I think I realised what I get out of femdom

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by AtomicTango, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    For the longest time, I've found the porn genre that addicts me the most is femdom. For the sake of not triggering people I wont go into too much detail but it's a specific type of femdom that really works on me for some reason. The thing is though, I know I don't actually like the femdom aspect of it. I don't like the humiliation, I don't like the acts performed in the videos, in fact a lot of the women in said videos are not even attractive. There are other, much more vanilla types of porn that I find much more appealing. Recently I've been wondering why, beyond just compulsion, I keep going back to this genre of porn specifically with all these things being the case. I think I figured it out.

    On some subconscious level I'm getting off on the idea of not being in control.

    In my everyday life I always want to be in control of everything. I dont like people making my decisions for me even in small matters. I'm incredibly domineering and get immense amounts of satisfaction out of doing things my way all the time, sticking to a schedule that I plan out myself. When I lose control in any area, I become very stressed out and anxious very quickly, probably too quickly, and easily move from being calm and collected into a "the sky is falling mentality."

    With femdom porn, my brain uses this genre to calm itself when I am stressed out due to this loss of control. In these videos I immerse myself in the role of being some submissive guy who lays there and takes it from some woman who is in total control. This role being the inverse of my real personality makes the videos extremely alluring and enticing, like I can just shut my brain off when I watch. Problem is, when I'm done I always snap back to reality and wonder what the hell I just did. I think more than any other genre, femdom has its claws in me because it functions as self-medication to my real life stresses. This is why I keep returning to it even though the actual content is totally unappealing and even disgusting to me. It's not about the content, it's about the IDEA being presented.

    I'd love to hear what you guys think of this and offer any insight/advice if you have any.
    jago_ and Kilrunio like this.
  2. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    That's a Beta Mindset. Here's what femdom is saying, "My Life is in ruins, my home is in shackles! All the men of the world are to blame!"

    If you continue to be a good guy, you going to be a "Save-a-needy" hero. This will cost you everything. Your soul, your home, what you are made of, what you've built.

    Switch over to a bad guy (But not morally bad), your going to strive for excellence. If they want you, you turn them away. If you want them, they need to prove they are not needy, distrustful. You don't let your dick do the thinking, you let your brain do it. You shut down your primal mind of "I need to stick my dick in a .......!", and start listening to your Rational mind that says "I can't ruin my life again, all thanks to sticking my junior in the wrong place."

    Strive for excellence, man. If you continue to be a Beta, that's all women will see of you. A money bag, with a dildo to boot. Start training your brain to go Alpha, what happens? You have more energy, a greater desire to build, your discernment is sharper, you respect yourself better, your fear is quieter.

    How do you train to be an Alpha? First, you run. Then you lift. Then you read. Other sites will say the same thing, books say the same thing. But completing it is harder than it seems.

    Try it, man. But take babysteps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2021
    Kilrunio and AtomicTango like this.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thanks for being the only person who could be bothered replying, but I'm talking about porn here, not real women.
  4. Mr Rn

    Mr Rn Fapstronaut

    I get your point, but all in all just get rid of the beta/alpha thing in general. What your saying essentially is take responsibility as a man, and I agree with that.

    However, with femdom you're trying to reduce triggers, alpha and beta aren't really real and someone can get their head obsessed with the two words, those words themselves are used in porn.

    Atomic lets be real, were all men who are no different to others but have this unfortunate addiction on the side that begins playing with our head. It's real and it is damaging, and it's all well deriving where the desire for it comes from, but as long you stay on track to recovery in terms of journaling - relapse reports - accountability this is what really matters. I'm at the stage right now where I'm beginning to do less of it, because my mind feels like it's fully recovered, but i guarantee this complacency will lead to a relapse if I'm not aware of my mental wellbeing.

    Awareness is key
    Take responsibility
    Take action

    You know best what's best for you, i just hit you up with my take thats all
  5. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    Yep. But dealing with real women is much harder than dealing with a screen. Why? Screens don't talk back.

    Focus on Real Life. Its tough, and you will hit the Flatlines. But that's the joy of it. If you hit the Flatlines, how soon will you be back to 100% "I'm ready to rock the world!" attitude?

    See 5 steps ahead of everything. Its tougher than it sounds.
    AtomicTango likes this.
  6. its very simple why you are addicted, its a much stronger high.

    its like you were expecting to smoke weed but they sneaked in heroine. it can happen to everyone all they have to do is watch honestly it be strange if you didn't take to it.

    in a very specific way, its like normal porn when you first started, it was dangerous, it was risky, it heightened your senses and made you feel alive in every second, therefore amplifying the effects.
    AtomicTango likes this.
  7. This feeling of "lacking control" is a common feature of all forms of obsessional neurosis, or as they call it today, obsessive compulsive disorder.

    For example, it is said that anorexic behaviours are a response to this feeling of lacking control, so the anorexic assets themselves in refusing food, thereby supposedly gaining a measure of control over their existential situation.

    In your case, you seem to be saying that the obsessional controlling aspects of your behaviour are clearly apparent in your everyday life, so you act out with porn to take a break or rest from your regimented self-discipline, which must take an enormous amount of nervous energy to maintain.

    You are wound-up so tight, so you use porn to "let go" and "lose yourself" for a time.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I half-agree. I think my desire to understand why I relapse to this specific type of porn comes from wanting to overcome the issues that led to it in the first place, without using the porn as a coping mechanism. I've gotten beyond 90 days around 4 times now, on three occasions beyond 100 days, and every time I relapse I end up coming back to this type of porn in the end, no matter how much I try to delay doing so by watching other stuff as well. Back when I was much more hardcore addicted, I would watch all kinds of shit, but now it's almost always variations of femdom, and nothing else. It's almost like I'm addicted not to porn in general, but to femdom porn specifically.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    In my personal experience I never really got to that point, even after 90/180/even 300+ days. I also already do the things you suggest to the best of my current ability. I appreciate the advice but I dont really buy into the alpha/beta dichotomy, it seems like a massive oversimplification.

    On another note, I have to ask, what did you write before the mods stepped in and edited your comment? It was already edited by the time I got to read it.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I have quite a lot. Reading, walking, writing, playing videogames, etc. I think as others have said, femdom scratches some deep itch these things dont scratch. I want to try and tackle the root cause of why I watch this stuff beyond just "oh it's extreme porn" cause I genuinely believe it might be deeper than that. There are other, MORE extreme things I used to watch that I easily quit. But this stuff is much harder to shake, there has to be a reason for that.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It definitely is a much stronger high, but see the reply I made above this one. I do think it goes deeper than it just being escalation.
  12. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Interesting insight. This definitely seems to be the case to an extent. Maybe not OCD, but definitely general anxiety.
  13. Mr Rn

    Mr Rn Fapstronaut

    I see, it's also like you said though, you're into femdom because of previous experiences, your mind has associated pleasure with those experiences. you've done more than me in terms of recovery but surely you'll find that no matter what, you won't find happiness in this genre. How were you feeling during the times where you were away from femdom for a solid 2 months?
    AtomicTango likes this.
  14. maybe you where able to drop the other extreme porn so easy because you had were using this other extreme type of porn, or something else in your life put you in a similar mode, its like a fight or flight but porn is physically safe, so it feels like a near miss which spikes dopamine higher than anything else combined with the fight or flight heightened your senses and your awareness of what's about to go down, you to start the go into the mode before you even switched on the extreme porn, just like when you first started watching normal porn. this mode its like adrenaline or something its very addictive there doesn't need to be a deeper reason anything that gets you into this mode will make you forget about all your other worries its a fantastic stress reliever

    but they're programming you while you watch, to come back, a smile and nod, an accepting non verbal body language, just before the suggestion. tricks your brain to turn you on to stuff you wouldn't normally be turned on by, to get you to accept stuff you would normally accept, to create triggers you wouldn't normally have. Pavlov2.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2021
    AtomicTango and Mr Rn like this.
  15. Mr Rn

    Mr Rn Fapstronaut

    Never thought i'd see Pavlov's experiment again. True say though. Abstaining completely from using the 'bell' will eventually remove that necessity for the 'bell' to get dopamine. We're not dogs, so we actually have an educated choice in terms of abstinence.
  16. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    Just some cruder words that the mods didn't like. New guy here, now I know what the mods are requesting in language decorum.

    Well, why I buy the Alpha/Beta/Omega mindset is because it's a level.

    What makes an Omega? Your a dummy, thorough and thorough, only used when convient.

    What makes you a Beta? You have the resources, some abilities, but you're either a No-man or a Yes-man. With clingy issues.

    What makes you an Alpha? You control your world, and only you allow what in, and what you kick out. Your thirst is great, but it also your greatest weapon and greatest backfire. They know their attention is valuable, and that's why they can afford porn. If they get stressed, they cope, deflate, or release in a healthy way.

    Looking at some examples, Terry Crews. Super strong guy by Choice, but a victim of Porn as well. He got help, he chose his path, and it was hard for him.

    We can choose easy, but we lost that right when we chose to NoFap.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
    AtomicTango likes this.
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    When I abstain for a long time my desire to watch this stuff does fade. What I should have said earlier is a lot of the time I relapse because I choose to, not because I'm getting strong urges. It's just that when I do choose to, I choose this genre. I know once I build up some momentum I will get past this I just also want to be able to better manage the stress that is leading to the desire to reset.

    This is definitely part of it I think. If I dont watch porn for a while and then reset, I tend to get a pretty big spike of anxiety from it. But not from "regular" porn, only from more extreme genres. It's amazing how pliable the brain is sometimes.

    I think my issue with this belief system is most people dont fit into easily definable categories. I get what you are saying though.
  18. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    I'm going to throw a anecdotal curve ball in and say that predominantly Domination Porn would always depict the female as the submissive. This is an extension of the patriarchy society for some time. Femdom hence has this extra attraction due to the exciting and/or unfamiliar role-reversal element in my opinion. It surely has to be one of the genres with the biggest growth in the past 10-20 years... the number of posts about it on this forum would certainly suggest so...

    This attraction to femdom can easily extend to IRL (beyond the screen). In this modern age with growing gender equality, female empowerment etc. I don't necessarily think it makes you a weak or 'beta' male to enjoy or embrace this perspective.

    BUT...it is easy to get hooked, and with that does come a loss of masculinity and self-esteem. Ultimately most women desire a man to be strong, domineering, confident. These traits tend to contradict with the desire of the Femdom obsessed male submissive unfortunately... unless you're willing to pay £££...

    Just my 2 cents anyway. Hope it helps
    Kilrunio and AtomicTango like this.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Interesting insights. I think the role reversal aspect is definitely a part of it, there's something weirdly enticing about it.

    However, the reason I dont like watching it is because I know deep down I dont really like it, because I have no attraction to this sort of thing in real life. Some things I was exposed to through porn are things I genuinely like, nothing extreme at all but I still realised through porn. This though? I only watch it because it's stuck in my brain and I cant seem to shake it off in the same way I did with literally every other weird fetish I picked up along the way. I know it's just compulsion, it's just weird to me that I can easily ignore wanting to watch other types of porn but with this it's much harder, despite the actual content of the porn being so unappealing. It's like I'm addicted to eating gruel when there's a cheeseburger on the plate next to me (weird analogy I know but go with it.)
    Longtime27 likes this.
  20. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    It has a powerful pull that's for sure. The Femdom I mean, not the gruel ;-)
    AtomicTango likes this.