NoFap for 90

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. M 19.
    To be honest, it's been a dream. I cannot imagine the morning I realise that today is the day that I can finally say Goodbye to uncontrollable impulses. I have tried this far too many times but this time I am gonna do something different. This will be my journal and this is the first time I am keeping one. I hope whoever reads this helps me stay accountable and I hope I can count on this community when my willpower doesn't stay still. I really wanna do this, I am tired of ruining my ethics day in and out and I just wanna be a man of control and no more a boy of impulses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2020
    Tiresias and Jefe Rojo like this.
  2. Note to self : Talk about Why NoFap and my usual triggers someday!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2020
  3. Day 1 : Half into it. Trivial triggers and such but my willpower was too strong for them. Had a cold shower at 6:30 am after a long time and as I am changing my sleep schedule I slept a lot during the afternoon but tried to get as many tasks done as I could. I will be talking about the triggers and reason in a later post and for now I am going to workout. I am in control of these urges and I am reading the NoFap guide to understand what really goes on in my body when triggered.
    Status : In control
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2020
    Tiresias, Jefe Rojo and Toni7 like this.
  4. iunior

    iunior New Fapstronaut

    Keep going man, You can do it!
    Deleted Account and Toni7 like this.
  5. Thank you so much!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2020
  6. Day 2 : Day 1 went by easily. Had some natural urges right now(mid day 2) and I just went on with my work ignoring them as usual. I realised how empty these triggers really are and how they have no significance of their own but they draw on my emotions and use me for their pleasure. It’s a bit complex and I hope this brain fog goes away. For now I am very active on this platform and it is helping me a lot in gaining confidence over my body. I am also excited about the desensitisation to go away so that I can enjoy my day to day achievements. Right now my heart is like this wet sponge that just cannot absorb any more emotions. I hope it drains...
    Status : In control
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2020
    Jefe Rojo and iunior like this.
  7. Nice work so far! Stay mindful of your feelings and emotions. Try to learn when and why urges come. Sometimes it’s because of stress, sometimes it’s because of loneliness, or maybe it happens when we are tired. Keep learning!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Absolutely right. Thank you reminding me of this, it will add to my awareness.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  9. Day 3 : Watched a series yesterday that had too many se$ual scenes but was able to appreciate the lovemaking for what it was and feel the heartwarming content these special interactions actually are. This is my primary objective with NoFap, to decondition nudity to se$ and see it for what it represents in art. Overall, it's going great and I haven't been having any major impulses. Some tiny little waves do attack sometimes but I just allow them to slap themselves on the shore, and leave. I realised that triggers and my body's response to them is inevitable, the only thing I can fix, is my consciousness.
    Status : In Control
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
    The Symbol of Hope likes this.
  11. Day 4 : I didn't even realised I am on NoFap, I am that strong now XD. I must agree my head does feel lighter and the brain fog is kinda reducing day by day. I am also able to get back at my life. Sleep is a bit inconsistent but I will fix it soon. I am feeling better about my body and hopefully, will be developing some muscles with the consistent workout regime I am following. In short, I am becoming and en route.
    Status : In control
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  12. Day 5 : Okay serious sh$t today. I dreamt of MO and I woke up thinking I broke the streak. That made me oversensitive to triggers and I was in this high testosterone stage or something but boy was I hyperactive. Anyway, I adhered to my approach and did not allow those waves to take me with them. Logging in here daily keep me accountable and this wonderful and maybe the most supportive community on the internet, gives me the strength to fight off these urges. Another day gone with success. Everything's falling back into places.
    Status : In control
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  13. Day 6 : Major waves today. Right now too. Need any advice on how to get rid of these. Either the testosterone level is going bonkers or I am just losing control, but man it’s getting harder and harder. I know this feeling is not gonna last for long and I know that 90 days is needed to reboot my whole system but god these are like persistent waves and they are not going. I am doing my best to counter them, thanks to the support of this community - I feel responsible and the thought of giving up didn’t even occur to me but man handling these...Any advice would be appreciated.
    Status : Cloudy
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  14. My advice to you is to hold on. Because those waves will go away soon, and you will become stronger and more capable of resisting if you put in the hard work now and stay strong. It is hard to do. I know exactly how you feel. You need to prove to yourself that you can resist. Also, try and keep yourself as busy as possible. Find distractions, go be with other people, exercise, just find something to do to take your mind off those uncomfortable feelings. They won’t last forever, even though they feel like they might! Hang on!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. I hope you are right. I am gonna give it all I have. It’s actually getting very hard right now but I am gonna prove myself that I can resist.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  16. Day 7 : Going well. I am learning to remove sexual thoughts from the idea of being naked. I am learning to be comfortable in my own skin. Yesterday's wave was strong but passing it made me ever more stronger. Thank you so much you all!
    Status : In Control
  17. Day 8 : Woah. Didn’t think I’d come this far. Waves haven’t gone but I am starting to accept them, live with it. I am consciously choosing my own will over them and that has been giving me a lot of clarity in life. Apart from that, I have been seeing more positive changes in my life. A few mistakes here and there but I am more conscious and aware of my actions and I feel more in control. That’s all for today folks!
    Status : In Control
    Jefe Rojo likes this.