Shy girl

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. Got insomnia tonight and I honestly got nothing better to do than to brainstorm my latest dating encounters. I have been meeting a girl as friends for a while. She is very pretty and I was hitting on her at first but she didnt seem into me. So we remained friends and met up semi regularly then more and more often up to several times a month. Recently she started flirting and I suspect she always liked me but took a while to be ready or whatever. So now it seems like we are dating. Not a lot of kisses and no sex yet. I suspect this can be pretty serious if I proceed and I dont even know what exactly she is looking for. I like stuff as it is with a nice friendship, emotional connection, spiritual connection without the whole relationship part. But I guess I like het enough to give it a shot. We have good chemistry on every level. Then a second girl messaged me "hi sweethart, want to hang out?". So I got options as well. The first girl is something I want to try out. The second girl seems almost to be crushing on me and I dont feel that way. I would be ok with dating her casually. Both girls are in the same social circle and I better not cause any mess though. I want to leave the girl in a better shape than when I met her. I dont want to mess with peoples emotions. Not sure if I am looking for any advice. I am planning on taking a shot on the first girl. I have nothing to loose and she seems into me even though it is hard to know sometimes. And after summer I will be able to meet people at campus again. I cant remember a year where I didnt have at least a handful of crushes at campus.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  2. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Same old story with you. You are the nice guy with woman you like and you get friendzoned everytime. The womans that you don't care are totally into you because you act indifferent and threat them like they are just another woman in your life.
    You really need to work on this with books like "how to be a 3% man", it can do wonders with your dating life.
    DarkHunter likes this.
  3. emmaclark

    emmaclark New Fapstronaut

    So just choose one of them, don't be dramatic.
    Vanquisher12 and CameronGrah like this.
  4. BetterMeandI

    BetterMeandI Fapstronaut

    Remember that you are the prize bro. If the girl does not act like she is into you much, just give her the impression that she is expendable, because she is. There is enough fish in the sea. If you chase the girl, or try to make them like you, girls will only be push you away.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  5. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    There's no need to be so aggressive and narrow-minded, acting this way will not help him with his dating life.

    I realise that to keep chemistry running being prompt with your affections is often the key to success, but I think it is also possible to win a woman's affections when you've been friends with her for a while - a woman needs to be comfortable with a man before she considers him a potential partner, and becoming friends with her wins that part of the battle, you simply need to start escalating the chemistry by flirting with her and touching her in a more flirtatious way and seeing how she reacts. If she doesn't flirt back, then fine, she's not the right one for you and you can move on and look for someone else (as a strong man quite rightly should), but if she does react flirtatiously then she could easily become a far more loyal and dedicated partner than a woman you attract simply through escalating the chemistry from the beginning, because she will already know you intimately and if she's remained close to you for this long, she obviously holds you in decently high regard, otherwise she would have ghosted you long ago.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. I am sympathetic to these thoughts but you are focused on the wrong thing. What is your life's purpose? What mission are you on? What goals are you working towards? When you have clear answers to questions like these the minutia of the latest date is much less important. If you don't have clear answers to those questions then you might want to adjust your focus.
  7. Thanks. I just did this yesterday and I have decided to remove PMO from my life once and for all. I am tired of always falling short when dating. It has nothing to do with my looks, charisma or flirting game. I can get girls interested easily enough. It is just that my feelings are always numb. I want to change that. Maybe this girl is right for me but the timing isnt. I need to focus on making a good streak and do positive stuff with my life to arrive there. I am having a date with her tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to kiss her tomorrow neither but I am willing to let her go for now. If anything we still have a friendship and maybe I can be the man I should be when I finally get serious with dating again. Dating right now shouldnt be my main focus. I am not ready yet it seems.
  8. Get specific. "No more PMO" is an extremely mediocre goal. How about bench press 200 pounds, or double your salary, or build something from scratch. Women want a man who knows what he wants an knows how to get it. You are going to be a lot happier once you realize how valuable you truly are. The easiest if not the only way to do that is to start setting and achieving goals.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Vanquisher12 like this.
  9. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    This is how weak man think. They chase woman and think how to gain their hart. Masculine man after their pourpose are chase by woman and the woman is the one trying to win his hart. When a woman is chasing you acts completely different when you are after the same woman.

    The friend route to his hart almost never work. Woman can tell when you are into her and if you try to hide your intentions she is going to notice that and you are going to loose with her. She is probably going to use you as a friend while she date a more masculine and direct guy.

    Woman need to be attracted to you in order to consider you a potential date. While dating you she can be confortable with you to hook up. After some time dating she can be confortable enough to consider you as partner.
    She can be confortable with you after weeks of been friends but if she is not attracted toy you, then no matter how confortable she is, she is not going to give you any chance.

    Becoming friends put you in friendzone while chad date her and rock her bed.
    It works in movie but in real life, been friends first doens't work.

    You can do that rigth from the start in a first date.

    Yes.. and you waisted weeks or months been friends with her to get blue balls in the end.

    Yes, a strong masculine man will show his interest to her asking her out. A weak fearfull man will try to fly under the radar (basically hiding his true intentions) as a friend and try to tell her how much she like her in the future.

    Nonesense. A woman that have true desire for you from the beginning is a lot more loyal and dedicated woman than a woman you worked a lot to make her like you.
    A woman that like you from the start will move the world to make you like her, the experiences with that woman are going to be the best and better than with a woman that is not that into you, that don't have a burning desire for you and you convinced her to like you. She is not going to put much of an effort, she know you like her, she knows she got you when ever she wants. That's not attractive for woman.

    This tell me you don't know woman at all and what they react to. Woman are curious creatures, they love novelty, they love mistery, if they know everything about you they get bored and go and look for something more interesting elsewere.

    Yes, you are usefull to her as a friend. Woman love to have male friends to give her attention and validation. There are also woman that will take advantage of weak guys that like the but accept to be their friends. Free meals and nigths out, emotional tampons, financial support, etc. Again, she know you are into her but know you don't have the balls to go after what you want and date her, so she knows you are weak.

    High value woman will ghost you. Low value woman will use you as a friend while she date chad tundercock.

    Another posivility, if a woman wait a man that is weak for several weeks to make a move then she is probably a low value woman (with a lot of red flags) so she don't have options and accept every guy that is into her. That's another good way to spot a woman to avoid.

    Bottom line, go after what you want without fear. Ask a woman out from the start. The once attracted to you are going to go out with you and make your dating experience much more enjoyable. The once that don't are going to keep you in the hook, or friendzone, or ghost you. Don't waste time with them.
    becomingreat likes this.
  10. This is a lot of advice which just showcase how narrow minded you are when it comes to dating. What I was trying to say is that I am not even going to try to make a move on her right now because I dont feel any real attraction for her. It is not me being weak. I am not planning on chasing her. I am planning on staying off PMO for a while and pause my entire dating effort. We are friends. That is as it is. And that might change some day but not until I am ready. You talk as if you know what you are talking about but I dont believe it. It is a too narrow view of how human interactions work. Try reading some different books. Dating is not about being "the man" all the time. I dont care if I appear weak. I know that I am not. I am working on self improvement 24/7. Some day soon it will start to shine trough.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  11. You are right. I didnt mention the specifics but I have them in my hand written diary. I will post it in my journal later but I think I found some really strong reasons to never look back. You under estimate me when you say I cant do any of the things you were mentioning btw ;) I can bench press 200 as a warmup even if I am out of shape and I dont need more money. I am rich compared to my peers. Could buy a house if I wanted to. I can always do better of course but I am already in good shape and got enough money. I am taking a bachelors and having a few side businesses.
  12. I am glad you are meeting with financial and physical success. Maybe you just aren't talking to enough women or otherwise maintaining an active social life. Maybe you are but your attitudes and assumptions are completely wrong. A lot of us are default simps without even realizing it, constantly looking for love and approval from women instead of asserting our boundaries and dictating the terms under which we are willing to engage in relationships. It took back to back experiences with an ex-girlfriend and a new prospective girlfriend for me to finally see the pattern in my own behavior and start seeking guidance. Whatever your private goals are, I hope you succeed in meeting them.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  13. Thanks. You are on to something. I think the core of my dating problems right now is that I need to take my PMO addiction seriously. It cripples my ability to get intimate even if I know about everything that is to know about seducing a woman. I am pretty good looking too. So it does not have to do with looks, money or social skills. My emotions are jacked. I cant get turned on by women anymore. I can have crushes but it doesnt help when my body is inable to respond. I have a lot of female friends. I have an ok social life despite the entire lock down and stuff. I think the solution is to just live as normal. My libido will come back. Maybe not everyone have the patience to wait until I am out of my addiction but I will try to be honest and not lead anyone on just to realize that I cant close the deal.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  14. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Certainly women (at least women who are good prospective partners) are less interested in looks and money than some people say. Of course there are some who are motivated entirely by both of these, but women who choose solely by their looks are primarily looking for a shag, and women who pursue men with a lot of money are often gold-diggers, neither of which are desirable for a long-term relationship. Social skills are important (which is why I’m making the effort to practice mine) but you are right, PMO certainly plays havoc with a man’s confidence and desires and even if you are socially fluent it still makes you question your judgement and make you wonder if you really are interested in a particular girl or not (or even question your sexuality as it has done with me and others :eek:).

    Keep going, friend, and I hope that with time we’ll both be able to free ourselves from PMO and find the girls of our dreams :)
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  15. Thanks. Nothing more to say. You covered it pretty much :)
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  16. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    So you went on 10 dates with a woman but now you don't like her?
    Sounds like a guy that was rejected and instead of accepting he was rejected he just tell people that he didn't wanted her anyway.

    Keep behaving like this with woman you like and you are keep getting the same crappy results. I can help you, but you seam like a guy that is not ready yet to take responsability for his bad performance in dating.
  17. I wasnt rejected. I perfectly friendzoned myself. Thats 100% on me. But since I friendzoned myself I can also get out of it. Now I usually dont agree with your views so I just try to avoid the discussion. I know that you are probably just trying to help but it is not the kind of advice I need to hear because I wont use it. As I see it, my feelings are jacked because of PMO. I get confused and turned off because of PMO. I probably should like her. It is nothing wrong with her. We have chemistry. It is just my brain that is numb. This is why I must do Nofap. I probably shouldnt even date before I can get a decent streak.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  18. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    This is the only thing that I agree with you, but taking it further. Get your shit together all around and then start dating.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  19. Your comments generally come across as pretty harsh. I am not taking any offence by them personally but I believe others might do. People on this forum can be in a pretty bad mental state and constantly getting reminded that you suck at dating isn't exactly helpful for anyone.

    Although I sometimes agree with the stuff you say, it is hard to have a discussion when you paint it all black and white. I think it might discourage some people from even posting.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  20. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    If I told people lies like they are doing great at dating they are going to keep been miserable at dating.
    But if I told them the truth there's a slighly chance they change and do the work to be better.
    I can show them the door, they are the ones that need to go thru it. Red pill, or blu pill. Is their choice.

    I faced the same reality back in my life, I was the typical nice guy that sucked at dating. When I was told the truth it was hard but It made sense. I did the work for years without dating to reach my best self. From that good state of mind I started dating again and my results with woman are amazingly different now. I'm able to spot toxic woman in a second and remove them from my life and attract healthy woman, because I'm a masculine health guy.

    You are in a bad place to date, so the best you can do is to get your shit together and once you are fixed you can have a shot at dating. This is what I recommend to everyone. Most people here think that if they can land a girlfriend all their problemns are going to be solved, but the problem is that if you land a woman from a damaged state of mind you are probably going to be with a woman that is also damaged (healthy woman don't date damaged guys). Two bad don't make one rigth. Not only you are going to carry with your own baggage, but also the baggage of the woman you are dating.

    Harsh reality is the best way to capture a persons attention. To make them really think about it.
    Then is up to them to take action or ignore my posts and read the confortable post that tell them that they are doing everything great and is not their problem they are getting rejected over and over again.