
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ThisSideThatSide, Dec 23, 2020.

  1. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    hello nofap!
    i am VERY insecure about my height and i want this insecurity to go away.
    i am currently 17 and 174cm tall.
    it's like i'm obsessed with height.
    i check it at least 10times a day and if, by any chance, my height turns out to be 173 (like after a workout, when the spine isn't as erect as it usually is), i freak out.
    my father is 4-5cm taller than i am, and i know i still have 1 or 2 growth years left, and my first cousin is 181cm tall and he says that he grew till 20. so most probably i'll grow a few more centimetres, but it it not that i'm so concerned about.
    how do i stop being so obsessed with height and stop thinking about it all the time?
    please help!
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  2. Comfortablydumb96

    Comfortablydumb96 Fapstronaut


    I used to be kinda worried about my height as well, when I was around your age. You've still got a few years to grow and even if you don't no biggie. I'm almost 25 now and I stand at 172 cms (same since like 10 years :rolleyes: ). I really don't care about it anymore. It doesn't matter UNLESS you're insecure about it, cuz that shit will seep out through your pores and people will notice. Be glad you're not a midget.

    Idk if this will comfort you but I've dated a girl half an inch taller than me and really beautiful. Not even once did I worry about my height.

    I'd say your posture and the way you carry yourself is more important than your height. A shorter than average guy who's walking with his shoulders back and head up looks better than a tall guy who's slouched with shoulders drawn in towards the chest.
    yrjyrj likes this.
  3. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    hey, thanks, your reply helped a bit.
    nice to know that you stop caring after a point. but,
    its not that i am insecure that i am short.
    its just that i am not as tall as i think i must be, which is very silly, but for some reason, my subconscious is not ready to accept that and make me stop thinking about it all the time.

    this has started to happen. my close friends have noticed this and they make fun of me for being short cuz im the shortest in my group. the good thing is that these are my close friends, they know where to draw the line, they stop after they figure im starting to get hurt, and dont taunt me in front of anyone else.
    but if all my friends somehow discover or deduce that i am insecure, things will become bad.

    damn, how did you manage to do that?
    i cant even bear to look at a person taller than i am without feeling insecure.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
    FezMan76 likes this.
  4. Comfortablydumb96

    Comfortablydumb96 Fapstronaut

    So what? Not all guys in a group are gonna be equally tall. One is bound to be the shortest and one is bound to be the tallest. Doesn't mean that the taller guy is better than the shorter guy. Sure, at first glance people might notice the taller guy a bit more because that's human nature and we like attractive aspects of people, but it's not everything. Height isn't the only aspect. People also notice other things, like your sense of dressing, or whether you're well-groomed , your body language and as I mentioned before, posture.

    As far as friends are concerned, you can tell them to fuck off :D

    Exchanged glances a few times, then I walked up to her and introduced myself. Hit it off and we knew we both were attracted to each other.

    I LOVE tall girls lol.

    Plenty of attractive guys who are shorter than average, like Zac Efron, Tom Cruise, Shahid Kapoor, Dave Franco, AL PACINO.

    Also if you're into certain sports, less height is an advantage since Lower height=Lower centre of gravity=Better balance and ability to change direction while running
  5. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    lol yes, so true! thanks!!

    ohh nicee.

    yes, that makes sense, i am going to join field hockey coaching after this covid thing ends, so hopefully, ill have some advantage there!

    thanks bro, your replies really helped!
  6. Yujirō Hanma

    Yujirō Hanma Fapstronaut

    I dont know buddy, sorry.

    But your height is way better than mine.
    Comfortablydumb96 and yrjyrj like this.
  7. Your height is ok bro. Btw you are just 17, If you are physically active then there is a very high chance you will grow in size till 20 or 21.
    Also the scale used to measure is not absolutely correct. Its better if you use inch tapes instead of regular height chart or board.

    I have seen many hoes with no boobies or booties posting shit about men's height on twitter or instagram. Don't worry about them. Some of their posts says if a guy is under 6' then he should stop living. Lmao. Those hoes need tons of makeup to look attractive and still have audacity to comment on men's height LOL.

    You are better than average. And average is a large number of people.
    The only thing a guy should be worried about is muscle mass. As in my case I am only 55kgs but I am proud of my height even if I am under 6.
  8. InTheWilderness

    InTheWilderness Fapstronaut

    Lol... the stuff people worry about on here is mind boggling. I weight between 57-63kg. Very slim (with muscles if I flex) and a bit shorter than OP. Growing up I was never insecure about my height. My current height matches my slim frame. When I found out that girls generally prefer tall guys, it didn’t make me insecure at all, but only changed my perception of them.
    yrjyrj likes this.
  9. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    hey, thanks for the reply!
    i use inch tapes to measure height. but nvm, ive decided i wont measure my height again until i turn 18 (8 months from now).. we'll see.

    lol i haven't met such women yet but i really wish i do, just to listen to their dumb arguments.

    well im 65kgs and have a pretty decent body, and i am still working on it.
    but yes, i must really stop worrying about height.

    thanks again, your reply helped a lot!

    especially this ^^^ :D

    i dunno man, i just am insecure, idk why. maybe its just that almost everyone in my friend circle is taller and that somehow influenced my insecurities..
    Rokudaime likes this.
  10. Stop being worried. You still have the time. When I was younger, I was like 174. I know it's not much, but like... It's not that bad. I was never mad because I wasn't tall enough. Now I'm like 183. Don't feel like my height really makes me way more better as a human being.
    blacklabel92 and yrjyrj like this.
  11. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    yeah, i know i worry too much.
    but yeah, i hope i grow 2-3 more inches..

    it actually may sound silly, but i am insecure about height because of a pornstar, a female pornstar who is like 5'11".
    the height obsession started there.
    when i discovered that she was so tall, (about a year ago, i think), i was like 170 cm or even less.
    that made me feel so insecure and short.
    for some reason i wasn't able to digest the fact that a female could be taller than me.
    i dunno man, for no logical reason, i became insecure about my height ever since.

    i hope this goes away soon..
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  12. TheGreatTiger

    TheGreatTiger Fapstronaut

    You could try to focus on the benefits of being a shorter guy. Sometimes I wish I was shorter.

    Shorter people live a lot longer on average. Less likely to get cancer. Less likely to have heart failure.

    For online dating, I believe it's often easier for slightly shorter men (your height) as long as they don't list their height. This is because it's MUCH easier for shorter men to pack on muscle and bulk out proportionally so they look a lot better in photographs. As a tall guy, I've been lifting for almost ten years now regularly and still look too skinny to get matches. I know this because I've had female friends and see the type of guys they swipe on.

    What's more is that online dating is now the preferred method for women to find dates. Often they'll lie and say they met in another way to boost their social status but it's almost always online dating, because of how easy it is for women to browse through thousands of potential matches. An exception would be clubs and bars where the tall steroid monsters get all the girls. In that dark environment facial aesthetics don't really matter only height and mass, so that would be a waste of time for either of us, unless we just like going out and socializing.

    Women are conditioned to completely ignore guys in real life. I've tried hundreds of times, so that's not an option that applies to most men, unless they are extremely good looking or charismatic perhaps. But when you do a bit of digging and research into the "success" rates of the full time "pick up artists", even the good looking ones, it's around 1 in 1000 or worse. And that 1 in 1000, is usually not very attractive in personality or looks. So even if you were to do that full time, and commit your life to it, it would mostly be a waste of time. And that's with potential harassment charges, and disturbing the peace, as some guys who tried to talk to girls in public now find they now have a criminal record.

    Now-days, it's mostly down to online dating, which as stated slightly shorter men have a big advantage in (as long as they put the time in the gym for a few years and get plenty of protein, BCA's, and Creatine). It may help even more if you swipe on shorter girls.

    You're still going to want to do Nofap for vibe, and study health and nutrition to maximize your looks, and perhaps try to maximize your wealth but you have a massive advantage over a lot of guys. Don't squander it! You have to remember that only the top 1% of guys get much attention from women, and many guys are working hard every day to try to get into that top 1%. The vast majority of men will always be basically invisible to women no matter how many hours, years, or decades they put into improving themselves. You can't waste too much time wallowing in self pity or you'll fall behind.

    Just do your very best in life, and know at the end at least you'll get to die. We all want some golden solution to be happy, but there is none. Mostly it's just pain. Life is almost all pain and probably always will be but the pain of trying your hardest to struggle forward is the best kind of pain.


    I see short buff guys with really cute girls all the time and am very jealous. All my life I've seen this. I've met many very cute girls, where their boyfriends would be very short (shorter than you).

    Sometimes guys will wear shoes to make themselves taller. I'm not sure this is necessary but it could help. Focus on the basics, bulk up (gain a lot of muscle mass), and improve your jaw line with jaw exercises. Experiment constantly with improving your looks and vibe, and read lots to learn all of the possible things you can do. Don't go back to fapping or porn but Nofap is one of many things.
    Coak Hakola and yrjyrj like this.
  13. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut


    for some reason, i think that being taller makes you better.
    but what you say makes perfect sense.
    height is not everything and being shorter also has its own advantages..
    thanks bro! your reply made me feel better about myself. i will now put more focus on self development and building muscle mass.

    i actually just want to become taller than my father...
    ik it is a bit weird, but everyone around me is taller than their fathers.. so it'd be a shame if i don't outgrow him, i think.
    TheGreatTiger likes this.
  14. TheGreatTiger

    TheGreatTiger Fapstronaut


    Oh ok, I didn't know about your dad.

    If you really want to be as tall as you can, know that you could keep growing taller until between 18 and 20. Possible research all the things that will slow down down growth. I know caffeine slows down growth, and not eating enough healthy foods. Also stress, so meditation or yoga could help.

    I know I said to build muscle but focusing too much on building muscle before you are done growing will make you shorter. You may want to wait until you are 20 years old to really push yourself in the gym or with weights. It all depends on what you want most, and what you think your chances are to grow taller. Really you could live a good life either way, and probably get strong enough to scare you dad either way also.
    yrjyrj likes this.
  15. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    lol yes.

    and btw, i currently do callisthenics. not too hard, just at an intermediate level, just to keep myself physically active.

    i actually stopped drinking coffee a year ago cuz it was VERY addicting. i used to drink like 6-7 cups a day.
    but yeah, sure, thanks, ill do some research!
    TheGreatTiger likes this.
  16. Focus on good stuff you can offer. Focus on things you're good at and own your disadvantages! Be confident about your insecurities. Not like "HEY! I'M NOT TALL AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" but let's say... If someone laughts at your height or lack of it (haha) then just make a joke about it that's even funnier and be confident about it.
    One girl laughed at me cause I have double chin (lmfao) and I just told her that it is offensive to not call people names, cause he also has a name and feelings and he should be called in his name instead of just "double chin". We just laughed about it and I didn't feel insecure about it afterwards.
    TheGreatTiger and yrjyrj like this.
  17. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    well yes, it may work lol..
    "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."
    this is one of my favourite quotes.. i just have to learn to comply by it.
    Enulv and TheGreatTiger like this.
  18. skibum71

    skibum71 Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about shit you can't change, worrying isn't going to change anything. I'm 173cm i would do anything for an extra 5cm - but there isn't anything I can do about it so I don't worry about it. Things are only a problem if you see them as a problem.
    yrjyrj likes this.
  19. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    yeah true
  20. Ay yo boi how you doing?
    I see that you've been doing good on dat nofap streak of yours. Good job bruv.
    I used to be very obsessed with my height earlier this year. At one point, I was like alright fuck this, I'm done. I called my dad and asked him to measure me and I got my height which is close to yours bruv.
    I still notice tall people more than I should around me but I've come to just not caring. Our height is great for maneuvering man. So feel good about it, my G. Maybe not today but slowly try to like your hate. It is a part of you after all.
    Good luck boi.
    yrjyrj likes this.