Road to 1500+ days in Jesus strenght

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Alright, guys! So just figured out that I want to reach like 1530 days since been reading on here that every year of addiction needs 2 months of staying clean(25 years=50 months).
    Right now at about 831 days since started exactly before the start of summer 2 years ago.

    So day 831 - today woke up at 5 am and didn't want to read Bible since read it so much last 2 days, so this moorning did read only a little and couldn't focus. Went to PC and browsed the web for hours and had real strong urges, mostly because skipped 2 showers - one before going to sleep and one after waking up. I felt almost like pmo is an option, sure mind was not clean because of heightened sex drive after skipping showers and giving less time to Christian life. Also played LoL and pretty much wasted like 6 hours of time despite having to work to do at the family garden and errands in city. Most days are easy and almost no urges.

    From this day I remembered that the start of the day is very important and investment in today starts already in the previous day. Also, life is in the movement and God's Word is medicine to the whole body since it lifts up the mood and puts us higher in healthy level thinking.

    God bless your souls.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2021
  2. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Interesting, since I've first ejaculated to porn 12.5 years ago, I guess I need to stay clean for 27 months, infact let me make that 28 months for good measure.

    That's 853 days that I need to shoot for. Where did you get that information about needing to stay clean 2 months for every year of addiction?

    Also, be careful about video games and mindlessly surfing the internet, all dopamine inducing activities should be limited.

    I hope you make it to 1530 days.
    Raahvi and pcmaster like this.
  3. Guess that info about 2 months original came from YourBrainOnporn website.
    You sure have a way to go but time goes fast.

    Yeah, relapsed many times before because of video games, before started believing in God. It's kind of addiction too, but now avoiding it today to do anger since it can easily add to negative emotions. There are 3 ways to hell - lust, anger, and greed.
    modern milarepa and Quezatolah like this.
  4. So day 835.
    Yesterday played a bit of league for like 20 minutes and almost got sick before in a room I played window was open and cold air was coming in.
    Despite that God allowed me to play in a way that I had a free choice because when God don't allow then the laptop keyboard doesn't work at all.
    Today not playing at all because enough of mental masturbation since today two verses opened my eyes wider -
    "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

    "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil."
  5. Day 836.
    Today was pretty good. Not playing yesterday paid off in resulting with prayer before sleep and it was easier to wake up earlier despite going to sleep late(Prayed God to refresh me during the night).

    No urges at all for the last two days ,except wanting to play league.

    Today these two verses spoke strongly because feels like something big is going to happen in spiritual realm and in my country -
    John 16:33
    These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
    Psalm 34:19
    Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
    But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2021
    modern milarepa likes this.
  6. Day 837.
    Today realized that I was building with one hand and destroying with another hand. Reading Bible and praying brings me closer to God but playing heroin video games was distancing me from God. Now these days tried to listen to God more with heart not ears - doing what feels right in heart and not doing what feels wrong. Spending more time with God does awaken consciousness from the dead to alive.
    modern milarepa likes this.
  7. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I never understood why people like video-games. I remember my mother gave me a ps1 when I was 10 years old. I played for 3 days then gave it away to a cousin.

    Never played video games ever again. Praying is more fun
  8. There was a poster on here called Mateo, who came up with the 2 months for every year of the addiction, referencing a video from a doctor.

    Thread is called "ANSWERED - How long will my reboot take?"
    pcmaster likes this.
  9. For intelligent minds, it's less interesting. But to people with a weaker sense of reality pixels can give excitement and a fake sense of achievement or sense of community. To some it's escapism. Been hearing that some people who met in a game even started to live together. In the end, those games are built to carry away. PS1 is pretty light drugs compared to what they have these days. But most games have in common that it's possible to use real-life debit cards in them.
    modern milarepa likes this.
  10. HitoriJanai

    HitoriJanai Fapstronaut

    Why and how did you start believing in God?
    I've been meaning to dive into Judaism for awhile but I cannot get over my skepticism.
    Anyway, your story is very inspiring! I feel much more motivated towards my goal thanks to you.
  11. Long story short, the girl I dated convinced me to visit a church with her cause she wanted me to spend more time with her. There was a lot of young positive people who was very nice to me and I just lost all my old friends because they kept supporting pmo, but I was on a 270+day streak. Then the relationship with the girl died and I decided to give myself all to God to fill up the emptiness. And it really helped because with a girl I sinned a lot before marriage and she was not believing in God and Jesus and was bringing my faith down because she was an authority to me. I gained new friends and places to go after work and a lot of fun events and good food was part of it. That was drawn me in until I started to believe enough to have my own strong faith.

    I don't suggest judaism. Christianity is so much more popular and more modern, that you would have much bigger opportunities.
  12. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I don't want to be that guy but God and Jesus never told you to be a christian, they simply told you to follow them in faith and stay away from sin.

    The bible has nothing to do with christianity, infact all religion is from satan and the religion of christianity strays from the bible and thus sins against God.

    Just giving my two cents.
  13. Word Christian came from word disciple and it means student, follower, later from time after Christ was born again. Jesus said in Luke 14 these verses -

    26 If any man cometh to me [If any man come to me], and hateth(love more Jesus than anything else) not his father, and mother, and wife, and sons, and brethren, and sisters, and yet [forsooth] his own life, he may not be my disciple.
    27 And he that beareth not his cross, and cometh after me, may not be my disciple.
    28 For who of you willing to build a tower, whether he sit not first/whether he first sitteth not, and counteth the expenses that be needful, if he have to perform?
    29 Lest after that he hath set the foundament [Lest after he hath put the foundament], and be not able to perform, all that see, begin to scorn him,
    30 and say [saying], For this man began to build, and might not make an end.
    31 Or what king that will go to do a battle against another king, whether he sitteth not first, and bethinketh, if he may with ten thousand go to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? [+Or what king to going to make battle against another king, whether he sitting first bethinketh not, if he may with ten thousand go against him that cometh to him with twenty thousand?]
    32 [Or] Else yet while he is afar, he sendeth a messenger, and prayeth those things that be of peace.
    33 So therefore each of you, that forsaketh not all things that he hath [that renounceth not, or forsaketh not, all things that he wieldeth], may not be my disciple.
    34 Salt is good; but if salt [shall] vanish, in what thing shall it be savoured?
    35 Neither in earth, nor in [the] dunghill it is profitable, but it shall be cast out. He that hath ears of hearing, hear he.

    If you think that reading Bible is bad then satan have deceived you cause he wants us never o read it. I mean how would you know what God and Jesus want from you if you donnt read what they have said and what they did. Bible is about love and relationship with God and people.
  14. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You misunderstood my point, let me make it easy for you to understand.

    Reading the bible is good.
    Being a christian is not good.

    Read and interpret the bible literally, don't let a pastor interpret it for you.

    Also, actually follow what the bible teaches. Don't favor tradition or what's popular over the word of God.

    That's all I was trying to say.
    pcmaster likes this.
  15. I understand that you are disappointed in Christians and I agree that 99% Christians are not following Bible as they should. But not everyone who calls himself Christian is one because in Luke 14. Jesus said what is the cost and most people who think they are Christians cant pay that price. That's why Jesus' followers shrank from thousands only to 12 when time came to drink Christ's blood and be Christ's bride. This movie explains it pretty well, the meaning of Blood and marriage, being the Christ bride -
  16. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    He said you should be prepared to give up everything if you want to be a disciple, that means detaching yourself from the world and everything in it, not being of the flesh but of spirit, being in the world but not of the world.

    I'm not interested in seeing a movie, like I just told you, reading the bible is enough, I'm not going to watch or listen to anyone or let any form of media tell me anything, that's how satan misleads you.

    Christ bride? Where was this mentioned in the bible?
    pcmaster likes this.
  17. Дружище, тебе не хватает одной Библии для духовного роста. Я из России и ангелы поведали мне о скором пришествии Иисуса Христа. Нужно хранить свои одежды чистыми. Ты забываешь про демонов , которые мешают. У нас в православной церкви для этого есть причастие , но в протестантизме нет этого. Ты должен бросить все игры , это от сатаны. Я сам играл 5 лет в шахматы. Сатана крал время. Посмотри мое свидетельство
  18. Read Matthew 25 if you want to see Christ brides. Also, Jesus mentioned many times parables where He is Groom.

    I mean look at Holy Dinner. It itself is a ritual of marriage. Christ Blood is a covenant of marriage. It all is explained in that movie because it was those times Hebrew tradition of marriage. That's why only 12 followers left after He offered to drink wine from a cup. Not just because it was a blood covenant but also because it was a marriage covenant.
    Also, Bible talks about the spotless bride. Jesus don't know when the Father will come - just like Groom don't know when the Father will come to tell Groom to go get His bride. Too much to explain here but all is explained in the movie.
  19. Thanks for advice. I just deleted all games.
    But it seems like you are too much concentrating on the dark side rather than Light.
  20. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    It's a cute sentiment, but I don't think that every year of addiction needs two clean months to reach some imagined free zone. You can conquer the habit much sooner than that if you're maintaining a disciplined life, and as long as Mr. Winkey is working down there, you can also be occasioned to relapse right into old age and perhaps 3 hours after they bury you even. However, 1500+ days is certainly an admirable target for you to go from here. And, it certainly diminishes the vice for addiction all the more. Just don't set up any unconscious message in your brain that you will have reached some stage of impeccability where relapsing will be difficult or impossible. That very myth/lie might be the very thing that occasions your next fall after passing through the 1500+ day threshold. Best wishes!

    pcmaster likes this.