A really serious question.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. Hey.
    Today I spent a lots of time thinking... And I started slowly realizing.
    I hate western world, meaning America. Not the people. No, nothing against them. But there is just something that I can't stand. I want to throw out my PC out of window as soon as I see something american on youtube or anywhere else on internet.
    It's most of the times shallow, cliche, fake and just plain ignorant.
    I understand that it's not all that and there's a lots of good stuff about America, western life, but in general - it's just buy and sell shit. Too comercial, too plastic.
    What do you guys think about it?
    And yeah, one more thing...
    I don't think I'm racist, but I've realized that I don't really like black people.
    I have nothing against them really, there is just something about them that I don't like within me.
    I know I shouldn't say this type of stuff, but... I said it. Cause why not. I want to know - does that make me racist or something?
    Daryn and PanteriMauzer like this.
  2. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    It's not you, every aspect of mainstream western culture has become toxic and absurd.
  3. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    I mean... that sounds pretty racist to me. Not hateful necessarily, but racist.

    But ya I think I relate to you too about the whole western world thing. A lot of it is just insane. To me it's mostly because people act out of selfishness and greed almost all the time. "I do what's best for me" "This is my truth" and all that garbage. People have no true center it seems.
    Learn to fly again likes this.
  4. WHMvsPMO

    WHMvsPMO Fapstronaut

    Is it possible you just don't like the culture, whether it's America at large or black culture? More specifically is it really all of it or like gangster rap stuff or something like that?
    Daryn and Learn to fly again like this.
  5. Yeah. Like I don't mean to radiate any big hate. I mean, let them live and all that... It's just that I hate it all so much because of effect it leaves on people, especially young ones and... Also white people.
    Often black people can be racist towards whites and it is okay, but as long as whites have opinions (not racist ones) towards black people - it's almost as if it's racist.
    Daryn likes this.
  6. It's Capitalism, You need to understand it and than break and hack the system to your advantage, by becoming wealthy.

    I'm a Financial Engineer, I spent 7 years of my life studying Economics, Finance and Marketing. Can't say i know it all, The Economy is always improving and i must learn more and more.

    Good Luck my friend, don't hate. Understand it and break through it.
    Learn to fly again likes this.
  7. WHMvsPMO

    WHMvsPMO Fapstronaut

    I think that comes down to a universal impulse to blame other people though, it's not a question of whether it's true but just the emphasis is on the "other" whether that's another race, individual or whatever. If the truth of only one side is emphasized or even only considered exclusively then we simply don't have the whole picture. People don't take responsibility for their part or even realize the impact their behavior have on others, at times it's understandable if you've been harmed but over an extended period of time that's going to screw up society in general.

    On an individual level, I can totally see my own culture, which can be identified with the race is screwing its own children over by psychologically ignorant behavior - which a lot of them even consider "love." They seem to go through their entire lives thinking they don't need to know anybody elses perspective, including professionals who study the mind, (and this includes people who have taken at least a few psych classes) like the years of grad school and thousands of hours psychologists spend in their life means nothing and the fact that they happen to be a parent grants them some status of authority - I guess over non-parents. I'm like plenty of parents in the world a-hole, you don't have to be a bad one to be ignorant either.
    Daryn likes this.
  8. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    I hate USA ignorant warmongering, arrogant idiots

    But i love my Continent Europe ! And i dont want to happen in europe what happened in South Africa or in Lebanon
  9. I perhaps know what you don't like about black people . Their way of behaving. The black in America especially don't behave normally. To me it feels like they want to extrapolate their identity by using those stereotypical hairstyle or a particular way of dressing.
    Here's the interesting part. I went to this particular state In my country where black people from Sudan and sub Saharan Africa come to study. I saw them and I just kept looking at them. Their way of carrying themselves , their dressing or their hairstyle , everything seemed so normal and moreover pleasant to me perhaps because I saw them in person for the first time . So yeah it's not racist but dislike for a particular trend.
    Learn to fly again likes this.
  10. What country are you from?
  11. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Western europe country
  12. Well it doesn't mean anything to me... But okay.
  13. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Your from North europe im from western europe
  14. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Btw how did you learned to fly?
  15. Learning...
  16. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Playing with fire right there, but totally agree, I think is the cultural background and behaviour what ticks me off, I don't really care if you are purple, yellow, green, black, white, have three arms or four legs, but your attitude and how you carry yourself in society aswell as where you do put the blame of things will probably tick me off.

    I'm not racist bro, I just despise your behaviour.

    I'm a behavioral xenophobe I think, although not very much, it only happens with certain trends and very specific behaviours, I'm usually chill about whatever the frig you do.
  17. Daryn

    Daryn Fapstronaut

    Sounds like the black people hate is just a reactionary response to the double standards, blm, & agenda being pushed by the media. At this point, 99% of people would consider me racist as well just for just acknowledging the crime & IQ stats but it is what it is. Plan to move when I get older.
    Learn to fly again likes this.