Guys, What's Your Biggest Challenge?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Cheech, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. Cheech

    Cheech Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I'm new here and I'm wondering what everyone's biggest challenge is?

    I've overcome my porn addiction... it's now been two years (I'm 26 years old) and I'm looking to answer some questions and help some people out... if anyone would want some one on one help too you can send me a pm.

    I'd love to hear what your biggest challenge is so I can try to help.

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  2. simongook

    simongook Fapstronaut

    My biggest challenge is being able to hang out with my friends because I can go out on the days I workout since I live pretty far from the gym. But this month my friends have been busy with jobs and SAT prep and I work a job but not too often. I need some advice because I'm usually by myself and that's a huge trigger for me. I do try reading books and I'm bulking so sometimes I can't do as much cardio and i meditate in the mornings with cold showers also.
  3. My biggest challenge is believing that I'm capable of recovery. It feels like nothing I do works, and the stuff that might help I'm simply not capable of. I'll certainly keep trying, but I feel really discouraged.
  4. Cheech

    Cheech Fapstronaut

    I don't know how old you are but, are you going out and meeting girls?
    Is your longest streak 25 days? Force yourself, despite the pain to make it one full month.
    Have you felt benefits from abstaining from ejaculating?
    Do you have some bigger goals for your career, education, relationships, hobbies/passions?
    Think about other aspects of your life that you can tackle, so that you're not focused on avoiding porn but rather focused on achieving goals, which as a byproduct will force you to avoid porn.
    Meeting women and learning about that (even "pickup" has value to take from) will take your life to the next level.

    I'd like you to try a thought experiment...
    I'm sure you've succeeded at something in your life... even if that was just learning to ride a bicycle... you've succeeded doing that... in fact you've succeeded making it this far in life... that is one thing almost for sure, if you're reading this...
    well, I want you to feel what it feels like to have succeeded at something... notice where you feel that sensation of having succeeded before. As you're doing this notice how you can make this feeling stronger, of having succeeded in the past... and make it stronger. Now think about your goal of overcoming your porn addiction, as you feel what succeeding feels like, and know that you are capable of recovery now. Think about this daily. Imagine what your life will look like now that you've completely recovered. The more failures you have the more ways you've figured out that don't work. Edison is famous for having "failed" 1000 times before succeeding... "Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophy."

    Hope this helps you guys out...

    Keep me updated with feedback.

    Hope I can help more of you guys out.
  5. simongook

    simongook Fapstronaut

    @Cheech Im only 16 so the only way i could think of is school but its summer right now.
  6. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    My biggest challenge is the fucking fantasies and trying to test myself. I don't think porn is a problem anymore, I don't crave it, nor do I crave masturbation. Ive done neither in the past 84 days. Now I am thinking about girls cause I wanna knw if I can get hard. I can, however since its been like 80 days since ive had any sexual feeling, as soon as an erection goes away, I crave it again, its really an addiction, I haven't felt tht good in a while so..
    And my doc cut off my xanaxx prescription so that makes shit worse cause I ha
  7. Mackap

    Mackap Fapstronaut

    Be encouraged brother. You can do it - don't refuse your strength by giving into the urges of your body. You're stronger than that - we're all in this fight.
  8. thestonedkoala

    thestonedkoala Fapstronaut

    My biggest challenge is to win this battle I keep having with myself. I overthink things, I get addicted to things easily, I lose motivation often and I can't keep consistent in anything. I've recently started meditating and am doing my best to stay consistent with a daily practice, and so far I've made it 6 days of 30 minutes each day. Easily my best effort and I hope to keep going in hopes that I can sort out my problem.
  9. Technocrat

    Technocrat Fapstronaut

    While control of senses is absolutely vital for celibacy, I find the biggest challenge in control of thought/imagination. I have yet to learn how to stop thinking or dwelling on thought/imagination. Although I am good at elaborating on ideas, that is also my weakness in celibacy. Things have their good and bad sides. Now I need to learn to give up overthinking things when it is appropriate to do so, because there are times when I am overthinking things too much, and this leads to breaks in celibacy.
  10. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    yesss. i understand exactly what you mean.
  11. My biggest challange is dealing with this addiction.My boredom lead me back to this drug called pmo.Sometimes its really hard for me to find a routine that I should stick too.I get lazy and get too comfortable and forget that doing the same things over and over lead me back to pmo.I have taken 2 weeks off and I think I have found a way to beat my addiction.It will take sometime to get where I need to get but nothing is impossible.
  12. Philip1990

    Philip1990 Fapstronaut

    Regulating my emotions towards a beautiful woman to not scare her away.
  13. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    I can't stop obsessing over other women and feeling dissatisfied with my wife. That's my biggest challenge.
  14. LightlySaltedTarako

    LightlySaltedTarako Fapstronaut

    My biggest challenge would be a certain anonymous image board that despite how much of a s***hole it is I honestly do enjoy browsing some of the more tame boards nightly. But no board is safe and there are so many damn images and sometimes I just get triggered. It's hard when there are so many visual cues around a place you like being but ehhh. I should probably just not use the internet so much.
  15. Well it's good, because semen retention (nofap) helps to keep your emotions in check by balancing your energy correctly. Too much PMO fucks up your emotions and unbalances them.

    Nofap should cure both of your problems ;)
  16. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Fantasies about porn or women come up as urges and sometimes they are pretty difficult to fight, today's media certainly doesn't help either.
  17. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    exactly, i was watching fucking tarzan on abc family, the commercial had a fucking show about a girl hooking a guy up with her friend and the guy was like "i can do an emotional relation ship, but mostly a physical" or something like that. On ABC fucking family. Todays slut culture is making it very hard to reboot. I wouldn't mind it once I'm done though.
    ThatOneGuy56 likes this.
  18. Pixelated Victory

    Pixelated Victory Fapstronaut

    Similar to @Golgo 13, my biggest challenge is my anxiety about the results of my reboot at this point. I unfortunately didn't start NoFap with hard mode so I am almost at the 90 day mark of no PMO however about half that for no MO. I KNOW something has had to have changed upstairs (and down) since I've walked away from these habits, but I am nervous to experience the changes once I do get a girl in bed with me. What could they be? How can I be so sure that they will ALL be positive? There is just a lot of question marks and it is nerve wrecking.

    It is almost as if I have been so persistent in my efforts that I have created this uncertainty anxiety in my head. Deep down I know this is right though. NoFap is and always be necessary for me.
  19. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    The only thing u can do is continue to reboot, take it from me i have had times where it was hard, but recently (past 20-30 days) I hae noticed a big change in my life. I get aroused easily just by looking at real women. Yes sometimes there are tough days where i wonder weather i will be able to get hard, or if sex will feel good, or "where did my libido go?". But the only thing you can do is continue rebooting; no one said it would be easy, we have had many years watching PMO, but this is only a few months we have stopped. The alternative is you go back to PMO, ill tell you, if you do that, your going to become depressed, do you really want to throw away 43 days? Personally I think it will take around til the end of the year for me to be completely back to normal as in pre-porn, so it takes time buddy, we all have things in life that demand immediate attention, but nofap is something that is a long journey/process, so just keep doing what your doing due, we're all in the same boat.
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