Fish oil supplementation gone bad?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Redemptionisrequired, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    Hope your weekend is going well,

    Figured i'd post this here as it's an attempted self-improvement.

    I was one of the unlucky people who had adverse reaction to taking fish oil supplements.
    Similar to the following study:

    I would wake up feeling hot, realizing I was having anxiety for a short bout. It stopped taking it for about 4 days now and this worry/and insomnia vanished.

    All I can say is if you're adding it to your regime, start slow and gradually increase month to month. It took 40 days for it to hit me.

    Anyone else experience this?
  2. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    I know taking fish oil is important but for me it didn't make me feel a difference the same way it didn't trigger any problem. Possibly the safest supplement out there
  3. The details matter. The formulation in this study is concentrated for EPA, did you also take a lot more EPA? From what I've read DHA is the one that should be emphasized.

    Also what was your dosage, how long did you take it for, did you also find success with depression before these symptoms?
  4. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Definitely! I'm not saying it isn't safe per se, just to be cautious as different people can have different reactions.

    Fish oil/kril oil blend 500mg . EPA 110mg, DHA 67mg. This is all for 1 pill. Very low dosage. I took 2 tablets per day for 22 days, 3 tablets per day for 44 days. It says it can take between 6 weeks to 6 months to take effect. When I hit the 6th week started having severe stomach pains, bloating and gas. I even refrigerated them to make sure it doesn't oxidize/go rancid. Everything vanished when I stopped. I have also tried a straight fish oil supplement in the past for about 20 days or, 600mg Omega 3(I don't remember the details of the EPA DHA dose for that one), same thing over time it just started destroy my stomach and making me anxious lol.

    I have never really been severely depressed aside from the beginning of my reboot , when flatline hit me really hard or during the last few months of my addiction. My issue has been with anxiety during the reboot and elevated stress. It seemed to alleviate some generalized anxiety, but not much.
  5. I wonder if there's more stuff going on with your gut then. Of course for context you'd want to look at your diet overall, and maybe what happens with other non-fish oil essential fatty acid supplementation in general.
  6. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    I only make 1 change at a time, so it was nothing else. My diet is completely clean, free from trans fats and added sugar. Vegetables fresh from the garden. I eat fish twice a week without issue, salmon being one of them. Vitamin D doubled my dose, no issue. I might add a B12 supplement at some point, but we'll see! I have never had that type of gut issue before this though. I'm good now, so no worries there!
  7. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

  8. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    I had read a study that around ( I can be wrong about the amount so don't quote me) 1g of Omega 3 helped reduce stress and anxiety in alcohol addicts going through PAWS vs those taking placebo. I figured I'd give it a try. I made it half way and the results were less than stellar for me.

    I just want to clarify here, in no way am I saying fish oil is detrimental to someones health. For the grand majority its incredibly beneficial ! All i'm advocating is, slow and steady increases if you are looking to up your dosages to see what effects will occur.