Relapsed on Day 9. This is so messed up

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Ferrari_2020, May 22, 2021.

  1. Ferrari_2020

    Ferrari_2020 Fapstronaut

    After just 8 days of successfully refraining from PMO to heal myself from sissy fetish, I have relapsed on Day 9. The thing is, I have been experiencing from some urges since yesterday, and my work productivity has gone for a toss because of this. Now, a slight decrease in work productivity isn't of much bother to me, but I am working on this really important project so I have to stay on top of my game. Ever since today morning, I haven't really done much work because of trying to resist my urges, and finally I had to give in to relieve myself. I don't really know what to do now. This project that I am working on might continue for a month or so. Should I go on a fresh reboot after that? Or is there any other way that I can deal with this? I really need some help here.
    Goodstart likes this.
  2. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    The good news is that you're not alone. Obviously this entire site was created because this disease is so strong, its not just a bad habit, or something we "probably shouldn't be doing". No, its an addiction. And as such, it needs to be recognized, addressed, and handled as such. Otherwise, there is literally zero chance of beating it. Here are the tools I've found that work best:

    - Go to weekly SA meetings and find a sponsor there. To find one near you, go to

    - Do an internet search for CSAT office in your area (Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist) and schedule regular appointments.

    - One of the biggest, best, and most effective ways to quit this addiction is to find one or more accountability partner(s) if you don't already have one. Many are available here on NoFap.

    - Look for help online; There are sexual addiction recovery books, workbooks, self-help books, Youtube videos and MANY other things to help.

    - Start a journal about your recovery. On NoFap, somewhere else online, in a word document offline, or even with pen and paper.

    - Obtain a copy of the book used by the members of SA meetings, which is commonly referred to as “the white book” which can be purchased here. (

    - Put safeguards in place to help you stay sober. Think of your weaknesses and eliminate them.

    - Do you take your phone (or any other device) into the bathroom with you and relapse because of it? Then make a rule to never take any electronic device into the bathroom with you, ever. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    - Do you read erotic literature and relapse because of it? Make a rule to never read anything that could ever be found in that section of any bookstore ever.

    - If you struggle with looking at internet porn or any other addictive material on the internet, get an internet filter to block that category type of website as well as any specific site you know you’re vulnerable to and give someone else the password to it. (Spouse, partner, AP, sponsor, etc.) Obviously, you should not have the password.​

    - And last but not least, bring any troubles, venting, accomplishments (and anything else you want) here to let us know so we can either help any way we can, give advice, or celebrate with you!

    You CAN do this. The question is, do you want sexual sobriety badly enough to work as hard as you need to for it.

    I wish you the very best of luck, my friend!
    Ferrari_2020 likes this.
  3. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    you know what man i was doing a big project too and jerk off every time i was in a stress mode because of it

    but you know what ? it bring trouble more than a relieve ....

    just like an old proveb : you cant do something right with one hand on your penis
  4. Ferrari_2020

    Ferrari_2020 Fapstronaut

    I am not even feeling like doing any work today. I was so firm on my stand that I would complete my 90 day reboot this time. But I failed again. This sissy shit is messing me up big time
  5. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Use the tools, my friend. Use the tools.
  6. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    LMFAO! :p :p :p

    I have never heard this before! :) Is it really an old proverb? In which country, or are you just having us on? ;)

    Whatever the case, it gave me a good laugh and it's true! :D
  7. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Three months maybe too a big a goal to aim for right now. Goals only work well if they feel realistic and achievable. How about have a goal of 3 months days? When you get there, you will feel the boost of achieving something. You can then add another 3 days and so on. After 7 of these increments you will be @ 3 weeks into your streak and you can extend your goals by weekly increments. Other tips that you can select from are available on the following page...

    The Rebooting Toolbox (Tips and Tricks) | NoFap®
    Ferrari_2020 likes this.
  8. Ferrari_2020

    Ferrari_2020 Fapstronaut

    Yes. Will surely check them out now
  9. Ferrari_2020

    Ferrari_2020 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this. Keeping small goals at first and then keeping on adding them seems like a good idea
  10. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    if i can remember i was seeing that proverb about 2 years ago from a fellow nofap forum, i mean 2 years that old enough i guess :p