Consecutive Wet dreams.Need Help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Masquerade, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Hello friends.I hope you have seen my recent success story of NOFAP 101 day post.Anyway this post is for inviting assistance for my current problem.I used to get wet dreams some day or the other and i am okay with that because i know it is perfectly normal physiology of body.
    What my problem now is that i am getting wet dreams for the past 3 days continuously.I never had such an experience till now during my journey.Two days was okay.But today i feel drained and MENTALLY OUT OF FOCUS.I have an important exam on 25th July and have things to study.But not getting energy or motivation to study and i feel lethargic.I was feeling a bit okay in the morning but now things got worse.I am really confused now and dont know what to do.I am alone at my home now.I know i wont relapse but what i wish is to Rise up and completing my studies for my exam.But i feel low energetically.
    What to do friends?
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  2. Hero One

    Hero One Fapstronaut

    Hi Masquerade,

    It's good that you realise that wet dreams are a totally normal and healthy bodily reaction. It might be good to take a look at why you've seen an increase in them recently though.

    Have you you made any changes to your lifestyle at all? You mentioned exams which may be causing stress and changing your patterns. Are you eating the same, getting the same amount of sleep and exercising as much?

    What you are describing sounds like stress. Make sure you are eating and drinking well and plenty. Get some fresh air and plenty of sleep. Well done for staying strong and not relapsing! It might be tempting, but I guarantee you'll feel worse afterwards.

    Keep us updated! We're here for you.
    Masquerade likes this.
  3. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Yes.There is no change in that.I have a perfect routine in those.
    Does drinking lot of water before going to bed increase wet dream?Our bladder will be full after some time right.Does it triggers wet dream?
  4. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    There was a sudden change in climate here.It started to rain continuously so i was not drinking much water.I felt hydrated.Maybe it could be a reason i think
  5. Calvinklein

    Calvinklein Fapstronaut

    Hey masque!!
    From what ive experienced.. i think Your sleeping position is the main factor for wetdreams.. Some object mabe the material of your pants or your blanket continiously touch your penis all night and that causes them to throw up.. Its just my experience though.. Try changing your sleeping position a bit if it works for you.. I sleep mostly facing up or sometime side ways with one leg above a pillow and a little bit gap in between my penis and the pilow..
    Hope it works for you :)
    Or you can try meditating., i was suggested that and its my 3rd day that i am doing it
  6. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Hmm.Ok i will try with that.Yeah i used to do meditation daily.
  7. Calvinklein

    Calvinklein Fapstronaut

    Ummm drinking a lot of water before going to bed delays your sleep i think..
    I am having my exams right now and i did some research and found out water is better than caffine to stay awake.. And it works.. Mabe you were more awake and moving so your penis contacted with something
  8. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Thats a new info for me.
  9. I've written a lot of lengthy comments, going in depth regarding meditation and the fact that it stops wet dreams.

    I haven't had a wet dream in 3 years, and they stopped as soon as I started meditating.

    Meditation allows for mind, body and soul to become aligned and balanced.

    I'll just copy and paste what I replied to someone else in another thread:

    "I can give you tips on how to deal with the chaser effects bro, but I'd like to help you even further than that by stopping the wet dreams altogether, you see. I care. I'd rather you not have them any more. Lets say we tackle the wet dream situation, rather than deal with chaser effects.

    Meditation is a cleansing of the mind, an allowance for mind, body and soul to unify as it should.

    When you meditate, you don't have to meditate on anything. Just lay on your bed, in pure silence and quietness. Try to do this preferably when you're in the house alone so that there are no disturbances. Put your phone on silence as well. You just lay down and take deep inhales and exhales, whilst your eyes are closed.

    The key is, to try not to allow thoughts to come. Just relax your whole being, entirely. Don't worry, though, thoughts WILL come, but don't get annoyed about that. Just allow the thoughts to pass through and vanish like clouds in a blue sky.
    Meditation gets easier by the day, and at first it may seem difficult, because we as humans are not very used to utter, complete stillness. We are always on the go. This obviously already shows us in itself how scattered most of us are when it comes to mind, body and soul being all over the place and not aligned. Meditation at first is also difficult because it's a process of allowing all three elements of yourself, mind, soul and body to become balanced and aligned for the first time.

    Often, we are far removed from ourselves, because of distractions such as TV, phones, social media and even friends sometimes.

    Meditation allows you to get to know your own soul, on a deep, one to one level. So what happens is, when your mind tries to wonder off by itself and have a field trip whilst in you're in the sleep state, because you're slowly becoming one with yourself through meditation, your soul will counter attack the sex from happening, because your soul will now be more aware that this sex act is trying to happen without your permission. Meditation helps to reinforce your will power on all fronts, even whilst in the sleep state."
    Kenji and Masquerade like this.