Any advice?

A group for Buddhist Fapstronauts to connect.

  1. lovren

    lovren New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I'm a 20y/o who's recently become interested in psychology and philosophy despite my degree in physics. Through this reading, I discovered my unhealthy relationship to porn (not that i believe there can be a healthy relationship to porn). At first I wouldn't admit to myself I addicted, but finally I have accepted that truth. I've been trying for about 2/3 months and started out strong, but recently I've been struggling. Has anyone got any suggestions of how's best to interact on NoFap to help keep me focused on my goals? Any other suggestions welcome:)
    Paranimmita likes this.
  2. Zori

    Zori Fapstronaut

    I've been joining the challenge threads and coming back each day to report on progress. I started out on the 90 day challenge but after relapsing a couple of times after 40+ days, couldn't get motivated for another 90 days and decided to take on some of the shorter challenges first. I'm doing a 21 day challenge now and am finding it's helpful for me to have a goal that intuitively feels achievable. I might do another 21 day challenge after this, or move up to the next longest one.

    Other things here that have been useful is reading journals from people in my age group, and using the Panic Button at the top of the screen to get some added motivation when I need it.

    Good luck on your journey! It can be a challenging one at times but every step forward is valuable. Realizing that you have a problem and then coming to this site are big ones, and I wish you the best.
    mdif7 likes this.
  3. lovren

    lovren New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I appreciate it man. Another thing I thought to ask is about accountability partners? I've been reading on self-discipline and something recommended is accountability partners. I guess I want to feel part of a community but I don't really know how to use this best yet, so if there's anything like this or a thread like this then I'll get involved. Cheers man
  4. Zori

    Zori Fapstronaut

    Hi lovren, I haven't had any experience with accountability partners but came upon a buddhist accountability group this morning which you could take a look at. Here's the link to it:

    Sorry for the late response, I've been away for a week and just catching up with things
    Paranimmita likes this.
  5. Hi @lovren
    Good to see you taking a step to quit PMO for good.
    Before I begin, if you are happy to tell me then I like to know which school of Buddhism you follow or whether you are exploring?

    I would say whether or not your motive to overcome PMO is based on a spiritual/religious inclination makes sure that whichever methods that you use, to include secular (non-religious) methods into it. The added Buddhist elements to help you on the path to overcoming PMO is like an added layer on top what is normally done to overcome PMO.

    Makes sure you do these things first before taking any move.
    1. Remove all photos and videos of women who you have a sexual or romantic interest in from your computer, laptop, smartphone and any other device that you use.
    2. Remove all saved links to adult entertainment websites.
    3. Reset all your browsers - complete removal of history, cookies, passwords etc.
    4. Remove Instagram and other picture posting social media (such as Pinterest).
    5. Start a NoFap journal - trust me this makes a huge difference. It is better to use a paper notebook than use electronic methods.
    6. On the front pages, in the first page write why you are doing NoFap. What is the reason you want to reboot and overcome PMO
    7. Then on the next page write down what you think will happen to you if you continue doing PMO (for example I wrote things like "being a failure in life, being a loser and not being able to get girlfriends). This doesnt have to be accurate or correct but anything that is likely to deter you away from PMO.

    In addition to this if you regularly use YouTube, I would suggest you start a new YouTube channel and subscribe only to channels which have content on NoFap. Then each and everyday watch a NoFap related video on YouTube. Because each and everyday this will give you a booster. In the early days of my current streak I watched as many videos on NoFap on YouTube on a new channel specifically dedicated to NoFap (and Brahmacharya).

    Methods are important. We all need items in out NoFap toolbox. When going to battle to face the enemy you need to have weapons. Likewise when battling PMO you need to have methods to challenge it and keep it away.

    Examples of methods which are not necessarily based on spirituality/religion are things like cold showers, urge surfing, 6th Tibetan Rite, doing exercises etc.

    Speaking from my own experience, in the beginning of this current streak of NoFap that I am doing, I did cold showers slowly and steadily and later I started doing them on a daily basis.
    If I was not in a situation to do cold showers, then I did the Tibetan 6th Rite as it helps to completely shift away the urge to higher areas in the body.

    Please feel free to join our Buddhist Accountability Thread here

    Best wishes. Please feel free to keep in touch with me on NoFap messenger.