Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ThisSideThatSide, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    I am a student. we get updates about our lectures and other important notices on the telegram app. but, the problem is that telegram also has a LOT OF channels with porn, and we cant even put a filter to such channels or block them, or do anything to not access these.

    No matter how motivated i am to not watch porn, i just cant stop myself cuz it is literally just a few clicks away.

    I cant even delete telegram or i'll miss all updates regarding the lectures, and we get a lot of them, so i cant even ask a friend to regularly send me their messages.

    This 15 day streak is the longest i have ever had, i really do not want to fap and break it.

    I could not think of a solution to this, but if y'all can come up with something that will help me reach my target of 90 days, that would be great!
  2. the lostman///

    the lostman/// Fapstronaut

    man i dont know its a hard situation, try to explain a closer friend you have on that class about your situation and he will probably be willed to help you, try to keep calm when you see that you are more tempted to fail,you can star to do other things on that moment like meditation, man trust me meditation its the best if you know how to use it,remember all the work that you have done and everything you will lose if you fail, thin about that version of yourself that will never happen if you relapse, try to talk with some friend or call some familar that you haven´t talk on a while ( text or calls, nothing of facebook,whatsapp or any thing of that crap unles you belive that youre facebook /whatsapp its safe) , that are my recomendations as a personal one, man you are on 15 your on a half way to 30¡¡¡¡ thats more than most of us have dreamed to achieve dont lose it think about all the fight that you have done to get 15 you can also find some other things to do when you enter on telegram and you feel that youre about to relapse wach an "anti-porn" video on youtube, make something fun like play a videogame or sports if you are more willed to( just be sure that theres not going to be nothing on the videogame that will make you relapse) and try to be always on company of your family, couple,roomy,everyone who lives with or close to you becase its more often that youre not going to masturbate in front of other people, thats ir man i wish i could do more fore you, you should be proud you have done a great adnvace dont lose it
    yrjyrj likes this.
  3. I am also a Telegram user and from what I understand- it works just like google in this regard; if you don't search up a bad group, you won't get one. Use the same approach to block P from Telegram as you would when on google. You can also download Telegram on your parents' device (you're 17 so I assume you still live with them) and use it as is.

    Personally, I prefer WhatsApp over Telegram since I like the interface better, but Telegram has many more features. If you can't download it on your parents' device, you can ask them to set a passcode or fingerprint lock on the app and unlock it only when necessary.

    In the end, self-control is the pinnacle of what you want to achieve here on nofap. Start with practice like this and work your way to independence. It is very much possible, and in response to the title of this thread-

    Yes, there is a solution. Many. Which ones are you willing to follow?
    yrjyrj likes this.
  4. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    i meditate daily for 15 min and i know its power, what it can do. when i'm about to relapse, i listen to some calming music, or do some pushups.
    but yes, the idea of being in the company of my parents is a good one. i can do that, i will sure not watch porn when they are around.
    i actually do not like social media v much, so, i only have the necessary applications on my phone and laptop (just telegram in this case), plus, whatsapp or facebook sure can not act as a substitute for telegram.
    i will now keep reminding myself of how far ive gotten, and that i have too much to lose if i fap.
    thank you for being at my side brother!
  5. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut


    yes, from now on, i will consciously not search for such channels.
    unfortunately, i cant link my telegram to any of my parents devices because many of my college friends text me, and their texts are full of words my parents will not appreciate. but yes, i can ask them to lock telegram for me and ill ask them to unlock it and use it only when they are around.
    Thank you!!
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  6. the lostman///

    the lostman/// Fapstronaut

    youre welcome brother thats why we are here to help each other if you want you can enter here its a group were we post information and help each other in case that you dont have one already, also a good advice will be focus on the things that you want to achieve on this moment outside of the left the addiction, by an example ive started an exerciese rutine and im focus on that plus exercise helps a lot on the "keep busy" and dicipline area so it became synergic, if you need any other advice or anything you can go to my profile and write me, also keep it up man i got faith on that you will do it keep ir up bro!!! :emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:
    yrjyrj likes this.