On the topic of Orthodox Christianity

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ByTheRiver777, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    I was baptized Anglican in a South African church and lost my spirituality through my development.

    But COVID has caused me to explore my spirituality again. The isolation has caused me to look deep within myself, and I was faux-pagan at one point but quickly grew out of it.

    I live where many eastern europeans live and I am constantly exposed to byzantian culture and the orthodox church. I like its structure. Jesus as its traditional leader and faith through lived experience. I am not a fan of academia and beauracracy which is why I stray from the Catholic church.

    Anglicanism is a sham in my opinion, but rest my Granny who was pious.

    And Protestantism is something I'll never take seriously because I live in America and I see it as too puritanical.

    The one qualm I have with Orthodoxy is its view on evolution. I believe in evolution and can see evidence as to why its real, yet orthodoxy says that any allegorical interpretation of genesis is heresy. This is something I can't get behind.

    Are there any orthobros here that can comment on this doctrine? Am I misinformed?
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  2. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    I was born catholic but i simpatize with the orthdoxs more idk much about the evolution stuff , but i read sometime , some time before that they do not accept the evolution as darwin presented (caotic and with no "engeneer" behind) but they stand for an evolution with a mastermind(God) behind
  3. I was once a "faux-pagan" too, are you sure that your pull to orthodoxy is centered on your desire to know Christ, or is it secondary things like their iconography and liturgies? If it's the former by all means you should pursue it but if it's the latter you should consider what you're really looking for. When I considered myself pagan I too was interested more in Orthodoxy than Catholicism, but ultimately when I felt the call to enter Christ's church Catholicism is the only thing that made sense to me.

    I should also add that Christ is the head of the Catholic church, but I understand if you have misgivings about the papacy. That was partially my hangup when entering the church. On the other hand though, you will find no other Church more open to science than the Catholic church. You are not compelled to believe that the world creation account in genesis is entirely literal, evolution is on the table, as well as extra terrestrial life even. I understand your concern over the Church's academic side, but that's also what makes all the latter possible. You can also disregard that too if you wish however because Catholicism has a deep history of mystic, and devout practice.

    Anyway, hope this helps. God bless.
  4. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    Check out Jonathan Pageau on youtube and his site The Symbolic world and also The Lord of Spirits podcast. It's interesting to hear that allegorical interpretation is heresy. Maybe I don't know what is meant by that exactly or how it would differ from metaphorical interpretation. Saint Maximus the Confessor definitely did not have a materialist interpretation like protestantism does.
    ByTheRiver777 likes this.
  5. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    I would have to research that more. I admittedly only know orthodoxy through my friends and Jay Dyer, so there's an obvious theological bend to my perceptions.

    I do have a lot of misgivings about the papacy and its scandals. Just where I live there were 32 priests a part of the diocese who were indicted on sexual assault and I know this is a worldwide problem, as there is evidence of the catholic church being used as a front for human trafficking, yet I'm sure this allegation can be thrown at any church who spreads into underdeveloped areas.

    On the subject of Iconography vs. Christ. It's helpful that you brought it up. I'm unsure how I could answer that, I have experienced the love of Christ and I do believe him to god in human form... Yet I'm unsure. I do need to do a considerably more amount of thinking.
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  6. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    I will thank you.
    ElSabio likes this.
  7. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    I read a book called The Language of Creation a few years ago which is also worth picking up. It's by jonathan pageau's brother.
  8. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    The Catholic Church does kind of seem what you're looking for, minus the bureaucracy part. But for me, anti-science sentiments like the account of creation (that God created creation in a series of moments, and that animals were created in their state, as was the world, and trees were created with their age input into them) that appears in many other versions of Christianity is just going to be a struggle at this point. The amount of evidence for evolution is astounding.

    Science is not heretical to the Catholic church. The Big Bang was postulated by a Catholic priest, and the bureaucracy of the Church has led to all sorts of developments in physics, astronomy, genetics, biology, chemistry.. you get the picture. As much as I hate the "scientism" of the modern era, I would just personally have an extremely hard time going into a belief system that denied science, and if I'm being perfectly honest I think that will cause a lot of unnecessary hardship down the road for the people that deny it.

    Some stances on science in these religions seem legitimate (that scientism is the result of misplaced "pride" in man's accomplishments through science-- something that I think is absolutely true) but then change to outright denying well-documented and non-heretical science like very, very hard to disprove scientific accounts like evolution. This, to me, is entirely to extreme.
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  9. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Just pure christianity is the way, the rest has Devil's hands in, a little here a little there no one will get the message
    Brokenwings27 and ByTheRiver777 like this.
  10. goddamn more spooks than a haunted house in this thread
  11. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    Iohannes likes this.
  12. ǤƝªƦŁy

    ǤƝªƦŁy Fapstronaut

    I don't known if you know this but the Catholic Church recognizes 6 Rites and Byzantine is one of those Rites.
    It's funny because I never thought the Papacy was that hard to grasp. Anyone who's read the Bible can see God is pretty fond of setting one man as his nation's visible patriarch on earth.

    I think for me the biggest issue has been the sex abuse scandal but if I'm honest that's not a dogma issue. Plus If you think about if scandals are my hangup then I would have left after hearing about how they made Sual an apostle! The dude murdered Stephen! Judas sold JC for 33 pieces of silver. Peter flat out denied JC three times.

    The Church has been filled with fuck-ups from the beginning!
    Johnthesavage likes this.
  13. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    What makes you think you need to follow a specific domination to know God? Thats the question i would pose
  14. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Id like to engage in debate but its too straining and focused on a big personal isssue right now. This thread is tempting. :emoji_sweat_smile:either way good luck op popping out
    ByTheRiver777 likes this.
  15. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    You're the third person to ask me that question and I appreciate it.

    It would be to find a community. Worship on its own is one thing, but a community is another.
  16. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Well good luck just dont get caught up try to keep your dedication to Gods word and not twist it just to fit into a certain community
  17. ǤƝªƦŁy

    ǤƝªƦŁy Fapstronaut

    I've thought about this too but then I thought if the God I want to be close to is the Christian God then didn't He found Judaism first!? A religion!? And then later Christianity!? A religion!?

    My conclusion is that a personal God would start a religion because a personal God would have likes and dislikes. Read exodus where God is telling them how to set an altar, what jewels to put on the priests vestments, which direction to worship (east), and to burn incense etc etc etc. God is very particular about His worship so the idea that He doesn't care never really added up when it came to Christianity. If you believe in the Trinity then that God in the OT is the same as in the NT (Do this in memory of me) this meaning offer sacrfice exactly how He did it! How He wants it done.

    How are you going to get closer to God by not doing what He wants? How are you going to know what He wants without a Church to reveal it aka religion.

    Sure there are some things we can come to through use of natural reason but not when it comes to the specifics.

    Heck if you read scripture you acknowledge this reality.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
    ByTheRiver777 likes this.
  18. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Hello bro. Just wanted to chime in and say I am one of those Protestants, a passionate Calvinist, and I assure you I am not Puritanical. I enjoy my whisky, rum, beer, and wine to the glory of Jesus!
  19. Iohannes

    Iohannes Fapstronaut

    Orthodox here... perhaps the only one who did reply to your thread.

    I search for Orthodox posts on nofap every now and then and this came up.

    Even if I am numbered among the Orthodox folks who reject evolution, it isn't true the Church has rejected officially or even unofficially the theory in its entirely. Let's just say that the predominant view used to be the "incompatibilist" one, so called to define the lack of compatibility between Genesis and Evolution (according to supporters of this view). In reality many clergymen are compatibilists too and while a few are kinda modernists in other topics, thereby discrediting their take on Evolution too, others aren't. Also many active and trad preachers within Orthodoxy haven't commented on the issue, so it's really something you're relatively free to investigate and make yourself an idea on. There is no dogma.
    But I'd suggest the channel of Gregory Decapolite. It's excellent and has a good video on this subject.
    ByTheRiver777 likes this.
  20. ByTheRiver777

    ByTheRiver777 Fapstronaut

    I would assume with any established religion thered always be factions.

    I admire the masculine spirit of Orthodoxy too.
    Iohannes likes this.