What’s up with Blackpill Doomers?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by brassknucks, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Really? Chill and have a beer bro.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

  3. The Archangel

    The Archangel Fapstronaut

    I guess it all comes down to negative self talk and low self-esteem. I often have plenty of 'Doomer' moments.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  4. I would say the one thing all incels have in common is a very strong sense of entitlement coupled with extremely low self-esteem. The entitlement is seen when they describe themselves as deserving of sex and unfairly victimized by society. Incels will often compare sex to things like food and water, or use the statement "sex is a basic human right/need". The low self-esteem is expressed through self-deprecatory language - using phrases like "it's over for me" and describing how ugly and unwanted they are. Incels will often justify their self-hate by obsessively listing their many physical flaws, and comparing themselves to sexually active men who lack these flaws.

    This harmful combination of entitlement and low self-esteem is made worse by factors such as anxiety, extreme social phobia, compulsivity, and mental health conditions. To cope with these issues, incels avoid the things which cause them to feel unworthy, such as social situations and responsibilities. Then they discover online communities which reinforce their sense of entitlement (4chan, incels.co, and similar websites). People in these communities tend to justify each other's negative feelings toward society - especially feelings of hate - and encourage ideological extremism and conspiracy theories ("black pill"). Over time, incels will reduce their engagement with other communities, while increasing their interaction with people of similar mindsets. This creates a cycle of avoidance-encouragement which leads to increasingly extreme views. When they do communicate with non-incels, people usually find them very difficult to talk to. Their hateful rhetoric and stubbornness of incels often causes people to become frustrated and dismissive of them, which they interpret as confirmation of their ideology.

    While some incels take pride in their identity, many of them express a desire to change. Many wish to "ascend" their status by having a sexual or romantic relationship, after which they would no longer be an incel. However, they often lack the motivation, resources, or positive encouragement to take steps to improve their life situation. The parasitic relationships among incels reinforce their desire to cope with their situation instead of changing it. Some refuse to acknowledge or don't believe that they are able to improve at all. Their low confidence and self-worth cause them to feel like they are stuck as incels, and this is supplemented by the theory that they are destined to never have relationships.

    We often see that incels are extremely introverted, and when they are in social situations they rarely talk about their beliefs. They tend to have few or no real-life friends, but are sometimes more likely to associate with people who they think might also be incels. Usually, we see that they consistently avoid new or uncomfortable situations. This results in a lack of experience, which further isolates them from society and contributes to their negative self-image, leading to more avoidance.
    blacklabel92 and Alves like this.
  5. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    If you can convince yourself that the world truly is a thoroughly horrible, evil, corrupt, doomed, meaningless place and that you have no hope whatsoever, you now have a solid excuse for not taking responsibility for yourself. I know because this is what I usually try to tell myself right before relapsing.

    Do you remember wizardchan? I saw threads where everyone would absolutely tear into anyone who even thought about making a positive change in their lives. Somebody would post a thread where they were going to try to get their GED or get a part-time job, they would get called a Chad and a Normie and told to kill themselves. Sometimes the mods would even ban that person for being a traitor to the incel cause.

    They seem to oppress themselves far more than society at large ever could.
    safa61947, FellatiousD and Watanabe like this.
  6. Watanabe

    Watanabe Fapstronaut

    Maybe your role models as a child were doomers and you therefore as a consequence have inherited this behaviour and are now programmed as such; aren't our personalities formed in early childhood? I'm really no expert, I've just watched a few YouTube videos around the psychology of mental health, depression and addiction through having spent most of my adult life experiencing these things and being a bit 'glass half empty' whilst wanting to radically improve my outlook.

    Btw I'd never heard the term black pill before are there any other coloured pills I should know about..
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  7. Yeah failure to accept responsibility is the name of the game. Very toxic.

    Black pill = being ugly makes everyone hate you. allowing women to choose their romantic partners is unfair and inherently oppressive towards less attractive men.

    ER pill = the only way to fight against the oppression of incels is to murder as many women/people as possible

    Red pill = dating is rigged. all heterosexual relationships are at the man's expense (sex is fine).

    Blue pill = derogatory term used to describe people who don't agree with the red/black pill world view

    White pill = someone who is getting their life together, very optimistic and not bothered by things

    Gay pill/"just be gay theory" = turning yourself gay and having sex with men is better than living as a heterosexual virgin

    Tr***y pill = similar to gay pill - only way to get laid is to transition to a female, etc.

    Dog pill = most/all women are sexually attracted to dogs, or have sex with dogs when they can't find a desirable human male. sometimes the dog pill means 'women would rather have sex with animals than incels'

    Horse/cat/fish/animal pill = same as dog pill but for other animals

    Height/jaw/face/race/etc pill = (being short, having a weak jawline, having an ugly face, being a certain ethnicity, etc.) is the number one reason you can't get laid

    Driver's license pill = not being able to drive is the ultimate sign of inferiority for a man

    Green pill = vegan. not used by or associated with incels

    Basically, you can put "pill" at the end of anything, as long as it's catchy. These are the most common ones.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
    blacklabel92 and Watanabe like this.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I think a lot of doomposting I see is ironic, or is just an aesthetic people adopt for a time before getting bored of it. Kinda like some modern version of a goth phase.

    For the people who take it seriously, well they arent all incels. There is a lot of crossover I suppose but there are also doomers who mainly believe what they do because of other things, or because of modern life in general. To generalise them all as incels seems a little reductive to me I guess.
  9. Yes, many incels are doomers, but not all doomers are incels.
    I'm not aware of any other definition of blackpill other than the one used by incels. Is there another blackpill that non-incel doomers talk about?
    Daryn likes this.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Blackpill itself is generally seen as being only an incel thing but it just means anyone who subscribes to the belief system that shit is fucked and cant be unfucked. When I try to find a more broad definition of "blackpill" it does bring up mostly incel stuff (plus a place in Wales?) but when I look up what a doomer actually is I get this definition.

    "A doomer is someone who believes in doomerism, a philosophy and mindset that believes global problems—including but not limited to ecological exhaustion, such as overpopulation, peak oil, climate change, and pollution—will inevitably cause the collapse of civilization, significant losses in human population, and potentially lead to eventual human extinction.[1] The mindset may be defined in opposition to more optimistic outlooks on the future of civilization. Doomers also typically believe that government corruption, civilian apathy, and/or structural oppression are unfixable or immaterial.[2]"
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  11. Daryn

    Daryn Fapstronaut

    being blackpilled doesn't necessarily have anything to do with looks
  12. Watanabe

    Watanabe Fapstronaut

    Genius, a place in Wales lol this tickled me. I was lucky to work in Snowdonia North Wales once upon a time, a very pleasant green and rugged landscape if you get off track. Anyway back to the pills, I'll have a green and white please.
    AtomicTango likes this.
  13. Watanabe

    Watanabe Fapstronaut

    This is indeed a treacherous trap, there's something which appeals about doomery, I heard it described once as "the ego loves a good pity party and thrives on the juice it gets from being the downtrodden victim" Doesn't mean that it doesn't have a point, that life isn't full of seeming injustices and inequalities, you just have to decide when it's time to accept and then take positive steps, if you want to of course.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  14. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    then ull just have beer belly black pill doomers
    FellatiousD likes this.
  15. Exactly
  16. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    Incels also have no lives outside of the internet, instead of getting with the times, and adjusting to this generation, they act like things should still be the way they were in the 1950's.
  17. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Black pills? Thats racist
  18. Cyanide Capsule = When you want the pill talk to take a forever sleep.
  19. based.jpg

  20. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Is that a new pill? Never heard about it, what's the main philosophy behind?