Why time counting is garbage

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by OrganizeInformed, May 29, 2021.

  1. Okay the title is meant to get your attention, but still it is only useful on a very superficial, basic level.

    Just think about this: Does puberty matter with any form of sex addiction? Does being exposed to porn before, during, vs. after that make a difference? Does an existing addiction before someone gets into a relationship vs. after matter?

    I think anyone with basic reasoning faculties would obviously have to recognize it does, but that doesn't have to do with X number of days or years. We can say there are both biological and psychological developmental fulcrums and X number of days or years, both in active addiction and abstinence isn't the same for people depending on their life circumstances and how the addiction formed.

    If anything, we need a lot longer than days for it to make a significant difference.

    By all means we should have a measurement, but just as the length of a movie doesn't tell you how good it is neither does the day count of a streak tell you how good the recovery is. It may tell you *something* worked to go that long in time but that doesn't automatically translate to anything useful or good.
  2. Nofap journey is not a movie.
    Thing about days is that they give you that positive boost, that idea that you can go that far so you can go further!
    But yes, besides that reason - there's not much reasons to count them. Just go, live without counting, but at the start it's cool to do so. Month or two will pass by and counting becomes useless, I agree.
  3. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    So, how about an alcoholic that says, My name is xxxxx1 and I have been sober for 6 days; compared to another that says, My name is xxxxx2 and I have been sober for 6 months; compared to another that says, My name is xxxxx3 and I have been sober for 6 years?

    Compare that with the days months or years since a person last masturbated or used porn or had an intentional orgasm and I think you will agree that the length of a streak is not merely a superficial measurement. It means something man!
    Revanthegrey and modern milarepa like this.
  4. The point about movies is it's a journey, things happen. It's an analogy. It is entirely possible to have a fairly long streak without much of anything happening, I've done it before. (6 months) There is no need to waste that much time just to relapse after that if you have a good quality reboot.

    The idea of keeping going is also not that helpful. HOW can you keep going? Most people ask about the moment of strong urge which may be the one time where there's no good answer, but if you're actually willing to put a plan together before that you might actually be able to go further- but probably not if the only "technique" is just tracking a day count.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  5. It does, in the context you gave. It also has meaning on the basis of what they say FOLLOWING the day count, their actual share and story. All those people have a life and even the guy with 6 days has something to share besides the time. The share is what's meaningful, I would even go so far as to say them being in the room is. Not as much when it's just a gamification online.
  6. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The context is identical for all addictions.
  7. If that was the case then the actual shares are irrelevant, clearly that is not the case. I also already addressed this in the context of the rest of that post.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I am not saying that people's stories and what they disclose is irrelevant. That is part of what makes this community a successful resource. But I cannot agree with your premise that counting time in abstinence from an addiction is garbage or that, "it is only useful on a very superficial, basic level."
  9. Just so we're clear, look at it from this perspective: That doesn't mean the advice of people who have a lot of time are not helpful. And yes, of course for a lot of people that's the only way they can identify something that might be worth trying, even if you can just say something very reasonable that's equally true without them already knowing how much time you have - but of course it's a matter of them giving weight to it more when they know that number even though you'd be the same person with the same experience and the advice is the same. It's perception in that case.
  10. It's useful for sure, but what I mean by basic is how it functions. As I said above it's largely perception. I admit garbage is cheap attention getting for the thread.

    All things being equal, more time is better than less. But experience, strength and hope should be based on more than projection over a number. The pitfall is if someone is reading your advice on a superficial level just because you have the days instead of really paying close attention based on what it says, which is of course on the reader, then it's not going to help them that much.

    So maybe we can say break it down three ways: There's the person saying it, the person reading it, and just what is said. The counter on the site is just an automated thing, it's just there. It's very simple computer code. In that sense, it is certainly basic. Human experience is not or should not be, so in that sense it is what we do with it or whether we're aware of what we're doing with it.
  11. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    OK, I will leave it there.
    NutMaster777 likes this.
  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    You are seeing nofap as knowledge, it might require some knowledge but in matters of sex and life, experience is king. The best teacher is being the embodiment of what you preach.

    Take my father for example he has never jerk off in his life, he has a perfect streak of 65 years.

    Only knowing that number is enough for me to never masturbate. Also he has never ejaculated in his life only to conceived me.

    He is a taoist master but we have never discussed how to get rid of masturbation or techniques to control ejaculation. Why?

    Because his unbelievable streak and energy is enough for me, to feel inspired. And do whatever it takes to master my sexual energy. The best teacher, the best help is being the embodiment of what you preach. And a long streak number can reflect this and help people to recognize it.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  13. This is false. The most important factor in breaking any addiction is abstinence from the drug that one is addicted to.

    My experience is people who claim otherwise are the ones who are usually failing at breaking their addictions.
  14. And my experience is the second sentence is often one designed to implicate other people even if it is framed as an "I statement" - it is talking about other people even if made in a general, non-specific way. It adheres to the "letter of the law" in terms of not speaking for others as far as the wording but the intent is questionable. Really it happens enough in the rooms it's not that hard to recognize. It of course implies a judgment of those people you interacted with. Unless there is a literal tracking or inventory of so many people making such a statement vs. those who don't, which would just be a fact, frankly I think it is quite possibly confirmation bias and completely subjective. A statistical count would be fine but of course taking other peoples inventory in the 4th step, recovery sense is problematic because you don't have the whole picture, and is consistent with the pattern of one piece of information taken out of context.

    Your first statement is telling. Even you didn't say it is the only factor even if you say it is the most important one. Also, you used the word drug. PMO is a behavior. Yes on one level "all addictions are the same", but if you were speaking to someone who has experience in drug addiction but no experience in PMO or sex addiction, vs. yourself who does, do you really feel your experience is exactly the same? And regarding experience:

    I made that statement to illustrate a point, I didn't say it is exclusively knowledge nor is it the only thing I said. You'll notice elsewhere I already talked about experience.

    Yes, and embodiment cannot be seen directly online. As you say a long streak reflects this, I would go even further to make your point - your posts and body of posts online also only reflects this, and the streak is of course only one small piece of information that makes up that body of information online about a particular person. We don't know how someone actually lives, carries themselves and go about their day other than what they write. Sure you can infer a lot but the point is it's all indirect information.

    Really the simple point is there is a big picture, the day count is in there but there's a bigger scheme of things. And sharing and writing about your experience is the specifics. It is not hard to imagine in this age of short attention span and many distractions online people may only see the number and ignore a lot of what you share whether that's knowledge or experience, and that is the problematic thing. I'm pretty sure nobody ever got good recovery by overlooking the details of what their sponsor/mentor says but just focusing on a time count. (which is of course traditionally in terms of years rather than days) I would never mention this in an actual 12 Step meeting because there are those relationships with good communication but a lot of this is about it being online and how things are lost in translation.
  15. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah but you could get a situation where an alcoholic hasn't had a drink in years, and one day maybe ends up having a couple of drinks, but then realises what they're doing, and still has the strength to stop them self.

    Or you could maybe get another situation where an alcoholic hasn't had a drink in years, and then one day maybe ends up getting a bit drunk, but then the following day still has the sense to stop and not do it anymore.

    I'm not saying this always happens. Of course you will get many situations the alcoholic would go into a binge and return to old behaviours.

    But why is it that much of a big deal in those first two situations? The alcoholic got them self together and stopped it again. Like what would be the point of them being so devastated if they hadn't had a single drink in years and then ended up having a few drinks and stopped them self, or if they got drunk one time and managed to stop it again? They didn't allow them self to return to their old behaviours.

    I basically feel the exact same way about PMO. If you have been clean for so long and then had one slip or even one binge, why on earth would you feel that devastated about that? You only feel devastated when you return to your old behaviour.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    NutMaster777 likes this.
  16. Actually I could also go with what seems to be the opposite and say count away - just count EVERYTHING. I recently came across a quote that basically says there are two mistakes in life: not starting and not finishing. If there's more than one addiction, especially when they interact like just general internet addiction that would obviously interact with PMO, by all means count that. What I don't think works is taking one piece of information out of context. Piecing together different pieces of information, even though we know it's incomplete but with the intention of dealing with all of it instead of putting outsized emphasis on one thing is different.

    So maybe we can have multiple counters, I guess what you'd call a NoSurf count and a NoFap count. It would be interesting to look at that on a graph and see how the two might look together. Of course surfing is much harder to measure, it's basically a matter of distraction and everyone may have slightly different measures - I'd be open to hearing peoples thoughts on how that can be done. I don't mean just amount of time online but the activity of mindlessly surfing or even something like getting into arguments on social media that obviously doesn't have to do with the topic but just people hating on each other using that topic as an excuse. And it would basically be two things instead of being overwhelmed with other things like substance addiction, even caffeine and sugar like some people sometimes ask about quitting everything.
  17. There's also another aspect of it, which is whether that person can do any service given the perception or even official policy. There are some groups where they qualify people based on a minimum amount of sobriety time, but if someone with that much time isn't in the group that doesn't mean the people who want to create a community should not make some kind of effort, have meetings and so forth. And online, if someone with a long streak does slip, should all the good posts they made before they slipped be ignored? The relapse report itself can have value even, the honesty and perspective - but this is not going to be seen as valuable if someone looking at it in terms of high count=good/low count=bad. (or seen at all, since they may just look no further) Some people include past streaks in their signature but if someone doesn't, a reader that doesn't know that can easily take it at face value, not knowing just a few days before that person was on a 1 year+ streak and more to the point, they've contributed a ton to the site in times past.

    I mean seriously, people don't go back to the archives as a matter of course. More often we see people saying they don't know where to start or just would rather have someone reply to their post than look up something that may be already there, or even think up key words to search with. So as unfortunate as it is I think we have to recognize this is just sort of the norm of our digital reality.