Porn is boring

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    I've noticed this during my last binging streak. There's only so many types of porn videos you can make and they all start looking the same after a while. When I found something new, it was like finding a gold mine, but searching for it took time and it made me remain in a porn session even longer. Lately, I've found myself fapping to some pretty pathetic stuff (more in the p-sub category... thinks like game mods, fan art etc.) simply because it offered novelty.
    Brazilian Guy likes this.
  2. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    Yup - I agree! In fact, while reading this post I find myself flashing back to a moment in one of my recent relapse in which I was causing through some site, bored as hell feeling like I was looking at the same thing over and over and over. Still, I didn't stop though. Still, I didn't stop...
    vxlccm likes this.
  3. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I wonder if that's why people talk about the danger of novelty-seeking and escalation (or deviation) into darker territory. As per what others are saying here, as well, in experiences leading to similar conclusions about pornography losing effectiveness.

    It's sad because that desensitization has got to be damaging to our minds within our own personal intimate relationships. Very damaging indeed. I think the same thing being said here is what may be at the root of PIED/DE/etc kinds of issues because the brain has just been chemically altered.

    It's weird because when someone takes up smoking, which is addictive, they don't necessarily start smoking more and more every day at some point. Of course, some things are said to be gateway substances and some people definitely chase a 'high' from other drugs. So, I for one am definitely not sure what's going on in the brain that causes the novelty behavior that's unique about pornography.

    My conclusion is, with all these things being the case, it shows how scary it is that we've messed around with a powerful force within the miasma of mind, that something can have a tendency to create unending craving. Blame the addict if you like, say it only happens to certain people, but it does seem a common enough problem that it's a good general reminder to everyone to stay away from pornography, that there are many evil effects.
    Mistersofty and two-face like this.
  4. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    As for me I noticed I am almost unable to get a boner from porn anymore. Is this PIE or just gotten bored from porn?
  5. tiberiansun

    tiberiansun Fapstronaut

    Sexual stimuli is the strongest natural dopamine response for a man. The prospects for a man whose brain ignored the physical presence of a naked women was essentially the end of his blood line (or brain line, if you think that children inherit similar brains to their parents) since the opportunity for naked women throughout history is extremely scarce - and sex doesn't even guarantee procreation so the brain is highly tuned to taking advantage of every opportunity with high priority - other big dopamine drivers in humans such as food gathering or shelter building are far less do-or-die (for survival of brain behaviors that is).

    The problem came through image reproduction, availability + distribution: made possibly through advances in technology, population, and transport. Availability of that once highly scarce visual stimuli is now abundant.

    We are not far from a time where P we be computer generated with a realism similar or better to that which is recorded through cameras. When this happens it will push abundance to levels never before seen and will be very bad for our brains! We need to have developed avoidance strategies and habits before this happens!
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  6. Absolutely! That's so interesting that you replaced after a 10 month streak and thought you were over porn. I cam imagine it...I'm feeling strong right now and no desire at all to look at more porn but I will never underestimate it's power over me especially when I'm feeling low
    Brazilian Guy and SoaringEagle like this.
  7. Having put together about a month and a half of time without porn, on rereading my old threads I find this comment to be extremely helpful. I do sort of feel like something is different this time, like I will never go back, but I also recognize that it is going to take constant vigilance against the thoughts and feelings that would lead me to start browsing again. The solution that I have found to gain traction away from porn is to gain traction towards some greater purpose with which porn interferes. To the extent that I have goals I want to achieve and am actively working towards is the extent to which porn looks like a waste of time.
    ReInForced_Elk likes this.
  8. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I love technology but only porn makes me want to live like a primitive again!
    ReInForced_Elk likes this.
  9. Brazilian Guy

    Brazilian Guy Fapstronaut

    I totally agree. It’s boring and stupid.

    I think that watching it over and over made me boring and stupid as well.

    Quitting PMO means rescuing my real self that was buried under tons of boredom.
    Ghost79 and ReInForced_Elk like this.
  10. Really? I would think primative man didn't have all the "screwy" narratives and artificialities of porn.
    Brazilian Guy likes this.
  11. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    That's why I said I want to be primitive sometimes because of porn, because the primitive man could not have been bothered by other people having sex, he would chase after it himself. And he was busy staying alife, being active, hunting, exploring, crafting instead of sitting hours to watch other people having sex while pleasing himself.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2021
    Lets_deal_with_it likes this.