Here we go again

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BraveShine, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. BraveShine

    BraveShine Fapstronaut

    Hey folks,

    been in the "nofap-game" for almost 4 years now and as discouraging as it might sound, even tho I kept searching and used all the strategies I could get my hands on, my longest streak has been for 72 days only.

    What maybe sounds encouraging tho is that within these 4 years, I also managed to stay away from video game addiction for way longer periods of time, 5 months in a row has been my best, till corona came and brought a ton of excuses to get some entertainment.

    I also managed to take only ice cold showers for 6 1/2 months in a row, where I've even taken multiple of those at some days (little sidenote, after that time, a warm shower does feel very weird and unrewarding, im not kidding :D).

    4 years of constant nofap experience does teach a lot, after that time, I must be an idiot to not realize that there are patterns that lead to relapses and how big of an issue the PMO cycle is.

    I've experienced these happy moments where I felt like the biggest gorilla in the jungle cause random girls started looking at me and giving me smiles even tho I actually look like a chimp on drugs. These moments where you enter a room full of strangers and you dont give a damn, simply taking your space and chill with them.

    And I, ofc, experienced these rather unhappy moments, where you start shivering cause the internet thought it would be funny to throw adds of dessous models at you and the adblock doing a horrible job, going literally nuts and crazy while the clothes getting wet from the swet, trying everything to escape from the urge for hours. The nights where you dream of searching for p-content which doesnt only sound crazy but also drives you crazy.
    And ofc these awesome moments where you relapse after a 1month+ streak and right the moment where you feel the energy driving down, as if your "energy system" shuts down, you know, you lost so much and got just so very little in return, feeling like the biggest idiot and loser ever.

    I tried the common "urge killers" that most are fimiliar with on the forum, taking ice cold showers, lifting weights, going outside etc. that all failed at certain points, and I also tried rather effective strategies like NLP (neuro-linguistic-programming), meditating the urge (it's when you have the urge but all you do is to focus on your body, whats happening and accepting the urge instead of pushing it away), coming up with strategies that keep me busy and many other things as well.
    And I can tell, these rather effective strategies all work wonderfully, like pure magic...if you then actually do them properly in the right situations.

    So if I think about it, other people went for 100+ days 1st try without all these strategies, I tried so many times, so many relapses, used so many strategies and 72 is the best I got...believing in ongoing change becomes a harder task than taking ice cold showers only for 7 months straight, I can tell.

    Maybe I wont hit 90 days in my lifetime but I thought, at least I can share some advice from my 4 years of experience.

    So yeah, here I am ^_^

    cheers :D
    Jefe Rojo and 구민호 like this.
  2. 구민호

    구민호 Fapstronaut

    Hey brother! Don't feel short ! You have striffled for 4+ years ! It's just my 2nd day and 72 feels like a million years away! But I am here and so are you! Please do not give up ! Everyone is not the same ! For some it might seem quite facile and for some hell and torment is quotidian! Please try to help and guide the newcomers and get inspired as well by doing so!
    I'll be awaiting your response!
    BraveShine likes this.
  3. BraveShine

    BraveShine Fapstronaut

    you would be surprised how easy those very long streaks are and how difficult those short streaks are...I mean, they are short for a reason :D
    구민호 likes this.
  4. 구민호

    구민호 Fapstronaut

    Bro I know! And I've been losing over and over again ! But let's stay strong until our goal is achieved! Good luck !
  5. Jefe Rojo

    Jefe Rojo Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    72 days is great! That’s something you should be proud of. Don’t get caught up in the trap of never being content until you get to a certain day count. The most important thing to focus on is whether or not you’re making progress (however small it may be). Are you heading in the right direction? If not, why not? What needs are you meeting through PMO? How can you meet those needs in a healthier manner? All important things to think about. I, too, used to worry about my day counter and how I could never get to a certain number. But now I look at my recovery as a journey of learning to change my behaviors and my way of thinking. I have to learn to live a better life and then I will get the NoFap results I’m looking for (as a result of becoming a better person).
    Mikey123 likes this.
  6. BraveShine

    BraveShine Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I am really curious if fixing PMO is the actual goal here instead of having full control of the own mind and the decisions we make and follow.
    I mean, there is a reason why we fail over and over again.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  7. BraveShine

    BraveShine Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply :)

    I dont care too much about the day counter, except the fact that I never passed that magical 90 days, even tho I know, I probably will need a way longer recovery in order to heal my monkey brain.

    But I am also a big believer that what ever is measured, will be achieved.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.