopeful and Fullyawake like this.
  16. the lostman///

    the lostman/// Fapstronaut

    if you want y can be your recovery partner i also new and need help
  17. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    That's okay. Dont make the mistake I made of rushing into friendship or hanging out with people just for sake of it. I'd have lunch with colleagues though I wasnt enjoying it. Dont do this.

    To be honest its okay if you dont have a best friend. Most people have passing friendships. You live in a hostel, s do you study?

    my therapist said, if you're not getting along well with ur classmates, it's ok. u spent so many years without them, you'll be able to spend 2 more years. u dont need them as such. not out of arrogance but as a caution against me feeling left out.
    that's a bit unfortunate. it's great when siblings or cousins get along well.
    it's actually great that you recognize that the thinking is different.
    dont try to change your thinking to fit with them. this is what i did.
    dont get bullied. if u ever feel they are acting like a bully cause they are in a group, then complaint or stand up. but dont ever give in or change urself or try to amuse them just cause u dont want to be left out alone.

    i'm not saying if they talk well with you then be a snob. but dont ignore red flags if u notice they are mocking u or something.
    i guess eventually everyone gets bored if they have only 1 friend. it's like there's only 1 channel on tv or only 1 type of fruit to eat.

    i like hobbies where i'm alone. like going to gym, reading, or going for a walk. stuff where i dont have to rely on others.
    in my hostel there were groups of people. like a group of people who played football. one who engaged in song and dance. one for literary discussions.
    Confident hopeful likes this.
  18. RobertN0963

    RobertN0963 Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel. You will overcome this stage!
    Confident hopeful likes this.
  19. I used to be a popular guy. I was friends with the most attractive and intelligent boys and girls in my school. If I had just kept my hands off my dick, then I could've found an immense amount of success. Friends like the ones I hung around with in my spare time had rich parent, money equals opportunity. I could've been anything that I wanted to be. It's too late to go back now because I've been conditioned to believe that my social awkwardness is the norm.
    Confident hopeful likes this.
  20. You aren't truly alone here. Moreover, there is a difference between being alone and lonely. Personally I'm alone. Don't have any friends at all, and my family sucks. Yet, I don't feel any bit of loneliness.

    Learn to deal with it, or change your situation. Whatever your choice, don't complain. There is always hope. Stay strong.
    Confident hopeful likes this.