I relapsed

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dude131, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Dude131

    Dude131 Fapstronaut

    Basically I went 3 days and masterbated today but overall I did good with my self control up until now
  2. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    Good job on your 3 days. People often slip quite a few times on their way to success. As long as you don't allow yourself to view giving up as acceptable, you will be free of this addiction soon.
  3. You Relapsed,So what? Stand up and Start again.Sitting on Sides and Crying I Failed is also a Relapse,a mental relapse.Go Get a Dream brother,we all are here to support you.

    DONTMASTRBT Fapstronaut

    Yeah, don't feel bad about relapses. So it was Holy Week in the Church and I was like NO WAY am I going to MO. (I don't use P by the way). The first day I stopped, which was Holy Thursday, I already started feeling the urge. I resisted. Then on Good Friday I had an unusual strong urge. (Having strict parents I can't go walk outside or workout so I had to sit in my room reading with a hand and clenching the other one while gritting my teeth.) Finally on the next day, that Saturday, I just couldn't do it. My urges must have quintupled (5x) in their strength. I couldn't watch shows with females (especially attractive ones) without getting a bigger, um , thing. So later that day I weighed my chances. I wasn't going to MO on Easter, and I couldn't wait till Monday. I was thinking bad thoughts all the time and I couldn't even watch t.v. properly. My private part hurt. I was more and more tempted to look at very bad sites. So I knew I HAD to MO. When I did, I MO'ed the most amount of O that I have ever done in my WHOLE LIFE. Meaning I really needed that. Afterwards, everything went back to normal and I continued on my journey to stopping. Here is an FYI. If you relapse, its okay, just make sure you are prepared to continue the work on not MO'ing.
  5. DKO

    DKO Fapstronaut

    Keep learning from your relapses. If it helps, one thing you could try to go for a longer streak the next time. Since you went 3 days this time, try 5 days or a week. Then if you can't control your urges and relapse go for 2 weeks.
    Becoming more disciplined is so important when you are abstaining because you learn to control your urges. You learn not to scratch that itch because of the benefits that will come in the long-term. I think
    one example of discipline can be shown in this video because the person Seth is interviewing (muscular guy wearing a blue shirt) was able to quit PMO on his first attempt, but like he says himself he is always
    very disciplined (which might be because he is serious about weightlifting). This is just one piece of advice and I hope it helps.

  6. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    Not to put you down, but we don't have a physical need to masturbate. I know how hard it can be, but in the end we have a choice.
    Glad to see you're back on your journey though. I've relapsed more times than I can count, and it's the getting back up and forgiving yourself that makes it possible to go on and live a better life.

    DONTMASTRBT Fapstronaut

    Icyweb, I guess you are right!
  8. Rajesh_Koothrappali

    Rajesh_Koothrappali Fapstronaut

    Bummer man.

    May I ask you what did convince you to relapse? You really need to have that clear for yourself and write that down somewhere. Then analyze it and see what is more important and how you can overcome this so you won't relapse the next time. Also do not count the days you are abstaining. If you do you wil focus on it and that will make it harder to abstain from pmo. Instead find something that takes your mind off of it. Play an instrument or play some sports. Go talk to friends or try to make new ones. Also find an accountability partner asap! It really helps it is an extra stimulus to go on. If you can't find someone you can always message me.

    Good luck.
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