Are are women has naughty as they portray on onlyfans

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Soulman247, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    Are girls on average as naughty as they portray on onlyfans?
  2. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Idk have you ever met one?
    WesternWolf likes this.
  3. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    I ask because there are so many girls on onlyfans that look like the average girls you see and daily life
  4. Nope. In fact, the sexualization of women on the internet will ruin the way you look at women.
  5. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    Put another way are onlyfans girls as horny and asexual has the act on onlyfans.
  6. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

  7. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    Let me put this in a different way things that women do today

    -where are see-through tops showing their nipples
    -wear bum lifting leggings to show off their bum
    -they post lucid pics on social media tiktok and Instagram
    -They sleep around more
    -I have even seen a girl with her tits out on a UK rap video

    I genuinely believe women are more sexual it's just I am not a high enough value to them for them to be acting like that towards me

    Now I pose another question if above is true and what Jordan Peterson says it's true how do you become more of a high value male so you can enjoy woman more

    We're not here for a long time we're here for a good time
    The seeker likes this.
  8. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    In that you learn to value yourself more, none else can do that for you.
  9. I never used only fans so don't know.

    But I will say that average women can be as horny and kinky as men, they are just more discreet about it.

    Do women behave like porn stars? The answer that would be no.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  10. The seeker

    The seeker Fapstronaut

    No. It is their job to act over sexualized. You really shouldn't be anywhere near that site if you are recovering from PMO addiction. It is in their interest to keep you addicted.
    Candun, Dares Greeneye and Soulman247 like this.
  11. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    So woman
    -showing nipples through the t-shirt
    -wearing bum lifting leggings
    -more girls getting bum lifts
    -normal girls posting sexual instagrams and tiktoks
    -girls wearing next to nothing at festivals

    All of this is an indication that they are more sexualized am I wrong?

    The younger generation is more sexual and onlyfans pushes that narrative that women can make money being sexual
    The seeker likes this.
  12. Onlyfans pages are wrong and the thought of it disgusts me. I'll never support such pages.
    Candun, Dares Greeneye and Phil45 like this.
  13. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Most of the women on OF are faking it to make money.
  14. The seeker

    The seeker Fapstronaut

    Sorry I was talking about only fans where most of the girls are pros so to speak.
    There has always been women who do anything to get attention and social media is a perfect outlet for them. It just wasn't around 20 years ago.

    I think women have always been sexualized just were not as overt as they are now. Women have always liked men with big hands and have bit of a belly on them; the reason being they judged a man's manhood by the size of their hands and like a belly on a man because it rubs against their cl....... during sex.
  15. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Kinda hard to make general accurate statements about any group but, as everyone else in this thread has already said its kinda their job to act that way and they may or may not be very different irl. Don't let porn alter your perspective of an entire group of people. I can't say if men or women are more sexual but women are just human like anyone else so yeah, they like sex and wanna look good, it's not necessarily for others though. But most people don't really act that way with randoms, only with people they potentially wanna get with. So even if a girl was a freak you probably wouldn't know until you're close to getting with her anyways, so i don't think it has to do with your value as a man(sure, there's girls that really are wild with anyone but i don't think that's as common as the internet makes it seem ,like most things). Your value comes from you and living up to standards you set for yourself, not whether or not people are into you.
  16. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Don't worry about women on onlyfans. They're there for one primary purpose: money. Of course like any job, what they do could be something they excel at, and also something they genuinely enjoy or get some intrinsic value from. But the primary motivator is going to be money.

    They're going to act, look, and interact in whatever way they believe will get them the most money. And it is common that sexual practices in which you give money to someone else are not beneficial for you.

    Just don't worry about them. Get your life on track, and meet women in the real world. Some or going to be timid, inexperienced, and looking to explore. Others are going to be total nymphos, going around getting the maximum sexual pleasure from their life. Most will be somewhere in the middle. All of these are totally fine. Forget about the ones trying to make money off you, and go find ones that want to share the experiences they are looking for with you.

    You'll never find happiness or fulfillment pondering the behavior of women on onlyfans. You'll find those things experiencing life, with its pleasures and struggles, with someone else.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
  17. Exactly yes. Its a disgusting money making scheme. An online version of prostitution to describe it in simpler terms if you ask me!
  18. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @Soulman247 is this question genuine? I ask because I am shocked that anyone could actually believe all women are like the women in porn (or on onlyfans). I know that's what pornographers want us to think, but you would need to be very very deeply addicted to actually believe that, or even need to ask. I'm relieved that you have found us, you need to quit. Good luck.
    jcl1990 and the300clean like this.
  19. Soulman247

    Soulman247 Fapstronaut

    I do genuinely believe women are 100 times more sexualized and sexual than they were 10 years ago

    It's the reason onlyfans has even into there head as a job.
  20. reneburlin

    reneburlin New Fapstronaut

    That's so interesting for me!