I think my boyfriend is addicted to porn / I just want to help

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by New_branch, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. New_branch

    New_branch New Fapstronaut

    So this will be a long story but I try to be as short as possible:

    My boyfriend (26) and I (25) are now dating for 10 years and living together for nearly 5 years. I was his second sexpartner, he was my first.

    His mother passed away when he was 13 because of alcohol addiction. He never talked about to anyone. When his father passed away 5 years ago, we moved together.

    I knew he watched porn and masturbated and I never had a problem with. I really was cool with it.
    Two or three years ago it started that he lost interest in having sex with me and most of the time I tried to make him interested in me as hard as I could. I bought new loungerie, tried new positions. But with time I felt really bad about it and asked him what's the matter of it. Most of the time I tried to talk to him, he grew angry about it. Said it's not my fault and he's just exhausted and tired.
    After a while I was scared to talk about this topic and didn't want to fight about, so I tried to be cool.with it and told myself he told the truth.

    Sooo a few month ago I found out he was a member of a website where you can hire escorts. I asked him about it and he told me that he met two prostitutes. The first one did a foot-job and the second one he hired for sex but he came when she put a condom on him, so it ended with a really short handjob.

    I wanted to leave. I was never hurted so bad in my life. I really love him. He was always my home and I always supported him. But I couldn't handle it so I left him for a few days.

    When we metro talk, he felt horrible. Told me how sorry he was. He said he might be addicted to porn. And the escort thing started when he saw an ad on a pornsite. He was curious about other women. I understood his curiosity and try to forgive him. He told me he would do anything to hold me and would never let happen such a thing again.

    He suddenly started talking about his mother's death and how he struggle with himself on a daily basis. He told me that he always struggled with telling me how beautiful I am in his eyes. ( I was sad a lot about him never saying I'm beautiful, but I never thought of it as a big problem). He told me that when he comes home from work and looks at me, he realizes how beautiful I am, but he can't say it to me and he hates himself for it. He promised me that he will get help from a psychologist and he visited one 5 times now.
    We also had sex a few times since then.
    But he still struggles to talk too me about such deep things. And I know he masturbated a few times in the last weeks.

    A few days ago I found this website and told him about it. He was interested but not much. He said he will give it a try and he didn't masturbated for two days now. But I told him he should read your journals and try to find out if he is really addicted to porn and how he could handle it. But again he grew angry about it.

    I'm feeling so powerless at this moment and I'm struggling really hard with this whole situation. I want to help him but I don't want to put pressure on him. I know he needs to want it. But I think he really needs it.

    As I said, I never had a problem with him watching porn or masturbating. But he already mentioned himself that it might be an addiction.

    He told me that he watches porn twice a day and he is member of a pornsite that helps you to find the best videos. I don't think that it's a normal porn usage. I'm pretty sure he's trying to use pmo to forget his real problems for a short moment.

    Do you have any tips for me to support him?

    I'm sorry for my bad english but I hope you still understand everything.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    WhoStoleMySock likes this.
  2. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    Your English is great.

    I have some advice that is unique to your situation. Having an open line of communication with your boyfriend will be very helpful. You all need to find a way to discuss his PMO problem without your boyfriend getting defensive. You might want to have a conversation with him just about that topic, invite him to explain to you why he is defensive about the topic and how you all can talk about his addiction without the conversation devolving into a mess.

    @Haggis seems to always have the right words for situations like these. And... he speaks from 200+ days of PMO free experience.
    Blondewife likes this.
  3. Welcome to the website, New Branch!

    Your feelings of powerlessness and pain are understandable. Your boyfriend has an addiction. And like most addiciton he is needing more powerful stimulants to get of. That's why his porn usage has escalated to paying for escorts. His brain needs that dopamine hit, and when the cravings come he can hardly help himself. That, unfortunately, is what you are up against.

    There is hope, however. But it has to start with him. You are right, he needs to feel that he needs to change. He needs to take the first step. He needs to do it for himself.

    Have you thought of maybe sharing some of the information on yourbrainonporn.com with him? If he has trouble socializing, concentrating or memory problems, or problems with motivation, it might because of PMO. That was how I first started this journey. To improve some mental problems I have developed as a result of PMO. It's a good first step for someone who thinks he may want to quit, but doesn't have any motivation. It's better to get him to quit for his own reasons than to quit for your reasons. His will will be stronger if he wants to quit himself.

    I'd recomend reading @Blondewife and @Haggis 's journals. They are a couple here who have struggled with many of these same issues. They are in a great place right now in their relationship and they have lots of good wisdom to bestow.

    Also my I say thanks for your boyfriend's sake that you are not just abandoning him? I know what addictions like, it's hard to get out from. He needs all your support. Thanks again, and I wish you and your bf the best of luck!
    Selfdiscovery and Blondewife like this.
  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    It is good that he has done this. It sounds like he is using porn etc to cover up other issues. I thought he would give up everything when you found out. It is not easy to use this site if you are not committed to change. It is only he can decide that.
  5. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Hey New Branch! I'll speak to the quality of your English skills as well. I (like many if not most Americans) can't speak, much less write, a single coherent sentence in another language. So the fact that you can communicate in more than one speaks very highly of you :)

    I also see some hope in your situation. Your boyfriend sounds like he is willing to change, which is a huge plus for the two of you. There are far too many stories on this site from wives and girlfriends who's significant other is unwilling to change and/or unwilling to accept that they have an addiction. The fact that your boyfriend recognizes what is going on for him will work heavily in your favor. The fact that he is seeing a counselor for his past emotional trauma also bodes well. The root of his issues clearly lies in the things that has happened in his past and once he begins to address some of those, it should help him to resist some of the harmful and dangerous methods he is using to cope with his emotional pain.

    What you need to do right now is encourage him to get hold of himself before it progresses any further. There are any number of terrifying conclusions to a PMO addiction, and if he knows just how bad it can get, then that might help nudge him in the right direction. Things like PIED, STDs, legal troubles (for viewing underage porn or a prostitute), and a constantly escalating need for harder and harder porn are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Things like that right there. I bet he never imagined himself visiting a prostitute a few years before that. But porn is a truly insidious addiction. As the addict becomes accustomed to "normal" images and videos, they begin to seek out more hardcore things and even hardcore experiences. There are plenty of totally heterosexual men who find themselves viewing gay porn and visiting male prostitutes because their body craves the dopamine that normal, heterosexual porn can no longer provide. It is an escalating addiction. Just like a heroin or cocaine addict requires more and more of the drug to feel the "high", porn addicts need harder and harder sexual experiences to get the same rush.

    The best thing in the world he can possibly do right now is learn. He needs to read everything he can get his hands on right now. Yourbrainonporn.com is a fantastic resource, as are many journals on this website. There is a fairly inexpensive app for Iphones (and possibly Android phones too) called Brain Buddy that really helped me. It offers fairly short, concise lessons every day about the dangers and subtleties of porn addiction without overwhelming you with too much information all at once. Knowledge will be your boyfriend's primary tool in this fight, for you as well. I highly encourage him to begin his own journal here. He might not think it will help, I didn't think it would help when I started mine. But once I began to pour my feelings and experiences out, I realized that journaling is one of the most powerful therapies I've ever come across. Knowing that you aren't alone in your struggle and that there is literally an army of people on this one website with his exact problems helps you to feel less alone in your fight. I am more than happy to speak with your boyfriend in private if he has any reservations or hangups about posting a public journal (as would many other people on this site). We're all here for the same reason, and he will find no judgement from me. I've been to the depths of the ocean in my addiction and its no fun being there.

    Having said all that, the burden is currently on him to change. He must want it. He must want it more than he's ever wanted anything in his life. It won't be easy, not by a long stretch. But the rewards of being free from the horrible bondage of a porn addiction far outweigh the fleeting benefit of giving in to the craving. And you deserve to have a loving, caring partner. Someone who is devoted to you and your needs as a woman and a partner. He can be that man. All he has to do is take the first step.

    Stay the course.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  6. New_branch

    New_branch New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    First of all I want to thank you for your fast responses and for sharing your experience and thoughts.

    I tried t share yourbrainonporn.com with him, but he found it hart to understand, because he is not as good in understanding english texts as I am.
    But after you all told me how it helped you to start youe journey I gave it another try and searched the whole night for a translation into german and finally found the exact journal in german and other journals about the topic. I shared the links with him.

    This morning he apologised for being rude, when I tried to talk to him. He said he felt like I wanted to make him feel bad and wanted to put pressure on him. But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that I just want to help and support him and don't want to loose him.
    I'm really glad he came to this conclusion by himself.

    And he read the journals and found them 100% accurate for his situation and attitudes. He signed in for german community like this one and want to start his journey. I wanted him to sign in here at nofap.com, but he must find his own way and it's better for him when he shares his experiences and problems with people he actually understand :)
    I hope these people are supportive as you guys are.

    @Haggis thank you so much. Your response helped to to stay strong on this topic and don't give up to soon. I really understand why people are saying that you always have the right words.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    DannyCool likes this.
  7. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Brilliant News :) That is just great news :) Continue to support him :) Once he gets going he will be delighted :)

    If you continue your understanding and empathy by seeing what all us guys have to deal with then this will help a lot. For example @Limeaid is skilled in this understanding. She stays on the forum to support the men and women rebooting in order to develop and maintain compassion in her daily life.
  8. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    That is wonderful news New Branch! :) I'm extremely glad that your BF is starting a journal somewhere that he feels comfortable. He's taking the first necessary steps, if he continues then you two have a great chance at success :)

    And you are an amazingly supportive girlfriend. He is quite lucky to have someone as understanding as you by his side. Kudos!

    Stay the course and Viel Glück!
  9. New_branch

    New_branch New Fapstronaut

    @DannyCool thank you for your support und suggestions!

    @Haggis I read your journals and am really inspired by it. It gives me so much hope and strength to support. I'm glad for you and your wife, that you stopped suffering from your addiction. You both seem like a really caring and loving couple.
    I still have a few questions. You mentioned troubles like PIED and STD. Can you explain them. (I suppose STD are sexual illnesses like herpes bit I'm not sure)
    And I read you still had sex with your wife while you rebooted. And it sounds like your experiences with it were really good and it didn't harm your reboot.
    So we could still have sex while he is rebooting?
  10. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    STDs stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and PIED stands for Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. PIED usually develops from an overuse of porn. A porn addict gets used to watching a great variety of different things whenever he wants to. And when one thing gets boring to him, new material is just a mouse click away. It can make it difficult to become aroused by real women or their partners.

    I am fortunate enough to have never contracted an STD, as my problem was with porn and not actual sex. I did, however, develop PIED and it is a very mentally-damaging problem. It hurts a man's self-esteem to his very core. And it causes a great deal of distress to his partner. Often she is insure if she is problem and fears that she isn't attractive enough. That is not the case, however. It is the addiction taking a deeper hold on the mind of the addict.

    As far as having sex during your BF's reboot, that is a decision each couple makes for themselves. Some men find it more beneficial to abstain from sex for a month or two during the early reboot process, but others feel it is important to reconnect with their partner. Basically, that decision is entirely up to the two of you. It worked well for my wife and I, though :)
    Hypersport likes this.
  11. Hypersport

    Hypersport New Fapstronaut

    I think I may be experiencing PIED. I wasn't certain of the cause until I discovered this community. How was your struggle with PIED? Are you cured?

    P.S. I'm on day 2
  12. @New_branch :

    I think you are at right place.Things will improve for sure.Just stay tuned,don't give-up,help your bf,support him,ask for support,respect yourself,keep yourself motivated and fight hard as things will get harder for him sometimes(and so for you as well) in this journey to make himself free from this addiction.Its a slow process,so don't hurry and it'll take time to reset his mind-body from this addiction but its totally curable/healable.

    Bottom line:Education,self determination,dedication,affection and care can surely heal this.

    Good Luck to both.stay on track!