Space Marine January - Team Deathmatch (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by EndPornLiveLife, Dec 27, 2020.

You pledge loyalty to the...

Poll closed Jan 15, 2021.
  1. Space Wolves

  2. Black Templars

  3. Dark Angels

  4. Blood Angels

  1. Mya

    Mya Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    We must respect the wolf.

    A wolf never gives in on the hope for a kill.

    A wolf never gives up the chase.

    He is undefeated from inside out.

    I present to you "The hunt"
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  2. Eh... not exactly thrilled to join a team that sounds evil, but it's largely trivial anyway. At least I could join. Thanks. :D

    Just recently had a reset, but I know why and plan to change up my routine to combat it. Let's go!
  3. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    This is absolutely true. This was the key mistake! I got so confident that on my day 43 I entertained some thoughts in my head too, to test if I was stronger than test if it would make me relapse... dumbest thing I ever did!!!
    I struggled 3 days with heavy urges after that ... the only thing that saved me was the App called MDF: Streak Based Wallpapers and all of my friends on here who prayed for me.
    Then I prayed for God to make a wall of fire around me to protect me fron the demons, bc it says in Zechariah 2:5 „I will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem..“ and I got super hot and my head was burning too. I think God was burning the thoughts.
    After that I had peace of mind again.
    That is my true story bro!!
    So I didn’t relapse, thx to my great NoFap friends and God.
    Now almost 100 days after that extreme temptation, I hope God continues to protect me.
    Also had a dream I was doing M and don‘t remember if I really did or if it was just a dream... but I remember clearly my thoughts in the dream I was telling myself „I will never last until marriage without doing this... „it‘s humanly impossible“.
    But when I woke up I realised those thoughts were rubbish and I feel peaceful about the whole thing atm. Get back up, you can do this brotha‘!!:emoji_fire:
  4. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Why do you do this to yourself?
    That‘s super dangerous. In fact, it‘s a trap.
    Two years ago, before ever joining NoFap I went to confession and confessed this sin... was free almost 30 days... then started to get this desire to see, what I would call „soft-porn“. By that I mean just images where someone is lightly clothed or a lap dance or so...
    Over time that turned into watching P again.
    Please everybody realise, the disire to see any kind of arousing material, even if it‘s just a pretty girl in a tank top, is a trap by the Devil to lure you back into porn... it happend again to me in my 40s of my streak. But I KNEW from my experience two years ago, that it was a trap.
    My NoFap friends, this awesome community, and God, have been the reason for me to reach 30+ days, which I never attained before in my life!! :D
    On day 150 now, by his Grace!
    Since they prayed for me in my 40s when I had heavy urges I have had no desire to see any form of „soft-Porn“.
    But also a key is to spend time in God‘s presence daily, that can mean good music, nature, prayer, Bible...painting . It can mean many things...meditating as many do here.
    And only watch good things... consume as if to become... I also watched stupid college campus interviews on YouTube in my 40s when I had the strong urges and temptations.... the wanker-responses to questions like „would you wait till marriage?“ really triggered me. You see, it was a bad influence.
    So this is my wisdom ... you decide what you let yourself get influenced by, by deciding what you watch and who you hang out with and who you listen to...
    what you consume is what you will become
    consume as if to become
    God strengthen you with his Grace brotha“! :D
    What if our blessings depended on our faith?

    That to your temptations.
    Now let me ask again...
    Do you remember how you felt the first time you saw P? What did you feel, what did you think?
    It‘s okay if you don‘t say your conscience was shouting at you to leave, like it was for me... it‘s okay if you say it was like paradise... I get that .
    Gtweet and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  5. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Best advice a priest once gave to me:

    Do you know what the only medicine against this (PM) is?
    I say „No.“
    He said „If you fall, get back up.“
    Kept those words in my heart and followed his advice and started to slowly improve.
    Now with the support of you amazing guys too, look at my streak now!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  6. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    @EndPornLiveLife I love your „Today I will not because“ posts... smart approach and an much needed reminder.
    And thank you for hosting and managing this challenge this month!!
    Your presence is an enrichment to us, you. just. make everything better . and you make a difference!
  7. Day 6 done
    Day 7 checking in.
    -Black Templars-
    T0mCrus4der and Gallade_Templar like this.
  8. Checking in for the Black Templars! Non nobis, Domine!

    @EndPornLiveLife Thank you for reminding me about the HALT acronym! I have heard it before and I thought it was helpful back then, but for a while it was bouncing around in the back of my head and I couldn't recall it. I think I also saw "stressed" listed as one of the red flags, so that it becomes HALTS.
  9. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

  10. Hi everyone! Magnus is back still on track. Hope you are doing fin
    I want to celebrate these first days of the new year with two new memes especially crafted for the warriors on this thread: one for the proud Space Marine, the other for the blessed Sisters of Battle.
    My apologies for the typo in the second meme.

    4svvo3.jpg 4svv5a.jpg
  11. Check in day 7
    + I'm half way through Xenos from the Eisenhorn series..
    bc this is my first book (/anything related to wh40k) so I don't get the memes at all haha
    Magnus the Red and Primaris like this.
  12. Great to hear it T0m! Mr. Eisenhorn and his Xenos adventure were my gateway to the WH40k universe too! Loved the book, the characters and how well balanced the story was, especially in the larger context of the setting.
    T0mCrus4der likes this.
  13. Checking in.

    I've had a weird exhausted. I had my post-op for my foot surgery this morning and it's been aching all day. Then my body felt sick for hours - physically (maybe I had some food poisoning) and emotionally (long story, but...relationships). My mind went to feeling so overwhelmed, like everything was too hard. I really wanted to leave these messages for tomorrow, but I'm trying to keep pushing.

    It is a trap! Super dangerous, for sure.

    "Consume as if to become", I really like this.

    Do you believe our blessings depend on our faith? That's a theological rabbithole right there. Where does that leave grace?

    Thank you @vicicool for your kind, encouraging words. It really helped.
    And @Primaris

    The first time I saw P - I've been trying to remember, and it's all very vague. It was 18-20 years ago.
    I'm sure I started with P-subs (that's what I'll call it - in reality I just hadn't gotten to P yet). It was like I'd discovered this whole world where I could immerse myself, and as an escape, it was better than anything else I'd found. Not only did it completely take me away from thinking about how unhappy, unsafe and anxious I felt, but it was flooding me with feel-good chemicals, more than computer games, bike riding, whatever. And it seemed like there was no cost! Plus the added excitement of trying to hide it, to not be "found out" by my mum or stepdad.
    I did think "I shouldn't be doing this", "this is wrong", and lots of things like it, at some point.
    I also felt curious, always curious, to see what was next. That was the cover story for what kept bringing me back. What really brought me back was the rush, the "perfect escape", the flood of those happy chemicals. My mind just put curiosity in my head as an excuse to go there.

    Once I'd decided I wanted to quit (which I did many times, with varying levels of commitment), I realised how difficult it was, and how stuck I was. In the ~15 years of trying to quit before I joined NoFap, even when I tried really hard, I think my record was about 3 months without porn, but it was usually a lot less. Of course I would also give up at times, (sometimes for a year or more), deciding that it was impossible, not worth it, too hard, whatever.

    The lie that kept me stuck, for years and years, was that I could engage with that curiousity, that I could give it an inch, and then I'd be satisfied, and pull back. I reckon 90% of the time, once I'd given curiosity an inch, it took a mile, I relapsed, and P had dug its claws even deeper into me.

    The lie that kept me from moving forward, was that I really wanted to quit. In reality, I didn't want to quit! P was giving me this escape that I enjoyed so much, it made me feel wanted, valuable, safe, loved, powerful - and I didn't have to give anything, or be vulnerable, or work at anything, to get that feeling. What I really wanted was to stop feeling the shame afterwards. (Btw for those reading, if you haven't yet looked at the shame spiral in your own porn use, it's worth doing).

    So, when quitting was really about more than shame, when it was about bigger things than my own emotions, that was when I quit. That was when I made gains and got to 294 days. I'm going to get there again, and far far beyond.

    Hear hear...

    Anyone who's fallen this month, we're here for you. We've all been there. I'm "getting back up" from 143 days ago. Let's get back up together and keep moving forward.
  14. Thank you @vicicool and @Primaris for your kind, encouraging words. It helped me tonight, it really did.

    @Gallade_Templar HALTS - Yep for sure, stressed should be in there. Good one :)

    @ToMMy.H I'm keen to hear what you write on your NOFAP note to yourself. Let us know when you get there.

    Glad you already have an action plan, nice! Also good effort posting yesterday even with your monitor that's on it's way out.
    Wanna join the 3 day (or 7 day I could jump on next) with myself and @Antimatteromega?
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
    vicicool and Plays88Keys like this.
  15. Shout out to the Dark Angels - Keep your guard up, your weapons loaded, power armour charged. Remember what you have learned, and you will make it to the end of the month, and beyond.

    @Urbancottage30, @Patty O’Furniture1289, @Fighter_4_life, @Ydril
    Standing together against the demons of PMO​

  16. Reporting for the Space Wolves!
    vicicool and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  17. Mya

    Mya Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Man about to down here.

    Today was one of those days which can be best described as a b.... I am doing some substanse abuse to keep my mind off things and as a reward to the hard work so far. However it feels like a trap. Dont know but have to keep my sanity somehow.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  18. Sure, I'll join. :D