60 days Nofap!!!!! My journey

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by oe123, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Today marked 60 day of nofap, something I thought I could never achieve considering how addicted I was to porn. I am 19 years of age and I have been addicted to porn for 9 years. It was only in October last year that I found out about nofap because I wasn’t able to perform with a woman I met which was very embarrassing, so I sought out help online to find information on why this happened to me. Till this day I am forever grateful that I did that because it informed me of the harm and damage of porn and revealed the monster which was Porn that my brain hid from me. It all made sense the reasons why I struggled learning in school due to severe brain fog that affected my concentration and focus. I also had to endure social anxiety which was so bad that during lunchtimes in school I was so scared to talk to other people and be seen by other students I would hide in the toilets and eat my lunch there, I know its pathetic but true. I suffered small depression from time to time which would make me unhappy with myself. My motivation was fucked up. I had no aspirations to do anything or become anything in life and porn made it difficult for me to make good decisions in life which led me into getting in a lot of trouble. This is because Porn fucks up the frontal lobe in your brain which controls decisions making and reasoning. It all made sense to why all this occurred, and so I decided to go and do NoFap starting from October last year. From October to December I must of relapsed over 20 times. I thought to my self that I will never be able to leave Porn to become a better person, a better me. I became really down at one point I gave up. But after seeing many testimonies and videos I knew I was strong enough to do it. I went on a 30 day streak which was my longest through the month of January but complacency and satisfaction of getting to 30 led to another relapse. Nonetheless, after addressing the mistakes and lessons I learnt from the last streak I managed to stay on a 60 day streak through the months of February and March and I am still going strong.
    Doing this has increased my confidence and made me more confident in myself and talking to others. It also slowly increasing my motivation levels which is allowing me to strive for goals I never thought of doing or being able to achieve.

    To anyone who was like me last year who is struggling to quit porn or can’t find a way out, I’m here to tell you can. All it takes is you believing in your self and truly wanting to become a better you because I and many on here will tell you that Porn is not your friend and will only cloud you with misery and sadness, and I am happy to say I am slowly moving out of that cloud.
  2. well done bro
    i am on day 50 u are 10 days more than me hahahah
    Try Interlude5 likes this.
  3. Porn isn't your friend. It's a fake friend with ulterior motive. Once you sink into a pathetic person, it'll leave you and search for people to befriend then abandon.

    When I was a porn addict, I looked ugly. Any person looked for the tiniest problem in me to make a big deal out of it or criticized me without holding back.

    Congrats on beating thd addiction, especially at a young age. Stay that way because if you want to do something, you'll do it easily. With pmo, you'll have difficulty starting what you wanna do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2021
    Abstergo and Try Interlude5 like this.
  4. Inspired2chg

    Inspired2chg Fapstronaut

  5. Congrats Man!
  6. Babayao Mzito

    Babayao Mzito Fapstronaut

    Congrats friend, at 19? This is good progress. You will go far if you maintain that path. Advice,- use that energy to develop yourself throughout your 20s and not sex ladies around. I wish you the best pal!
    oe123 and Try Interlude5 like this.
  7. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro, and 50 days is an amazing achievement also well done mate.
    GOSUCCESS likes this.
  8. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man that means a lot, its great to see you sharing your insight and history.
    Phast and Try Interlude5 like this.
  9. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate.
    Try Interlude5 likes this.
  10. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro
    Try Interlude5 likes this.
  11. oe123

    oe123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro for your wisdom, I will take what you said and will try implementing it into my streak.
    Try Interlude5 likes this.
  12. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    You are doing well dude. I wish you every success in life.. keep going my friend.. I have also just hit 61 days
    Try Interlude5 likes this.
  13. thank u me and you and all realistic nofapper will never give up i know if i relapse just after it i will kill my self
    Try Interlude5 likes this.