Ejaculation without erection?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by HerrFritz, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. HerrFritz

    HerrFritz Fapstronaut

    After I didn't have an orgasm for 2 weeks, my wife and I were cuddling in bed. Then suddenly, without any stimulation, I started to ejaculate. I didn't even had an erection.

    Is this normal?
  2. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    ummmm I don't know man i'm not a health expert, google it?
  3. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    Something similar happened to me at around 50 days. Hit a bump on the road and had an orgasm out of nowhere. I've seen other guys say they have had similar experiences. I think it's not uncommon during the beginning of nofap streaks
  4. Rationaliser

    Rationaliser Fapstronaut

    At least it didn't happen during a standing conversation with your boss. I'm curious to know how your wife reacted, and I know that might be too personal to share.
    ElSabio and Retentionman like this.
  5. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    On long streaks I've only experienced uncalled releases when I'm peeing. Which I've read that it is mostly prostatic juices, since the organ is used to produce that constantly. My question is, did you experienced any orgasm or were indulging in erotic thoughts during this experience?
    Whatever the case is, I recommend doing kegel excercices to tone your pelvic floor

    @Rationaliser lol
  6. Don't fear, tell me if you have premature ejaculation or not
    If yes, then it is normal, your muscles are weak and tired, after a long streak, it is common.
    But if it is happening again and again, then consult with your doctor
    Stp890 likes this.
  7. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    I have never heard of men having a spontaneous orgasm minus an erection, when they are not actively attempting to come, but for me, personally, I have suffered from dead dick for years despite my addiction to looking at naked girls, so I will say, yea, you can definitely orgasm when the banana isn't ripe.
  8. Stp890

    Stp890 Fapstronaut

    No brother,he has to understand the cause of the problem first before trying kegel.i recommend him to see his doctor.
    Not all problems related to sex need kegels,in fact kegel can have negative effects.the best choice is to see a health expert.
    Retentionman likes this.
  9. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    I just want to add even though I didn't start the thread that I hate when people say "I recommend" or "you should" when you haven not asked for anything of the kind.
  10. HerrFritz

    HerrFritz Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i'm suffering from PE. But never ejaculated without an erection.

    That's correct. I actually have overactive (tense) pelvic floor. So doing more kegels would make it even more tense. I'm hoping that brean rewiring would help to get rid of the PE tough.

    Since i'm suffering from PE, she didn't really made a big deal of it. When I came back from the bathroom, she was already a sleep. Didn't mention it afterwards.
  11. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    It's just weakness.

    Like combination of very ingrained ejaculation patterns and 'subconsciouss'-'pushed' horniness so you're not aware mentally but still like 'remains' hormonally for a while untill it gets 'washed' by the normal activity in the body. With weakneess of blood flow, muscle strength and long term stagnation or abuse/weakness down there anywhere in that area, hip, pernium (floor), bladder, PC/BS, etc etc.

    It's only been 2 bloody weeks mate. Look at it in a grounded manner, 2 weeks is not much if you have like over trained your system to ejaculate a lot, and easily, and dopamine release easily and so for years! plus generally never try to hold the piss in while urinating or the orgasm/ejaculation, etc.

    ...Okay I might be overtalking about it here and booring some of you but it's just that. A general kind of weakness. Not a disease or anything. Workout more, live helathy, sleep plenty. Practice absitienence MENTALLY as well. And you will notice more substance to your persona/ego emotionally and energetically which will help to regulate your hormones and body. Like if you saw a huge SHIT on the carpet in the room while cuddling with your wife and didn'tnotice the shit before. Your system might still have had held on to that horniness and preparation to ejaculate/orgasm - procreeate...you know. While it would have ruined the feeling, the body was kind of stiff into the whole sexual action, unable to RELAX.

    - you mentioned you have PE. So you get the idea probably.
    Also you HAVE ejaculated without an erection - nocturnal emissions. So nothing odd biologically about it. You can piss with and without an erection as well.
    HerrFritz likes this.
  12. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    First off, I have experienced the same thing before. Typically, when I do cuddle after abstaining from sex and release, I will produce a large amount of pre cum. Even at odd times I found that happening. Even going to bathroom for a number 2 I would occasionally expel semen. I have had an embarrassing situation after clinching my butt tight until I could get to a bathroom and had a full release of semen as in full ejaculation. The big question for me is did you experience any orgasm or just a release? I never had the pleasure that you would with orgasm. So it was a weird sensation. It's totally normal.
  13. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    It means you were really aroused, seems fine.

    This happened to me back in highschool, was on a date with a girl who was crushing on me, she suddenly hugged me and held me by my hands and I had pre-cum a little bit (she didn't know ofcourse). Doesn't seem like something to worry about if it happens rarely, it never happened to me again.

    By the way, did you ejaculate (full sperm release) or just pre-cum?
  14. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Yeah it is normal I guess. I did hanging leg raises and I was not thinking about anything sexual nor was I hard. Then suddenly the muscles down there started pumping and I went and checked - wet workout. Happened again on the next set. Long story short - I have not done hanging leg raises since then.