What are your tips for mental stability?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. I've found myself being very mentally unstable for the last months.

    It's not corona related or something but maybe staying at home all the time has affected me too much, idk

    But the mental instability is something like this:

    For two weeks I feel like Steve Jobs/Wim Hoff/Jim Kwik at once

    Then I feel very sad for another two weeks (very childish and "Teletubbies like", literally watching them)

    Then I feel normal for a week again

    It's always such a cycle.

    Besides NoFap, Wim Hoff, nutrition, exercise and meditation (how do you meditate in the first place?), what else could I do?
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  2. Re Evolution Man

    Re Evolution Man New Fapstronaut

    I'm also struggling with mood swings. It approximates to a monthly cycle, where at the top a i feel like superman (ecstatic mood, confidence, hopeful) and at the bottom i feel completely distressed, irritable, tired and disoriented.
    Maybe it's the same as you? I'm 1.5 months into NoFap, been exercising and eating right - But have not tried WimHof method yet. Has it helped you regulate your emotions at all?
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  3. Wok

    Wok Fapstronaut

    I found the apps Headspace and Calm really helpful for learning how to meditate - would recommend them both. Otherwise I used just type 'guided meditation' into youtube. It's almost like having someone supervise you as you learn to breathe and clear your mind
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  4. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender


    You are what you eat (consume). Be intentional with the content you allow in your ears and eyes. Definitely DO NOT F’off your precious resource of time on nonsenses that are only created to blatantly distract you from your goals.

    Men NEED to be in their masculine center at all times. This is non-negotiable. Women are emotional by nature and there is plenty of evidence to support this. That is a trait they possess. Hate to say it but get out your feelings! Do not act like a woman if you are not one. IT IS OK TO FEEL...but...you have the responsibility and obligation to yourself to make yourself feel and be in an ideal place mentally. (How?) This reply would be very long extended, but here’s 3 things:

    -Identify the ‘root’ of your sadness
    -Observe what happened to make you feel good / bad (think cause...effect)
    -Make adjustments and take inventory 1-2-3-4wks

    Slightly unconventional approach but keep an open mind. It’s all positivity.

    Iron sharpens Iron.

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  5. For me pmo and work are Some of my biggest stressors, my opinion is don’t take life to seriously, if you are a Christian then live a good Christian life but as king Solomon said everything is meaningless without God, my point is your life is but a vapor here and gone, don’t get to caught up in trivial meaningless things.
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  6. I feel this "high" when doing 3 or 4 cycles. This high makes me feel very peaceful and I sometimes have some "enlightenments" about my life. For me it's a very interesting experience, it's also cool to be able to hold your breath for 2:30 minutes

    The root is the feeling of abandonment. My soul is naked, and needs to be hugged. I feel like there's no hope. It's a very negative feeling. Something like losing your keys or phone when being outside, but it feels for all time and not for just some seconds. This "chill".

    I feel the need to have my soul hugged. Physical hugs don't do anything. This makes me go crazy, jumping from one idea to another. Just to stabilize myself a little bit.

    But why I feel this abandonment? I don't know. I would like to know.
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