Why can't I be alone, like before?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by WhyNotStop, Jul 15, 2021.

  1. I feel useless. A year ago I was alone and the happiest person the on fucking planet. Now almost a year later, on my second relationship since & I can't seem to find hope nor motivation in myself.

    I was focused last year, going to college in person. I ended a relationship without thinking twice about it because I noticed the other person wasn't putting in the same effort. Now this year I can't even gather the motivation to wake up on time and I continue to cling to people who no longer even want a relationship with me. I keep questioning myself trying to figure out where I went wrong.
    Abel100% and DM10 like this.
  2. EsCargo5

    EsCargo5 Fapstronaut

    Hey brother. How long between relationships?
  3. I wish I was happy when I’m alone. Every time I see happy couples outside, it makes me feel unwanted and inferior.
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  4. It was around two months after the end of the first relationship, but honestly I was still hurting when I went into the second relationship.
    Abel100% and DM10 like this.
  5. I understand this feeling, Last year though... I didn't have a care in the world. I was happy alone
  6. EsCargo5

    EsCargo5 Fapstronaut

    So has the second relationship helped or is that when things started to go downhill? I’m still a little confused on the timeline of events so correct me. I’m not saying at all that it’s your current significant other’s fault. But perhaps there should have been more time between relationships. Giving yourself time to know who you are without being with someone. Maybe that is why you feel like you need to cling to others for happiness(?). I can kind of relate to that. And you are NOT useless, brother.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  7. so the second relationship definitely helped heal the pain I was feeling from the end of the first relationship, but at the end just left me lost.

    I agree with you. I need to learn to be alone, to no longer seek the company of others for happiness. It gets hard tho. It seems like everything else in my life right now is going great, but I feel alone & depressed. I'm sick of "be depression free" guides, I know I need to work on myself and avoid contact with people who hurt me but recently it's seemed like I've been doing the opposite. Using porn to numb myself and recently taking up nicotine to also numb myself. Reaching out to someone who no longer wants a relationship with me and cut me off. This is why I say I've been in a downward spiral.
    EsCargo5 and DM10 like this.
  8. Maybe you put your happiness in other person's hands. Whereas in the past you had it in your control. It's easy to put people on a pedestal, sometimes we even do it unconsciously.
  9. EsCargo5

    EsCargo5 Fapstronaut

    Ok I see. I agree with DM10. It has happened to me.

    So something I have realized is that some people only want you around when it is convenient for them. It is horrible, but that is unfortunately where we fail each other in relationships/friendships sometimes. It’s a shame. Not to sound cliche, but you’re not alone in feeling lonely bro. It’s just a season. You’re 21, right? Man these are the times where you start realizing who your true friends are. Who will be there when you need them and you’ll do the same. But it’s not over night. I’m almost 30 and can relate to what you’re going through. But you’re going through it, not staying there. As far as the porn goes, if you haven’t already, reach out for an AP. It could help talking with others, and not just about porn. I know it hurts now brother, but it’ll pass. Again, you are NOT useless.
    Abel100%, WhyNotStop and DM10 like this.
  10. How are you spending your time when you are alone? Walk us through an average day.
    Gina3111 likes this.
  11. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    sound like depression, you could try reading one of those books where these guys go on isolated place and see what it is like for them to be alone.
    Abel100% likes this.
  12. Very true, I realize this is what I did. My moment of happiness and joy was when I spoke to this person. I put off stuff in life in order to give more time to this person and consequently put this person on a pedestal in my life. I know I can live without this person but it's been a difficult transition.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
    DM10 likes this.
  13. Thanks brother, it's nice to realize this is only a phase in life that I'll soon be able to surpass. Not sure what an AP is, please elaborate. Thank you for the motivation and support. It's been a hard few weeks but I have to continue moving forward, learning to love myself before putting that love towards someone else.
    EsCargo5 likes this.
  14. Time alone recently has not been too productive. I've been able to stay on track by forcing myself do things such as cold showers, but at the first sign of negative emotions I use distractions such as porn to numb those negative emotions. When feeling down and unenergized (ie tired from work) I tend to spend that alone time watching shows that I find interesting.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  15. I want to learn to be alone. I've been reading the book "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving a Fuck" Which has helped me realize there are certain things in my life I shouldn't be giving a fuck about. I'm constantly focusing on the wrong things, which has drained the energy needed to focus on more productive self building activities.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  16. I have struggled mightily to get my life on track for the last 17 years with varying degrees of success. From 17 to 21 I was barely even trying. I just didn’t know how. The most important thing you can do is start making new friends. Without people who can relate to your experiences you don’t have much hope of gaining traction. Just the same, without building productive routines for your time alone you won’t have the capacity to make new friends. Come at it from both angles. Self-care feeds the search for friendship. Friendships motivate self care. Theres a virtuous circle there that elevates anyone who makes the effort to figure out how.
  17. EsCargo5

    EsCargo5 Fapstronaut

    An AP is an accountability partner. If you feel the urge or just need to talk/vent, he will hopefully be there to listen and you can hold each other accountable when you look or want to look at porn.
  18. Look, my friend, I have a few thoughts, maybe they will help.

    The way I see this problem is not with you, it's them.

    Sounds totally cliche. But what I am reading is that you focused on college,
    tried to start a relationship, it didn't work so you moved on,
    and you compare this to a time when you were alone, but seemed happier.

    None of that stuff is a problem.

    The problem is that you might feel down, you might ruminate too much,
    you might spend too much time in your own thoughts, too much time
    in bad feelings, and/or wishing for things to change that won't change.

    Aight, remember, I'm an outsider, only going by the first post in this thread.

    Here is the thing that makes it turn around, or what worked for me.

    When you wake up in the morning, the first question you need to ask

    What do I need to accomplish TODAY?

    Ok, start with a process of elimination.

    Rumination, the past, and bad memories, when to schedule that?


    Some fitness, taking a shower, studying, part or full time job, oil change,
    take out the trash, see the dentist, those are in the list when it's time.

    Even in the Bible it says, don't say that the old days were better times...

    And this takes an extreme measure of self-control for a while, but
    you have to stay positive.

    The problem is that there is little positivity in memories.

    Nobody wins that because either they think that those days were better,
    therefore today sucks.

    Or they think those times were bad and they end up reliving pain.

    This pain doesn't ever heal by reliving it.

    It's like this, if I took everything about you or any person, all their information,
    every detail would fill every paper on earth and more.

    And like a big landowner, like Ted Turner, there are problems just by that scale.

    Ted Turner probably spends a lot of time in court, micromanaging a lot of problems about his land, right? Eminent domain battles, encroachments, water or mineral rights, squatters, thieves.

    But Ted does what he can do, and has to keep living in a mentally healthy space.

    So I would bet that at night, Ted clears out a few hours, plays cards, watches a weird channel like CNN or TNT, reads a book.

    He can't have that healthy space if he doesn't create it.

    Alright, just my opinion. Sorry for the length.

    My best!
  19. Well I want to preface this by saying, I am just a "bro" and have no expertise.

    Rejection, and loss is a part of life. You will meet so many people over the years, some will arouse deepest feelings of love and devotion inside you, but it won't be mutual. This is a totally normal state of affairs. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you, or something is wrong with the world. It is what it is.

    Some people quickly find a mutual love and devotion and are perhaps lucky. Others like myself are a bit unlucky, and will take years to find such a person. (Or maybe we never might.)

    There's nothing special that you can do about it. The only thing you can control in life is the way you go on living it. Self-love, Self-improvement, Self-care, and Self-introspection etc. go a long way in making your life happy. Everything else is optional.

    Work on yourself, and don't worry about stuff that you had no control over. Positive vibes may be bro-science but other people can pick it up. So, work hard, love yourself, forgive yourself too, excercise, maybe get a better physique because mind and body go hand in hand, and who knows what the future will bring to your doorstep.

    Good Luck! And have a fun filled and safe weekend. :)
    Abel100% likes this.
  20. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    maybe lockdowns and fkn social media killed everything for us.
    people dont bother to move their asses bcs everything is online